module Appstats class DateRange attr_accessor :from, :to, :format def initialize(data = {}) @from = data[:from] @to = data[:to] @format = data[:format] || :inclusive end def from_date return nil if @from.nil? mode = @format == :inclusive ? :start : :end @from.to_time(mode) end def to_date return nil if @to.nil? mode = @format == :exclusive ? :start : :end @to.to_time(mode) end def from_date_to_s return nil if from_date.nil? from_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end def to_date_to_s return nil if to_date.nil? to_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end def to_sql return "1=1" if @from.nil? && @to.nil? if !@from.nil? && @to.nil? return case @format when :inclusive then "occurred_at >= '#{from_date_to_s}'" when :exclusive then "occurred_at > '#{from_date_to_s}'" when :fixed_point then answer = "(" [:year,:month,:day,:hour,:min,:sec].each do |t| next if from.send(t).nil? answer += " and " unless answer.size == 1 answer += "#{t}=#{from.send(t)}" end answer += ")" answer end elsif @from.nil? && !@to.nil? return case @format when :inclusive then "occurred_at <= '#{to_date_to_s}'" when :exclusive then "occurred_at < '#{to_date_to_s}'" else "1=1" end else return case @format when :inclusive then "(occurred_at >= '#{from_date_to_s}' and occurred_at <= '#{to_date_to_s}')" when :exclusive then "(occurred_at > '#{from_date_to_s}' and occurred_at < '#{to_date_to_s}')" else "1=1" end end end def self.parse(raw_input) range = return range if raw_input.nil? || raw_input == '' input = raw_input.strip m = input.match(/^today|yesterday|YTD|ytd$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(input) range.format = :fixed_point end m = input.match(/^between\s*(.*)\s*and\s*(.*)$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(m[1]) = EntryDate.parse(m[2]) return range end m = input.match(/^(in|on)\s*(.*)$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(m[2]) range.format = :fixed_point return range end m = input.match(/^before\s*(.*)$/) unless m.nil? = EntryDate.parse(m[1]) range.format = :exclusive return range end m = input.match(/^after\s*(.*)$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(m[1]) range.format = :exclusive return range end m = input.match(/^since\s*(.*)$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(m[1]) range.format = :inclusive return range end m = input.match(/^this\s*(year|month|week|day)$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(input) range.format = m[1] == "week" ? :inclusive : :fixed_point return range end m = input.match(/^(last|previous)\s*(year|month|week|day)$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(input) if m[2] == "week" = range.from.end_of_week range.format = :inclusive else range.format = :fixed_point end return range end m = input.match(/^last\s*(.+)\s*(year|years|month|months|week|weeks|day|days)$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(input) range.format = :inclusive return range end m = input.match(/^previous\s*(.+)\s*(year|month|week|day)s?$/) unless m.nil? range.from = EntryDate.parse(input) to = EntryDate.parse("last #{m[2]}") to = to.end_of_week if m[2] == "week" = to range.format = :inclusive return range end range end def ==(o) o.class == self.class && o.send(:state) == state end alias_method :eql?, :== private def state [@from, @to, @format] end end end