# 1.0.0 * Refactor of authentication code public interface * Remove deprecated `current_user` method * Stable API release # 0.4.0 * Additional methods for interacting with JWT * Refactored all authentication code into separate module # 0.3.8 * Add client.subject(subject_id, *kwargs) # 0.3.7 * Add client.project(project_id) # 0.3.4 * Add `client.add_subject_set_to_workflow` # 0.3.3 * `client.get_subject_classifications` now paginates if there is more than one page # 0.3.2 ? # 0.3.1 * Automatically loads active public key (as of gem release) # 0.2.10 * Fix bug with server errors # 0.2.9 * Be compatible with JRuby # 0.2.8 * Merged Client and TalkClient: `client.discussions` is now just on Client. TalkClient is still present as an alias for Client * Add `client.create_comment` to post a comment in a talk discussions * Add `client.current_user` to get information contained in the authentication token, if given * Add `client.cellect_workflows` to get information on workflows using the cellect services * Add `client.cellect_subjects` to get subject information for a given cellect workflow # 0.2.7 * Add `TalkClient` to interact with the talk api. * Add `client.discussions` to fetch talk discussions for a focus object. * Refactored the client connection code for re-use between talk and panoptes clients. # 0.2.6 * Add `client.workflow` to fetch a specific workflow. * Add `client.create_workflow` * Add `client.subjects` to fetch a list of subjects given filters * Add `client.subject_set` to fetch a specific subject set * Add `client.create_subject_set` * Add `client.update_subject_set` * Add `client.add_subjects_to_subject_set` * ServerErrors will now have the error message in the exception message # 0.2.5 * Add `client.remove_user_from_user_group` that can be used by group admins to remove some other user from a group. * Add `client.delete_user_group` to remove a user group. # 0.2.4 * Add support for the new retirement reason field # 0.2.3 * Add methods for creating project data exports # 0.2.2 * ? # 0.2.1 * Fix bug with token authentication # 0.2.0 * Raise errors on certain server response statuses. * Add put/patch/delete requests. # 0.1.2 * Fix bug with client_id/client_secret authentication # 0.1.1 * Added wrapper file so Bundler's automatic require works. # 0.1.0 * Initial release. Supports only a small amount of API calls (apart from the generic get/post calls).