module Georgia class PageActionsPresenter < Presenter attr_accessor :page, :revision, :options def initialize view, page, revision, options={} @page = (page.decorated? ? page.object : page) @revision = (revision.decorated? ? revision.object : revision) @options = options super end def to_s content_tag :div, class: 'dropdown' do link_to("Actions #{caret_tag}".html_safe, '#', role: :button, class: 'btn btn-warning', data: {toggle: 'dropdown'}) + content_tag(:ul, action_list, class: 'dropdown-menu', role: :menu) end end def action_list html = html << content_tag(:li, link_to_edit) if can?(:edit, page) # html << content_tag(:li, link_to_settings) if can?(:settings, page) html << content_tag(:li, link_to_preview) if can?(:preview, page) html << content_tag(:li, link_to_copy) if can?(:copy, page) html << content_tag(:li, link_to_publish) if can?(:publish, page) and !page.published? html << content_tag(:li, link_to_unpublish) if can?(:unpublish, page) and page.published? html << content_tag(:li, link_to_flush_cache) if can?(:flush_cache, page) html << content_tag(:li, link_to_revisions) if can?(:index, Revision) html end private def link_to_preview link_to "#{icon_tag('eye')} Preview".html_safe, [:preview, page, revision], options.reverse_merge(target: '_blank') end def link_to_settings link_to "#{icon_tag('cogs')} Settings".html_safe, [:settings, page], options end def link_to_edit link_to "#{icon_tag('pencil')} Edit".html_safe, [:edit, page], options end def link_to_settings link_to "#{icon_tag('cogs')} Settings".html_safe, [:settings, page], options end def link_to_copy link_to "#{icon_tag('copy')} Copy".html_safe, [:copy, page], options end def link_to_flush_cache link_to "#{icon_tag('fire-extinguisher')} Flush Cache".html_safe, georgia.flush_cache_pages_path(id: []), options.merge(method: :post) end def link_to_publish link_to "#{icon_tag('thumbs-up')} Publish".html_safe, georgia.publish_pages_path(id: []), options.merge(method: :post) end def link_to_unpublish link_to "#{icon_tag('thumbs-down')} Unpublish".html_safe, georgia.unpublish_pages_path(id: []), options.merge(data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, method: :post) end def link_to_review link_to "#{icon_tag('flag')} Ask for Review".html_safe, [:review, page], options end def link_to_approve link_to "#{icon_tag('thumbs-up')} Approve".html_safe, [:approve, page], options end def link_to_decline link_to "#{icon_tag('thumbs-down')} Decline".html_safe, [:decline, page], options end def link_to_delete options = {} options[:data] ||= {} options[:data][:confirm] = 'Are you sure?' options[:method] ||= :delete link_to "#{icon_tag('icon-trash')} Delete".html_safe, page, options end def link_to_revisions link_to "#{icon_tag('copy')} Revisions".html_safe, [page, :revisions], options end end end