require 'active_support/concern' # # See Historiographer for more details # # Historiographer::History is a mixin that is # automatically included in any History class (e.g. RetailerProductHistory). # # A History record represents a snapshot of a primary record at a particular point # in time. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # E.g. You have a RetailerProduct (ID: 1) that makes the following changes: # # 1) rp = RetailerProduct.create(name: "Sabra") # # 2) rp.update(name: "Sabra Hummus") # # 3) rp.update(name: "Sabra Pine Nut Hummus") # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Your RetailerProduct record looks like this: # # <#RetailerProduct:0x007fbf00c78f00 name: "Sabra Pine Nut Hummus"> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # But your RetailerProductHistories look like this: # # rp.histories # # <#RetailerProductHistory:0x007fbf00c78f01 name: "Sabra", history_started_at: 1.minute.ago, history_ended_at: 30.seconds.ago> # <#RetailerProductHistory:0x007fbf00c78f02 name: "Sabra Hummus", history_started_at: 30.seconds.ago, history_ended_at: 10.seconds.ago> # <#RetailerProductHistory:0x007fbf00c78f03 name: "Sabra Pine Nut Hummus", history_started_at: 10.seconds.ago, history_ended_at: nil> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Since these Histories are intended to represent a snapshot in time, they should never be # deleted or modified directly. Historiographer will manage all of the nuances for you. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Your classes should be written like this: # # class RetailerProduct < ActiveRecord::Base # include Historiographer # end # # # This class is created automatically. You don't # # need to create a file yourself, unless you # # want to add additional methods. # # # class RetailerProductHistory < ActiveRecord::Base # include Historiographer::History # end # module Historiographer module History extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do |base| clear_validators! if respond_to?(:clear_validators!) # # A History class (e.g. RetailerProductHistory) will gain # access to a current scope, returning # the most recent history. # scope :current, -> { where(history_ended_at: nil).order(id: :desc) } # # Historiographer is opinionated about how History classes # should be named. # # For a class named "RetailerProductHistory", the History class should be named # "RetailerProductHistory." # foreign_class_name =$/) {} # e.g. "RetailerProductHistory" => "RetailerProduct" foreign_class = foreign_class_name.constantize association_name = foreign_class_name.split("::").last.underscore.to_sym # e.g. "RetailerProduct" => :retailer_product # Store the original class for method delegation class_variable_set(:@@original_class, foreign_class) # # A History class will be linked to the user # that made the changes. # # E.g. # # RetailerProductHistory.first.user # # To use histories, a user class must be defined. # unless foreign_class.ancestors.include?(Historiographer::Silent) belongs_to :user, foreign_key: :history_user_id end # Add method_added hook to the original class foreign_class.singleton_class.class_eval do # Keep track of original method_added if it exists if method_defined?(:method_added) alias_method :original_method_added, :method_added end define_method(:method_added) do |method_name| # Skip if we're already in the process of defining a method return if Thread.current[:defining_historiographer_method] begin Thread.current[:defining_historiographer_method] = true # Call original method_added if it exists original_method_added(method_name) if respond_to?(:original_method_added) # Get the method object to check if it's from our class (not inherited) method_obj = instance_method(method_name) return unless method_obj.owner == self # Skip if we've already defined this method in the history class return if foreign_class.history_class.method_defined?(method_name) foreign_class.history_class.class_eval do define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| forward_method(method_name, *args, &block) end end ensure Thread.current[:defining_historiographer_method] = false end end end do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| forward_method(method_name, *args, &block) end end # Add method_missing for any methods we might have missed def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) original_class = self.class.class_variable_get(:@@original_class) if original_class.method_defined?(method_name) forward_method(method_name, *args, &block) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) original_class = self.class.class_variable_get(:@@original_class) original_class.method_defined?(method_name) || super end # # Historiographer will automatically setup the association # to the primary class (e.g. RetailerProduct) # # If the History class has already defined this association, raise # an error, because we don't yet see any reason why end users # should be allowed to override this method. # # At some point, we may decide to allow this, but for now, we don't # know what the requirements/use cases would be. # # e.g. # # if RetailerProductHistory.respond_to?(:retailer_product) # raise "RetailerProductHistory already has #retailer_product association. Talk to Brett if this is a legit use case" # else # belongs_to :retailer_product, class_name: RetailerProduct # end # if base.respond_to?(association_name) raise "#{base} already has ##{association_name} association. Talk to Brett if this is a legit use case." else belongs_to association_name, class_name: foreign_class_name end # Enable STI for history classes if foreign_class.sti_enabled? self.inheritance_column = 'type' end # Ensure we can't destroy history records before_destroy { |record| raise "Cannot destroy history records" } # # A History record should never be destroyed. # # History records are immutable, so we enforce # this constraint as much as we can at the Rails layer. # def destroy false end def destroy! false end # # History records should never be updated, except to set # history_ended_at (when they are overridden by future histories). # # If the record was already persisted, then they only change it # is allowed to make is to history_ended_at. # # If the record was not already persisted, proceed as normal. # def save(*args, **kwargs) if persisted? && (changes.keys - %w(history_ended_at snapshot_id)).any? false else super(*args, **kwargs) end end def save!(*args, **kwargs) if persisted? && (changes.keys - %w(history_ended_at snapshot_id)).any? false else super(*args, **kwargs) end end # Returns the most recent snapshot for each snapshot_id # Orders by history_started_at and id to handle cases where multiple records # have the same history_started_at timestamp scope :latest_snapshot, -> { where.not(snapshot_id: nil) .select('DISTINCT ON (snapshot_id) *') .order('snapshot_id, history_started_at DESC, id DESC') } # Dynamically define associations on the history class foreign_class.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |association| define_history_association(association) end def snapshot raise "Cannot snapshot a history model!" end def is_history_class? true end end class_methods do def is_history_class? true end def original_class unless class_variable_defined?(:@@original_class) class_variable_set(:@@original_class,$/, '').constantize) end class_variable_get(:@@original_class) end def define_history_association(association) if association.is_a?(Symbol) || association.is_a?(String) association = original_class.reflect_on_association(association) end assoc_name = assoc_module = association.active_record.module_parent assoc_history_class_name = "#{association.class_name}History" begin assoc_module.const_get(assoc_history_class_name) assoc_history_class_name = "#{assoc_module}::#{assoc_history_class_name}" unless assoc_history_class_name.match?("#{assoc_module}::")) rescue end assoc_foreign_key = association.foreign_key # Skip through associations to history classes to avoid infinite loops return if association.class_name.end_with?('History') # Always use the history class if it exists assoc_class = assoc_history_class_name.safe_constantize || association.class_name) assoc_class_name = # Define the scope to filter by snapshot_id for history associations scope = if assoc_class_name.match?(/History/) ->(history_instance) { where(snapshot_id: history_instance.snapshot_id) } else ->(history_instance) { all } end case association.macro when :belongs_to belongs_to assoc_name, scope, class_name: assoc_class_name, foreign_key: assoc_foreign_key, primary_key: assoc_foreign_key when :has_one has_one assoc_name, scope, class_name: assoc_class_name, foreign_key: assoc_foreign_key, primary_key: history_foreign_key when :has_many has_many assoc_name, scope, class_name: assoc_class_name, foreign_key: assoc_foreign_key, primary_key: history_foreign_key end end # # The foreign key to the primary class. # # E.g. PostHistory.history_foreign_key => post_id # def history_foreign_key return @history_foreign_key if @history_foreign_key # CAN THIS BE TABLE OR MODEL? @history_foreign_key = end def sti_base_class return @sti_base_class if @sti_base_class base_name = name.gsub(/History$/, '') base_class = base_name.constantize while base_class.superclass != ActiveRecord::Base base_class = base_class.superclass end @sti_base_class = base_class end end def original_class self.class.original_class end private def dummy_instance return @dummy_instance if @dummy_instance # Only exclude history-specific columns cannot_keep_cols = %w(history_started_at history_ended_at history_user_id snapshot_id) cannot_keep_cols += [self.class.history_foreign_key]!(&:to_s) attrs = attributes.clone attrs[original_class.primary_key] = attrs[self.class.history_foreign_key] if original_class.sti_enabled? # Remove History suffix from type if present attrs[original_class.inheritance_column] = attrs[original_class.inheritance_column]&.gsub(/History$/, '') end # Manually handle creating instance WITHOUT running find or initialize callbacks # We will manually run callbacks below # See: # attributes = original_class.attributes_builder.build_from_database(attrs.except(*cannot_keep_cols)) instance = original_class.allocate # Set the internal attributes instance.instance_variable_set(:@attributes, attributes) instance.instance_variable_set(:@new_record, false) # Initialize internal variables without triggering callbacks instance.send(:init_internals) # Filter out any methods that are not overridden on the history class history_methods = self.class.instance_methods(false) history_class_location = Module.const_source_location(! do |method| self.class.instance_method(method).source_location.first == history_class_location end history_methods.each do |method_name| instance.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| history_instance = instance.instance_variable_get(:@_history_instance) history_instance.send(method_name, *args, &block) end end end # For each association in the history class self.class.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |reflection| # Define a method that forwards to the history association instance.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method( do |*args, &block| history_instance = instance.instance_variable_get(:@_history_instance) history_instance.send(, *args, &block) end end end instance.instance_variable_set(:@_history_instance, self) if instance.send(original_class.primary_key).present? instance.run_callbacks(:find) end instance.run_callbacks(:initialize) @dummy_instance = instance end def forward_method(method_name, *args, &block) if method_name == :class || method_name == 'class' self.class else dummy_instance.send(method_name, *args, &block) end end end end