require 'active_support/time' # This is a straight-up copy of railties/lib/rails/generators/generated_attribute.rb module Lanes module Command class ModelAttribute # :nodoc: INDEX_OPTIONS = %w(index uniq) UNIQ_INDEX_OPTIONS = %w(uniq) attr_accessor :name, :type attr_reader :attr_options attr_writer :index_name class << self def parse(column_definition) name, type, has_index = column_definition.split(':') # if user provided "name:index" instead of "name:string:index" # type should be set blank so GeneratedAttribute's constructor # could set it to :string has_index, type = type, nil if INDEX_OPTIONS.include?(type) type, attr_options = *parse_type_and_options(type) type = type.to_sym if type if type && reference?(type) references_index = UNIQ_INDEX_OPTIONS.include?(has_index) ? { unique: true } : true attr_options[:index] = references_index end new(name, type, has_index, attr_options) end def reference?(type) [:references, :belongs_to].include? type end private # parse possible attribute options like :limit for string/text/binary/integer, :precision/:scale for decimals or :polymorphic for references/belongs_to # when declaring options curly brackets should be used def parse_type_and_options(type) case type when /(string|text|binary|integer)\{(\d+)\}/ return $1, limit: $2.to_i when /decimal\{(\d+)[,.-](\d+)\}/ return :decimal, precision: $1.to_i, scale: $2.to_i when /(references|belongs_to)\{(.+)\}/ type = $1 provided_options = $2.split(/[,.-]/) options = Hash[ { |opt| [opt.to_sym, true] }] return type, options else return type, {} end end end def initialize(name, type=nil, index_type=false, attr_options={}) @name = name @type = type || :string @has_index = INDEX_OPTIONS.include?(index_type) @has_uniq_index = UNIQ_INDEX_OPTIONS.include?(index_type) @attr_options = attr_options end def field_type @field_type ||= case type when :integer then :number_field when :float, :decimal then :text_field when :time then :time_select when :datetime, :timestamp then :datetime_select when :date then :date_select when :text then :text_area when :boolean then :check_box else :text_field end end def default @default ||= case type when :integer then 1 when :float then 1.5 when :decimal then "9.99" when :datetime, :timestamp, :time then when :date then when :string then name == "type" ? "" : "MyString" when :text then "MyText" when :boolean then false when :references, :belongs_to then nil else "" end end def plural_name name.sub(/_id$/, '').pluralize end def singular_name name.sub(/_id$/, '').singularize end def human_name name.humanize end def index_name @index_name ||= if polymorphic? %w(id type).map { |t| "#{name}_#{t}" } else column_name end end def column_name @column_name ||= reference? ? "#{name}_id" : name end def foreign_key? !!(name =~ /_id$/) end def reference? self.class.reference?(type) end def polymorphic? self.attr_options[:polymorphic] end def required? self.attr_options[:required] end def has_index? @has_index end def has_uniq_index? @has_uniq_index end def password_digest? name == 'password' && type == :digest end def inject_options "".tap { |s| options_for_migration.each { |k,v| s << ", #{k}: #{v.inspect}" } } end def inject_index_options has_uniq_index? ? ", unique: true" : "" end def options_for_migration @attr_options.dup.tap do |options| if required? options.delete(:required) options[:null] = false end end end def client_type @client_type ||= case type when :datetime then 'date' when :integer then 'integer' when :float then 'number' when :text then 'string' when :string then 'string' when :boolean then 'boolean' when :decimal then 'bigdec' when :hstore then 'object' when :references, :belongs_to then 'integer' else 'any' end end def belongs_to? :belongs_to == type end end end end