<%= render "lookbook/partials/blank_slate" do %> <% if @blank_slate %> <%= lookbook_render :message, id: "welcome-message", title: "Welcome to your Lookbook!", icon: :logo do %>

There isn't much to see yet, but <%= link_to "component previews", "#{@config.links.docs}/guide/previews", target: "_blank" %> and <%= link_to "content pages", "#{@config.links.docs}/guide/pages", target: "_blank" %> will show up here as soon as they are added.

<% end %> <% else %> <%= lookbook_render :message, id: "get-started-message", title: @config.project_name, icon: :inspect, icon_position: :right do %>

Select a preview from the nav to get started.

<% end %> <% end %> <% end %>