module ActiveFacts class DependencyAnalyser def initialize enumerable, &block @enumerable = enumerable analyse_precursors &block end def analyse_precursors &block @precursors = {} @enumerable.each do |item| @precursors[item] = end end def analyse_precursors_transitive all_precursors = proc do |item| p = @precursors[item] all = p + do |precursor| p.include?(precursor) ? [] : end.flatten all.uniq end @precursors_transitive = {} @enumerable.each do |item| @precursors_transitive[item] = end end def analyse_followers @followers ={|h, k| h[k] = [] } @enumerable.each do |item| @precursors[item].each do |precursor| @followers[precursor] << item end end end def analyse_chasers analyse_precursors_transitive unless @precursors_transitive analyse_followers unless @followers # A follower is an object with us as a precursor, that has no new precursors of its own @chasers = {} @enumerable.each do |item| @chasers[item] = do |follower| @precursors[follower].include?(item) and (@precursors_transitive[follower] - @precursors_transitive[item] - [item]).size == 0 end end end def tsort &block analyse_precursors unless @precursors emitted = {} pass = 0 until emitted.size == @enumerable.size next_items = [] blocked = @enumerable.inject({}) do |hash, item| next hash if emitted[item] blockers ={|precursor| !emitted[precursor]} if blockers.size > 0 hash[item] = blockers else next_items << item end hash end return blocked if next_items.size == 0 # Cannot make progress # puts "PASS #{pass += 1}" next_items.each do |item| emitted[item] = true end end nil end def each &b if block_given? @enumerable.each { |item| yield item} else @enumerable end end def precursors item = nil, &b analyse_precursors unless @precursors if item if block_given? Array(@precursors[item]).each { |precursor| yield precursor, item } else Array(@precursors[item]) end else @enumerable.each do |item| precursors(item, &b) end end end def precursors_transitive item, &b analyse_precursors_transitive unless @precursors_transitive if item if block_given? Array(@precursors_transitive[item]).each { |precursor| yield precursor, item } else Array(@precursors_transitive[item]) end else @enumerable.each do |item| precursors_transitive(item, &b) end end end def followers item = nil, &b analyse_followers unless @followers if item if block_given? Array(@followers[item]).each { |follower| yield follower, item } else Array(@followers[item]) end else @enumerable.each do |item| followers(item, &b) end end end def chasers item, &b analyse_chasers unless @chasers if item if block_given? Array(@chasers[item]).each { |follower| yield follower, item } else Array(@chasers[item]) end else @enumerable.each do |item| follower(item, &b) end end end # Compute the page rank of the objects # If used, the block shold return the starting weight def page_rank damping = 0.85, &weight weight ||= proc {|item| 1.0} @total = 0 @rank = {} @enumerable.each do |item| @total += (@rank[item] = * 1.0) end # Normalize: @enumerable.each do |item| @rank[item] /= @total end 50.times do |iteration| @enumerable.each do |item| links = (precursors(item) + followers(item)).uniq linked_rank = do |l| onward_links = (precursors(l) + followers(l)).uniq || @enumerable.size @rank[l] / onward_links.size end.inject(&:+) || 0 @rank[item] = (1.0-damping) + damping*linked_rank end end @rank end end end