user_update_success_title: Congratulations
user_update_success: You have successfully updated your account.
noneSelectedText: 'Nothing selected'
noneResultsText: 'No results found {0}'
countSelectedText: 'Selected {0} of {1}'
newPassword: "New Password"
signOut: "Sign Out"
changePassword: "Change Password"
update: "Update"
back: "Back"
leaveBlank: "leave it blank if you don't want to change it"
needCurrentPwd: "we need your current password to confirm your changes"
legalAdvice: "Legal Notice"
privacyPolicy: "Privacy Policy"
success: "Thank you for your message. We will contact you soon!"
error: "Sorry, there has been an error."
emailSubject: "Contact from your website"
tel: "Telephone"
email: "Email"
name: "Name"
subject: "Subject"
message: "Message"
address: "Address"
contactUs: "Contact"
requestPropertyInfo: "Request info"
aboutUs: "About Us"
contactUsPrompt: "Fill in the following form to contact us"
send: "Send"
propertyNotFound: "Property not found"
forRent: "For Rent"
forSale: "For Sale"
propertyForRent: "Property for rent"
propertyForSale: "Property for sale"
selectUrl: "Select a url"
selectUrlMessage: "You have successfully created an account - now select the url for your new site"
subdomain: "subdomain"
claimSubdomain: "Claim this url"
subdomainMissing: "Please enter a name for the subdomain"
urlNotAvailable: "Sorry, this url is not available"
goToYourSite: "Go to your site"
thankYouForTrusting: "Thank you for trusting %{company_name}"
weAreCreatingSite: "We are creating your site"
createdSuccessfully: "Site created successfully"
loggedInAs: "Logged in as "
logout: "Logout"
registerNow: "Register now"
tagLine: "Professional websites for estate agents in minutes"
tagLineExt: "Beautiful websites that have to be seen to be believed.
No one gets you online quicker."
getStarted: "Get started now"
createPrompt: "Create your estate agency website"
# createTagLine: "No one gets you online quicker"
createTagLine: "Please enter the details for your account"
# TODO - have a variable for company name so I can switch b/n klavado and property squares
copyright: "%{company_name} Inc. All rights reserved."
price: "Price"
monthlyRentalPriceLowSeason: "Monthly Price (Low Season)"
monthlyRentalPriceStandardSeason: "Monthly Price (Standard Season)"
monthlyRentalPriceHighSeason: "Monthly Price (High Season)"
operationType: "Operation Type"
propertyType: "Property Type"
locality: "Locality"
ref: "Ref"
furniture: "Furniture"
highlightedProperty: "Outstanding Property"
goToProperty: "View Property"
details: "Details"
description: "Description"
extras: "Features"
map: "Map"
home: "Home"
admin: "Admin"
aboutUs: "About Us"
sell: "Sell"
buy: "Buy"
rent: "Rent"
contactUs: "Contact"
legalAdvice: "Legal Notice"
privacyPolicy: "Privacy Policy"
menu_admin: "admin"
true: "Yes"
false: "No"
editarPropiedad: "Edit a property"
nuevoPropiedad: "New property"
listadoPropiedades: "List of properties"
searchForProperties: "Search for properties"
search: "Search"
findByReference: "Find by reference"
go: "Go"
findAProperty: "Find a property"
orderBy: "Order by"
noResultsForSearch: "Sorry, no results found"
priceAscending: ↓ Price (ascending)
priceDescending: ↑ Price (descending)
email: "Your email"
name: "Your name"
tel: "Fixed or mobile"
subject: "Subject"
message: "Write your message here"
edit: "Edit"
new: "New"
save: "Save"
create: "Create"
aboutUs: "About us"
contactInformation: "Contact information"
home: "Home"
sell: "Sell"
tagLine: "Tag Line"
welcome: "Welcome"
confirm_registration: "Please confirm your account through the link below"
received_on: "Received on"
from: "From"
phone: "Tel"
message: "Message"
property: "Property"
subject: ""
message_title: ""
title: "General enquiry from your website"
title: "Enquiry regarding a property"
"yes": 'Yes'
"no": 'No'
text: 'required'
mark: '*'
# You can uncomment the line below if you need to overwrite the whole required html.
# When using html, text and mark won't be used.
# html: '*'
for_rent_price_from: 'Rent From (Monthly)'
for_rent_price_till: 'Rent Till (Monthly)'
for_sale_price_from: 'Price From'
for_sale_price_till: 'Price Till'
count_bedrooms: 'Bedrooms (min)'
count_bathrooms: 'Bathrooms (min)'
property_type: 'Property Type'
property_state: 'Property State'
locality: 'Locality'
in_locality: 'Locality'
in_zone: 'Zone'
# hints:
# search:
# price_from: 'User name to sign in.'
# price_till: 'No special characters, please.'
# placeholders:
# search:
# price_from: 'Your username'
# price_till: '****'
default_message: "Please review the problems below:"