module Unix::Pkg include Beaker::CommandFactory # This method overrides {Beaker::Host#pkg_initialize} to provide # unix-specific package management setup def pkg_initialize @apt_needs_update = true end def check_for_command(name) result = exec("which #{name}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => (0...127)) case self['platform'] when /solaris-10/ result.stdout =~ %r|/.*/#{name}| else result.exit_code == 0 end end def check_for_package(name) case self['platform'] when /sles-/ result = exec("zypper se -i --match-exact #{name}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => (0...127)) when /el-4/ @logger.debug("Package query not supported on rhel4") return false when /fedora|centos|eos|el-/ result = exec("rpm -q #{name}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => (0...127)) when /ubuntu|debian|cumulus/ result = exec("dpkg -s #{name}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => (0...127)) when /solaris-11/ result = exec("pkg info #{name}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => (0...127)) when /solaris-10/ result = exec("pkginfo #{name}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => (0...127)) else raise "Package #{name} cannot be queried on #{self}" end result.exit_code == 0 end # If apt has not been updated since the last repo deployment it is # updated. Otherwise this is a noop def update_apt_if_needed if self['platform'] =~ /debian|ubuntu|cumulus/ if @apt_needs_update execute("apt-get update") @apt_needs_update = false end end end def install_package(name, cmdline_args = '', version = nil) case self['platform'] when /sles-/ execute("zypper --non-interactive in #{name}") when /el-4/ @logger.debug("Package installation not supported on rhel4") when /fedora|centos|eos|el-/ if version name = "#{name}-#{version}" end execute("yum -y #{cmdline_args} install #{name}") when /ubuntu|debian|cumulus/ if version name = "#{name}=#{version}" end update_apt_if_needed execute("apt-get install --force-yes #{cmdline_args} -y #{name}") when /solaris-11/ execute("pkg #{cmdline_args} install #{name}") when /solaris-10/ execute("pkgutil -i -y #{cmdline_args} #{name}") else raise "Package #{name} cannot be installed on #{self}" end end def uninstall_package(name, cmdline_args = '') case self['platform'] when /sles-/ execute("zypper --non-interactive rm #{name}") when /el-4/ @logger.debug("Package uninstallation not supported on rhel4") when /fedora|centos|eos|el-/ execute("yum -y #{cmdline_args} remove #{name}") when /ubuntu|debian|cumulus/ execute("apt-get purge #{cmdline_args} -y #{name}") when /solaris-11/ execute("pkg #{cmdline_args} uninstall #{name}") when /solaris-10/ execute("pkgutil -r -y #{cmdline_args} #{name}") else raise "Package #{name} cannot be installed on #{self}" end end # Upgrade an installed package to the latest available version # # @param [String] name The name of the package to update # @param [String] cmdline_args Additional command line arguments for # the package manager def upgrade_package(name, cmdline_args = '') case self['platform'] when /sles-/ execute("zypper --non-interactive --no-gpg-checks up #{name}") when /el-4/ @logger.debug("Package upgrade is not supported on rhel4") when /fedora|centos|eos|el-/ execute("yum -y #{cmdline_args} update #{name}") when /ubuntu|debian|cumulus/ update_apt_if_needed execute("apt-get install -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' #{cmdline_args} -y --force-yes #{name}") when /solaris-11/ execute("pkg #{cmdline_args} update #{name}") when /solaris-10/ execute("pkgutil -u -y #{cmdline_args} ${name}") else raise "Package #{name} cannot be upgraded on #{self}" end end # Debian repositories contain packages for all architectures, so we # need to map to an architecturless name for each platform DEBIAN_PLATFORM_CODENAMES = { 'debian-6-amd64' => 'squeeze', 'debian-6-i386' => 'squeeze', 'debian-7-amd64' => 'wheezy', 'debian-7-i386' => 'wheezy', 'ubuntu-10.04-amd64' => 'lucid', 'ubuntu-10.04-i386' => 'lucid', 'ubuntu-12.04-amd64' => 'precise', 'ubuntu-12.04-i386' => 'precise', } # Deploy apt configuration generated by the packaging tooling # # @note Due to the debian use of codenames in repos, the # DEBIAN_PLATFORM_CODENAMES map must be kept up-to-date as # support for new versions is added. # # @note See {Beaker::DSL::Helpers#deploy_package_repo} for info on # params def deploy_apt_repo(path, name, version) codename = DEBIAN_PLATFORM_CODENAMES[self['platform']] if codename.nil? @logger.warning "Could not determine codename for debian platform #{self['platform']}. Skipping deployment of repo #{name}" return end repo_file = "#{path}/deb/pl-#{name}-#{version}-#{codename}.list" do_scp_to repo_file, "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/#{name}.list", {} @apt_needs_update = true end # Deploy yum configuration generated by the packaging tooling # # @note See {Beaker::DSL::Helpers#deploy_package_repo} for info on # params def deploy_yum_repo(path, name, version) repo_file = "#{path}/rpm/pl-#{name}-#{version}-repos-pe-#{self['platform']}.repo" do_scp_to repo_file, "/etc/yum.repos.d/#{name}.repo", {} end # Deploy zypper repo configuration generated by the packaging tooling # # @note See {Beaker::DSL::Helpers#deploy_package_repo} for info on # params def deploy_zyp_repo(path, name, version) repo_file = "#{path}/rpm/pl-#{name}-#{version}-repos-pe-#{self['platform']}.repo" repo = IniFile.load(repo_file) repo_name = repo.sections[0] repo_url = repo[repo_name]["baseurl"] execute("zypper ar -t YUM #{repo_url} #{repo_name}") end # Deploy configuration generated by the packaging tooling to this host. # # This method calls one of #deploy_apt_repo, #deploy_yum_repo, or # #deploy_zyp_repo depending on the platform of this Host. # # @note See {Beaker::DSL::Helpers#deploy_package_repo} for info on # params def deploy_package_repo(path, name, version) if not File.exists? path @logger.warning "Was asked to deploy package repository from #{path}, but it doesn't exist!" return end case self['platform'] when /el-4/ @logger.debug("Package repo deploy is not supported on rhel4") when /fedora|centos|eos|el-/ deploy_yum_repo(path, name, version) when /ubuntu|debian|cumulus/ deploy_apt_repo(path, name, version) when /sles/ deploy_zyp_repo(path, name, version) else # solaris, windows raise "Package repo cannot be deployed on #{self}; the platform is not supported" end end end