* HTMLElement - DOM Level 2
$w.__defineGetter__("HTMLElement", function(){
return function(){
throw new Error("Object cannot be created in this context");
var Element = function(node){
var $dom = node,
$id = createGUID();
$w.__defineGetter__("Element", function(){
var $dom, $id;
return function(elem){
$dom = elem;
$id = createGUID();
__extend__(this, new DOMNode($dom));
// A lot of the methods defined below belong in HTML specific
// subclasses. This is already unwieldy since most of these
//methods are meant for general xml consumption
__extend__(this, {
get nodeName(){
return this.tagName;
get tagName(){
return $dom.getTagName().toUpperCase();
toString: function(){
return "<" + this.tagName + (this.id ? "#" + this.id : "" ) + ">";
get outerHTML(){
var ret = "<" + this.tagName, attr = this.attributes;
for ( var i in attr )
ret += " " + i + "='" + attr[i] + "'";
if ( this.childNodes.length || this.nodeName == "SCRIPT" )
ret += ">" + this.childNodes.outerHTML +
"" + this.tagName + ">";
ret += "/>";
return ret;
get attributes(){
var attr = {}, attrs = $dom.getAttributes();
for ( var i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++ ){
attr[ attrs.item(i).nodeName ] = attrs.item(i).nodeValue;
}return attr;
get innerHTML(){
return this.childNodes.outerHTML;
set innerHTML(html){
html = html.replace(/<\/?([A-Z]+)/g, function(m){
return m.toLowerCase();
}).replace(/ /g, " ");
var dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString("" + html + "");
var nodes = this.ownerDocument.importNode( dom.documentElement, true ).childNodes;
while (this.firstChild){
this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ )
this.appendChild( nodes[i] );
get textContent(){
function nav(nodes){
var str = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ){
if ( nodes[i].nodeType == 3 ){
str += nodes[i].nodeValue;
}else if ( nodes[i].nodeType == 1 ){
str += nav(nodes[i].childNodes);
} return str;
} return nav(this.childNodes);
set textContent(text){
while (this.firstChild)
this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
this.appendChild( this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text));
style: {},
clientHeight: 0,
clientWidth: 0,
offsetHeight: 0,
offsetWidth: 0,
get disabled() {
var val = this.getAttribute("disabled");
return val != "false" && !!val;
set disabled(val) { return this.setAttribute("disabled",val); },
get checked() {
var val = this.getAttribute("checked");
return val != "false" && !!val;
set checked(val) { return this.setAttribute("checked",val); },
get selected() {
if ( !this._selectDone ) {
this._selectDone = true;
if ( this.nodeName == "OPTION" && !this.parentNode.getAttribute("multiple") ) {
var opt = this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("option");
if ( this == opt[0] ) {
var select = true;
for ( var i = 1; i < opt.length; i++ ){
if ( opt[i].selected ) {
select = false;
if ( select ){ this.selected = true; }
var val = this.getAttribute("selected");
return val != "false" && !!val;
set selected(val) { return this.setAttribute("selected",val); },
get className() { return this.getAttribute("class") || ""; },
set className(val) {
return this.setAttribute("class",
get type() { return this.getAttribute("type") || ""; },
set type(val) { return this.setAttribute("type",val); },
get defaultValue() { return this.getAttribute("defaultValue") || ""; },
set defaultValue(val) { return this.setAttribute("defaultValue",val); },
get value() { return this.getAttribute("value") || ""; },
set value(val) { return this.setAttribute("value",val); },
get src() { return this.getAttribute("src") || ""; },
set src(val) { return this.setAttribute("src",val); },
get id() { return this.getAttribute("id") || ""; },
set id(val) { return this.setAttribute("id",val); },
getAttribute: function(name){
return $dom.hasAttribute(name) ?
new String( $dom.getAttribute(name) ) :
setAttribute: function(name,value){
removeAttribute: function(name){
get childNodes(){
return new DOMNodeList( $dom.getChildNodes() );
get firstChild(){
return makeNode( $dom.getFirstChild() );
get lastChild(){
return makeNode( $dom.getLastChild() );
appendChild: function(node){
//Because the dom implementation is private in scope now,
//we will need to fix these to use some innerHtml etc
//if required
$dom.appendChild( $nodeImplCache[node.__guid__] );
insertBefore: function(node,before){
$dom.insertBefore( $nodeImplCache[node.__guid__], before ? $nodeImplCache[before.__guid__] : before );
execScripts( node );
function execScripts( node ) {
if ( node.nodeName == "SCRIPT" ) {
if ( !node.getAttribute("src") ) {
eval.call( window, node.textContent );
} else {
var scripts = node.getElementsByTagName("script");
for ( var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++ ) {
execScripts( node );
removeChild: function(node){
$dom.removeChild( $nodeImplCache[node.__guid__] );
getElementsByTagName: function(name){
// why can't we just do ?:
//var elems = $dom.getElementsByTagName(name), ret = [];
var elems = $dom.getElementsByTagName("*"), ret = [];
ret.item = function(i){ return this[i]; };
ret.getLength = function(){ return this.length; };
for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) {
var elem = elems.item(i);
if ( elem.getAttribute("name") == name )
ret.push( elem );
}return new DOMNodeList( ret );
addEventListener: window.addEventListener,
removeEventListener: window.removeEventListener,
dispatchEvent: window.dispatchEvent,
click: function(){
var event = document.createEvent();
submit: function(){
var event = document.createEvent();
focus: function(){
var event = document.createEvent();
blur: function(){
var event = document.createEvent();
get contentWindow(){
return this.nodeName == "IFRAME" ? {
document: this.contentDocument
} : null;
get contentDocument(){
if ( this.nodeName == "IFRAME" ) {
if ( !this._doc )
this._doc = HTMLtoDOM("
return this._doc;
} else { return null; }
get __guid__(){return $id;}
//All this constructor stuff belond in the HTML subclasses
//and even more generally in the HTML specific element
//subclass otherwise its going to become a mess
this.style = {
get opacity(){ return this._opacity; },
set opacity(val){ this._opacity = val + ""; }
// Load CSS info
var styles = (this.getAttribute("style") || "").split(/\s*;\s*/);
for ( var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++ ) {
var style = styles[i].split(/\s*:\s*/);
if ( style.length == 2 )
this.style[ style[0] ] = style[1];
if ( this.nodeName == "FORM" ) {
this.__defineGetter__("elements", function(){
return this.getElementsByTagName("*");
this.__defineGetter__("length", function(){
var elems = this.elements;
for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) {
this[i] = elems[i];
return elems.length;
if ( this.nodeName == "SELECT" ) {
this.__defineGetter__("options", function(){
return this.getElementsByTagName("option");
this.defaultValue = this.value;
return this;