module HasScope TRUE_VALUES = ["true", true, "1", 1] ALLOWED_TYPES = { :array => [ Array ], :hash => [ Hash ], :default => [ String, Numeric ] } def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods helper_method :current_scopes class_inheritable_hash :scopes_configuration, :instance_writer => false self.scopes_configuration ||= {} end end module ClassMethods # Detects params from url and apply as scopes to your classes. # # == Options # # * :type - Checks the type of the parameter sent. If set to :boolean # it just calls the named scope, without any argument. By default, # it does not allow hashes or arrays to be given, except if type # :hash or :array are set. # # * :only - In which actions the scope is applied. By default is :all. # # * :except - In which actions the scope is not applied. By default is :none. # # * :as - The key in the params hash expected to find the scope. # Defaults to the scope name. # # * :if - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine # if the scope should apply # # * :unless - Specifies a method, proc or string to call to determine # if the scope should NOT apply. # # * :default - Default value for the scope. Whenever supplied the scope # is always called. # def has_scope(*scopes) options = scopes.extract_options! options.symbolize_keys! if options.delete(:boolean) options[:type] ||= :boolean ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(":boolean => true is deprecated, use :type => :boolean instead", caller) end options.assert_valid_keys(:type, :only, :except, :if, :unless, :default, :as) options[:only] = Array(options[:only]) options[:except] = Array(options[:except]) scopes.each do |scope| self.scopes_configuration[scope] ||= { :as => scope, :type => :default } self.scopes_configuration[scope].merge!(options) end end end protected # Receives an object where scopes will be applied to. # # class GraduationsController < InheritedResources::Base # has_scope :featured, :boolean => true, :only => :index # has_scope :by_degree, :only => :index # # def index # @graduations = apply_scopes(Graduation).all # end # end # def apply_scopes(target) self.scopes_configuration.each do |scope, options| next unless apply_scope_to_action?(options) key = options[:as] if params.key?(key) value, call_scope = params[key], true elsif options.key?(:default) value, call_scope = options[:default], true value = if value.is_a?(Proc) end target = apply_scope_by_type(options[:type], key, scope, value, target) if call_scope end target end # Apply the scope taking into account its type. def apply_scope_by_type(type, key, scope, value, target) #:nodoc: if type == :boolean current_scopes[key] = TRUE_VALUES.include?(value) current_scopes[key] ? target.send(scope) : target elsif ALLOWED_TYPES[type].none?{ |klass| value.is_a?(klass) } raise "Expected type :#{type} in params[:#{key}], got :#{value.class}" else current_scopes[key] = value target.send(scope, value) end end # Given an options with :only and :except arrays, check if the scope # can be performed in the current action. def apply_scope_to_action?(options) #:nodoc: return false unless applicable?(options[:if], true) && applicable?(options[:unless], false) if options[:only].empty? options[:except].empty? || !options[:except].include?(action_name.to_sym) else options[:only].include?(action_name.to_sym) end end # Evaluates the scope options :if or :unless. Returns true if the proc # method, or string evals to the expected value. def applicable?(string_proc_or_symbol, expected) #:nodoc: case string_proc_or_symbol when String eval(string_proc_or_symbol) == expected when Proc == expected when Symbol send(string_proc_or_symbol) == expected else true end end # Returns the scopes used in this action. def current_scopes @current_scopes ||= {} end end ApplicationController.send :include, HasScope