class CamaleonCms::CategoryDecorator < CamaleonCms::TermTaxonomyDecorator delegate_all # return the public url for this category def the_url(*args) args = args.extract_options! args[:category_id] = the_id args[:title] = the_title.parameterize || the_slug args[:title] = the_slug unless args[:title].present? args[:locale] = @_deco_locale unless args.include?(:locale) args[:format] = "html" as_path = args.delete(:as_path) h.cama_url_to_fixed("cama_category#{_calc_locale(args[:locale])}_#{as_path.present? ? "path" : "url"}", args) end # return edit url for this category def the_edit_url h.edit_cama_admin_post_type_category_url(, object) end # return all children categories for the current category (active_record) filtered by permissions + hidden posts + roles + etc... # in return object, you can add custom where's or pagination like here: # def the_categories object.children end # return a child category from this category with id (integer) or by slug (string) def the_category(slug_or_id) return object.categories.where(id: slug_or_id).first if slug_or_id.is_a?(Integer) return object.categories.find_by_slug(slug_or_id) if slug_or_id.is_a?(String) end # --------------------- # add_post_type: true/false to include post type link # is_parent: true/false (internal control) def generate_breadcrumb(add_post_type = true, is_parent = false) _parent = object.parent if _parent.present? _parent.decorate.generate_breadcrumb(add_post_type, true) else object.post_type_parent.decorate.generate_breadcrumb(add_post_type, true) end h.breadcrumb_add(self.the_title, is_parent ? self.the_url : nil) end # return thumbnail for this post type # default: if thumbnail is not present, will render default def the_thumb_url(default = nil) th = object.get_option("thumb") th.present? ? th : (default || h.asset_path("camaleon_cms/category-icon.png")) end # return the post type of this post tag def the_post_type object.post_type.decorate end end