[![Build Status](http://travis-ci.org/effkay/blazing.png)](http://travis-ci.org/effkay/blazing) # Blazing fast and painless git push deploys *Oh no, yet another deployer!* Not everyone can or wants to deploy on heroku. But now you can have the same awesomely smooth git push deploys on whatever server you have SSH access to. ## Quickstart `blazing init`, edit the configuration, run `blazing setup:local` and `blazing setup:remote ` and you're set. Deploy with `git push ` or setup git to always push your current branch. ## Overview & Background Blazing is a deployment tool written in Ruby. It provides helpers to setup your project with a git post-receive hook, which is triggered every time you push to your production repository. I initially started working on an extension to capistrano which would cover most of my needs and the nees of my team. After a short while I noticed that bolting more functionality on top of capistrano was just going to be messy (and a PTA to maintain). We were alerady using tons of own recipes and customizations, capistrano multistage, capistrano-ext, etc. I had a look at what others were doing and after a round of trying around and not getting what I wanted, I started this. ## Design Goals When I started working on blazing, I had some design goals in mind which I think should stay relevant for this project: - it must be well tested - it must stay robust, simple and with small code base with as few moving parts as possible. Minimum code in the main project, extensions live outside. - no messy rake scripts: Define the desired behavior trough a DSL, and extensions add to this DSL in a clean and modular way - Deployments should be fast ### Inspiration & Alternatives I looked at [Inploy](https://github.com/dcrec1/inploy) and [Vlad](https://github.com/seattlerb/vlad) after having used [Capistrano](https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano) for several years. Then got inspired by defunkt's [blog post](https://github.com/blog/470-deployment-script-spring-cleaning) about deployment script spring cleaning. Other's doing a similar thing with git push deployments are Mislav's [git-deploy](https://github.com/mislav/git-deploy) and [pushand](https://github.com/remi/pushand.git) by remi. If you don't like blazing, you might give them a try. ## Installation Your machine should be setup with ruby, rubygems, bundler and git. Install blazing by adding it to your `Gemfile` or run `gem install blazing`. The basic assumption from now on will be that you are working on a project with bundler and a Gemfile. Support for other ways to handle dependencies might be added in the future. ## Usage ### Init Run `blazing init` in your project root to create a sample config file. ### Configuration See the generated configuration file or [the template file](https://github.com/effkay/blazing/blob/master/lib/blazing/templates/config.erb) for availabel configuration options. ### Setup `blazing setup:local` will setup your local repository for deployment with blazing/git push. Basically, it will add a remote for each target you defined in the configuration file. `blazing setup:remote ` will setup the project on the server side. It will: * clone the repository to the specified location * setup the repository to allow a currently checked out branch to be pushed to it * run ``blazing update`` `blazing update ` Whenever you change something in your blazing config file you can run the update command so your git post-receive hook gets updated. ### Deploying Just push to your remoteā€¦ so if you set up a target named `:production`, use `git push production master` to deploy your master branch there. ## Development & Contribution ### Improving Blazing itself If you like blazing and want to improve/fix something, feel free, I'm glad for every pull request. Maybe contact me beforehand so we don't fix the same bugs twice and make sure you stick with a similar code style and have tests in your pull request. ### Blazing Recipes I would like to add recipes that encapuslate common deployment strategies to blazing. If you have an idea for that, you are welcome to contribute. Right now I am still working on a clever API for this so no futher documentation yet. ## Authors Felipe Kaufmann ([@effkay][]) ## License See the `MIT-LICENSE` file [@effkay]: https://github.com/effkay