module HotwireCombobox module Helper class << self delegate :bypass_convenience_methods?, to: :HotwireCombobox def hw_alias(method_name) unless bypass_convenience_methods? alias_method method_name.to_s.sub(/^hw_/, ""), method_name end end end def hw_combobox_style_tag(*args, **kwargs) stylesheet_link_tag HotwireCombobox.stylesheet_path, *args, **kwargs end hw_alias :hw_combobox_style_tag def hw_combobox_tag(name, options_or_src = [], render_in: {}, include_blank: nil, **kwargs, &block) options, src = hw_extract_options_and_src(options_or_src, render_in, include_blank) component = self, name, options: options, async_src: src, **kwargs render component, &block end hw_alias :hw_combobox_tag def hw_combobox_options(options, render_in: {}, include_blank: nil, display: :to_combobox_display, **methods) if options.first.is_a? HotwireCombobox::Listbox::Option options else opts = hw_parse_combobox_options options, render_in_proc: hw_render_in_proc(render_in), **methods.merge(display: display) opts.unshift(hw_blank_option(include_blank)) if include_blank.present? opts end end hw_alias :hw_combobox_options def hw_paginated_combobox_options(options, for_id: params[:for_id], src: request.path, next_page: nil, render_in: {}, include_blank: {}, **methods) include_blank = params[:page] ? nil : include_blank options = hw_combobox_options options, render_in: render_in, include_blank: include_blank, **methods this_page = render "hotwire_combobox/paginated_options", for_id: for_id, options: options next_page = render "hotwire_combobox/next_page", for_id: for_id, src: src, next_page: next_page safe_join [ this_page, next_page ] end hw_alias :hw_paginated_combobox_options alias_method :hw_async_combobox_options, :hw_paginated_combobox_options hw_alias :hw_async_combobox_options # private library use only def hw_listbox_id(id) "#{id}-hw-listbox" end def hw_pagination_frame_wrapper_id(id) "#{id}__hw_combobox_pagination__wrapper" end def hw_pagination_frame_id(id) "#{id}__hw_combobox_pagination" end def hw_combobox_next_page_uri(uri, next_page, for_id) if next_page hw_uri_with_params uri, page: next_page, q: params[:q], for_id: for_id, format: :turbo_stream end end def hw_combobox_page_stream_action params[:page] ? :append : :update end def hw_blank_option(include_blank) display, content = hw_extract_blank_display_and_content include_blank display: display, content: content, value: "", blank: true end def hw_extract_blank_display_and_content(include_blank) if include_blank.is_a? Hash text = include_blank.delete(:text) [ text, hw_call_render_in_proc(hw_render_in_proc(include_blank), text, display: text, value: "") ] else [ include_blank, include_blank ] end end def hw_uri_with_params(url_or_path, **params) URI.parse(url_or_path).tap do |url_or_path| query = URI.decode_www_form(url_or_path.query || "").to_h.merge(params) url_or_path.query = URI.encode_www_form query end.to_s rescue URI::InvalidURIError url_or_path end private def hw_render_in_proc(render_in) if render_in.present? ->(object, locals) { render(**render_in.reverse_merge(object: object, locals: locals)) } end end def hw_extract_options_and_src(options_or_src, render_in, include_blank) if options_or_src.is_a? String [ [], options_or_src ] else [ hw_combobox_options(options_or_src, render_in: render_in, include_blank: include_blank), nil ] end end def hw_parse_combobox_options(options, render_in_proc: nil, **methods) do |option| \ **hw_option_attrs_for(option, render_in_proc: render_in_proc, **methods) end end def hw_option_attrs_for(option, render_in_proc: nil, **methods) case option when Hash option.tap do |attrs| attrs[:content] = hw_call_render_in_proc(render_in_proc, attrs[:display], attrs) if render_in_proc end when String {}.tap do |attrs| attrs[:display] = option attrs[:value] = option attrs[:content] = hw_call_render_in_proc(render_in_proc, attrs[:display], attrs) if render_in_proc end when Array {}.tap do |attrs| attrs[:display] = option.first attrs[:value] = option.last attrs[:content] = hw_call_render_in_proc(render_in_proc, attrs[:display], attrs) if render_in_proc end else {}.tap do |attrs| attrs[:id] = hw_call_method_or_proc(option, methods[:id]) if methods[:id] attrs[:display] = hw_call_method_or_proc(option, methods[:display]) if methods[:display] attrs[:value] = hw_call_method_or_proc(option, methods[:value] || :id) if render_in_proc attrs[:content] = hw_call_render_in_proc(render_in_proc, option, attrs) elsif methods[:content] attrs[:content] = hw_call_method_or_proc(option, methods[:content]) end end end end def hw_call_render_in_proc(render_in_proc, object, attrs) render_in_proc.(object, combobox_display: attrs[:display], combobox_value: attrs[:value]) end def hw_call_method_or_proc(object, method_or_proc) if method_or_proc.is_a? Proc object else hw_call_method object, method_or_proc end end def hw_call_method(object, method) if object.respond_to? method object.public_send method else hw_raise_no_public_method_error object, method end end def hw_raise_no_public_method_error(object, method) if object.respond_to? method, true header = "`#{object.class}` responds to `##{method}` but the method is not public." else header = "`#{object.class}` does not respond to `##{method}`." end if method.to_s == "to_combobox_display" header << "\n\nThis method is used to determine how this option should appear in the combobox options list." end raise NoMethodError, <<~MSG [ACTION NEEDED] – Message from HotwireCombobox: #{header} Please add this as a public method and return a string. Example: class #{object.class} < ApplicationRecord def #{method} name # or `title`, `to_s`, etc. end end MSG end end end