module HasSetting extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Setup of the getter/setter def has_setting(name, options = {}) name = name.to_s raise'Setting name must not be blank') if name.blank? self.class_eval do unless @has_setting_options # define only once # AR association to settings has_many( :settings, :as => :owner, :class_name => 'HasSetting::Setting', :foreign_key => :owner_id, :dependent => :destroy) after_save(:save_has_setting_association) @has_setting_options = {} def self.has_setting_options @has_setting_options end private # Callback to save settings def save_has_setting_association self.settings.each do |setting| if setting.changed? end end end end raise"Setting #{name }is already defined on #{}") if self.has_setting_options.has_key?(name) # default options type = options[:type] || :string # treat as string # default could be false, thats why we use has_key? default = options[:default] || (options.has_key?(:default) ? options[:default] : nil) # no default self.has_setting_options[name] = options # setter define_method("#{name}=".intern) do |value| formatter = HasSetting::Formatters.for_type(type) write_setting(name, formatter.to_s(value)) end # getter define_method(name) do |*args| setting = read_setting(name) options = args.first || self.class.has_setting_options[name] return options[:default] if setting.nil? formatter = Formatters.for_type(options[:type] || type) formatter.to_type(setting.value) end end end def write_setting(name, value) # find an existing setting or build a new one setting = self.settings.detect() {|item| == name and item.locale.to_s == I18n.locale.to_s } setting = => name, locale: I18n.locale.to_s) if setting.blank? setting.value = value end def read_setting(name) # use detect instead of SQL find. like this the 'cached' has_many-collection is inited # only once s = self.settings.detect() {|item| == name and item.locale.to_s == I18n.locale.to_s} # first see if there is a setting with current locale s ||= self.settings.detect() {|item| == name} # then if not found, take the first setting with matching name (TODO: add locale fallbacks) s end end