require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' #Reports any calls to +redirect_to+ which include parameters in the arguments. # #For example: # # redirect_to params.merge(:action => :elsewhere) class Brakeman::CheckRedirect < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Looks for calls to redirect_to with user input as arguments" def run_check Brakeman.debug "Finding calls to redirect_to()" @model_find_calls = Set[:all, :find, :find_by_sql, :first, :last, :new] if tracker.options[:rails3] @model_find_calls.merge [:from, :group, :having, :joins, :lock, :order, :reorder, :select, :where] end @tracker.find_call(:target => false, :method => :redirect_to).each do |res| process_result res end end def process_result result return if duplicate? result call = result[:call] method = call.method if method == :redirect_to and not only_path?(call) and res = include_user_input?(call) add_result result if res.type == :immediate confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:low] end warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Redirect", :message => "Possible unprotected redirect", :code => call, :user_input => res.match, :confidence => confidence end end #Custom check for user input. First looks to see if the user input #is being output directly. This is necessary because of tracker.options[:check_arguments] #which can be used to enable/disable reporting output of method calls which use #user input as arguments. def include_user_input? call Brakeman.debug "Checking if call includes user input" args = call.args first_arg = call.first_arg # if the first argument is an array, rails assumes you are building a # polymorphic route, which will never jump off-host return false if array? first_arg if tracker.options[:ignore_redirect_to_model] and call? first_arg and (@model_find_calls.include? first_arg.method or first_arg.method.to_s.match(/^find_by_/)) and model_name? return false end args.each do |arg| if res = has_immediate_model?(arg) return, res) elsif call? arg if request_value? arg return, arg) elsif request_value? arg[1] return, arg[1]) elsif arg[2] == :url_for and include_user_input? arg return, arg) #Ignore helpers like some_model_url? elsif arg[2].to_s =~ /_(url|path)$/ return false end elsif request_value? arg return, arg) end end if tracker.options[:check_arguments] super else false end end #Checks +redirect_to+ arguments for +only_path => true+ which essentially #nullifies the danger posed by redirecting with user input def only_path? call arg = call.first_arg if hash? arg if value = hash_access(arg, :only_path) return true if true?(value) end elsif call? arg and arg.method == :url_for return check_url_for(arg) end false end #+url_for+ is only_path => true by default. This checks to see if it is #set to false for some reason. def check_url_for call arg = call.first_arg if hash? arg if value = hash_access(arg, :only_path) return false if false?(value) end end true end end