# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe 'rake i18n' do describe 'missing' do it 'detects missing or identical' do TestCodebase.rake_result('i18n:missing').should be_i18n_keys %w(en.used_but_missing.a es.missing_in_es.a es.blank_in_es.a es.same_in_es.a) end end describe 'unused' do it 'detects unused' do TestCodebase.rake_result('i18n:unused').should be_i18n_keys %w(unused.a) end end describe 'prefill' do it 'detects unused' do TestCodebase.in_test_app_dir { YAML.load_file('config/locales/es.yml')['es']['missing_in_es'].should be_nil } TestCodebase.rake_result('i18n:prefill') TestCodebase.in_test_app_dir { YAML.load_file('config/locales/es.yml')['es']['missing_in_es']['a'].should == 'EN_TEXT' } end end # --- setup --- BENCH_KEYS = 3000 before do gen_data = ->(v) { { 'ca' => {'a' => v, 'b' => v, 'c' => v, 'd' => v, 'e' => "#{v}%{i}", 'f' => "#{v}%{i}"}, 'cb' => {'a' => v, 'b' => "#{v}%{i}"}, 'hash_pattern' => {'a' => v}, 'hash_pattern2' => {'a' => v}, 'unused' => {'a' => v}, 'missing_in_es' => {'a' => v}, 'same_in_es' => {'a' => v}, 'blank_in_es' => {'a' => v}, 'relative' => {'index' => {'title' => v}} }.tap {|r| gen = r["bench"] = {} BENCH_KEYS.times.map { |i| gen["key#{i}"] = v } } } en_data = gen_data.('EN_TEXT') es_data = gen_data.('ES_TEXT').except('missing_in_es') es_data['same_in_es']['a'] = 'EN_TEXT' es_data['blank_in_es']['a'] = '' fs = { 'config/locales/en.yml' => {'en' => en_data}.to_yaml, 'config/locales/es.yml' => {'es' => es_data}.to_yaml, '.i18nignore' => <<-TEXT, ignored_missing_key.a # one key to ignore ignored_pattern. # ignore the whole pattern TEXT 'app/views/index.html.slim' => <<-SLIM, p \#{t('ca.a')} \#{t 'ca.b'} \#{t "ca.c"} p \#{t 'ca.d'} \#{t 'ca.f', i: 'world'} \#{t 'ca.e', i: 'world'} p \#{t 'missing_in_es.a'} \#{t 'same_in_es.a'} \#{t 'blank_in_es.a'} p = t 'used_but_missing.a' p = t 'ignored_missing_key.a' p = t 'ignored_pattern.some_key' SLIM 'app/views/relative/index.html.slim' => <<-SLIM, p = t '.title' SLIM 'app/controllers/events_controller.slim' => <<-RUBY, class EventsController < ApplicationController def show redirect_to :edit, notice: I18n.t('cb.a') I18n.t("cb.b", i: "Hello") I18n.t("hash_pattern.\#{some_value}", i: "Hello") I18n.t("hash_pattern2." + some_value, i: "Hello") end end RUBY # test that our algorithms can scale to the order of {BENCH_KEYS} keys. 'app/heavy.file' => BENCH_KEYS.times.map { |i| "t('bench.key#{i}') " }.join } TestCodebase.setup fs end after do TestCodebase.teardown end end