require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/platform_handler' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/platform_handler/serverless_chef/dsl_parser' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/hpc_plugins/platform_handler/serverless_chef/recipes_tree_builder' module HybridPlatformsConductor module HpcPlugins module PlatformHandler # Handle a Chef repository without using a Chef Infra Server. # Inventory is read from nodes/*.json. # Services are defined from policy files in policyfiles/*.rb. # Roles are not supported as they are considered made obsolete with the usage of policies by the Chef community. # Required Chef versions are taken from a chef_versions.yml file containing the following keys: # * *workstation* (String): The Chef Workstation version to be installed during setup (can be specified as major.minor only) # * *client* (String): The Chef Infra Client version to be installed during nodes deployment (can be specified as major.minor only) class ServerlessChef < HybridPlatformsConductor::PlatformHandler # Add a Mixin to the DSL parsing the platforms configuration file. # This can be used by any plugin to add plugin-specific configuration getters and setters, accessible later from NodesHandler instances. # An optional initializer can also be given. # [API] - Those calls are optional module MyDSLExtension # The list of library helpers we know include some recipes. # This is used when parsing some recipe code: if such a helper is encountered then we assume a dependency on a given recipe. # Hash< Symbol, Array >: List of recipes definitions per helper name. attr_reader :known_helpers_including_recipes # Initialize the DSL def init_serverless_chef @known_helpers_including_recipes = {} end # Define helpers including recipes # # Parameters:: # * *included_recipes* (Hash< Symbol, Array >): List of recipes definitions per helper name. def helpers_including_recipes(included_recipes) @known_helpers_including_recipes.merge!(included_recipes) end end extend_config_dsl_with MyDSLExtension, :init_serverless_chef # Initialize a new instance of this platform handler. # [API] - This method is optional. # [API] - @cmd_runner is accessible. def init # Mutex for getting the full recipes tree @recipes_tree_mutex = end # Setup the platform, install dependencies... # [API] - This method is optional. # [API] - @cmd_runner is accessible. def setup required_version = YAML.load_file("#{@repository_path}/chef_versions.yml")['workstation'] exit_status, stdout, _stderr = @cmd_runner.run_cmd '/opt/chef-workstation/bin/chef --version', expected_code: [0, :command_error] existing_version = if exit_status == :command_error 'not installed' else expected_match = stdout.match(/^Chef Workstation version: (.+)\.\d+$/) expected_match.nil? ? 'unreadable' : expected_match[1] end log_debug "Current Chef version: #{existing_version}. Required version: #{required_version}" @cmd_runner.run_cmd "curl -L | #{@cmd_runner.root? ? '' : 'sudo '}bash -s -- -P chef-workstation -v #{required_version}" unless existing_version == required_version end # Get the list of known nodes. # [API] - This method is mandatory. # # Result:: # * Array: List of node names def known_nodes Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/nodes/*.json").map { |file| File.basename(file, '.json') } end # Get the metadata of a given node. # [API] - This method is mandatory. # # Parameters:: # * *node* (String): Node to read metadata from # Result:: # * Hash: The corresponding metadata def metadata_for(node) (json_for(node)['normal'] || {}).transform_keys(&:to_sym) end # Return the services for a given node # [API] - This method is mandatory. # # Parameters:: # * *node* (String): node to read configuration from # Result:: # * Array: The corresponding services def services_for(node) [json_for(node)['policy_name']] end # Get the list of services we can deploy # [API] - This method is mandatory. # # Result:: # * Array: The corresponding services def deployable_services Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/policyfiles/*.rb").map { |file| File.basename(file, '.rb') } end # Package the repository, ready to be deployed on artefacts or directly to a node. # [API] - This method is optional. # [API] - @cmd_runner is accessible. # [API] - @actions_executor is accessible. # # Parameters:: # * *services* (Hash< String, Array >): Services to be deployed, per node # * *secrets* (Hash): Secrets to be used for deployment # * *local_environment* (Boolean): Are we deploying to a local environment? def package(services:, secrets:, local_environment:) # Make a stamp of the info that has been packaged, so that we don't package it again if useless package_info = { secrets: secrets, commit: info[:commit].nil? ?'%F %T') : info[:commit][:id], other_files: if info[:status].nil? {} else (info[:status][:added_files] + info[:status][:changed_files] + info[:status][:untracked_files]). sort. map { |f| [f, File.mtime("#{@repository_path}/#{f}").strftime('%F %T')] }. to_h end, deleted_files: info[:status].nil? ? [] : info[:status][:deleted_files].sort } # Each service is packaged individually. services.values.flatten.sort.uniq.each do |service| package_dir = "dist/#{local_environment ? 'local' : 'prod'}/#{service}" package_info_file = "#{@repository_path}/#{package_dir}/" current_package_info = File.exist?(package_info_file) ? JSON.parse( : {} next if current_package_info == package_info policy_file = "policyfiles/#{service}.rb" if local_environment local_policy_file = "policyfiles/#{service}.local.rb" # In local mode, we always regenerate the lock file as we may modify the run list run_list = known_cookbook_paths.any? { |cookbook_path| File.exist?("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_path}/hpc_test/recipes/before_run.rb") } ? ['hpc_test::before_run'] : [] dsl_parser = dsl_parser.parse("#{@repository_path}/#{policy_file}") run_list.concat dsl_parser.calls.find { |call_info| call_info[:method] == :run_list }[:args].flatten run_list << 'hpc_test::after_run' if known_cookbook_paths.any? { |cookbook_path| File.exist?("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_path}/hpc_test/recipes/after_run.rb") } File.write("#{@repository_path}/#{local_policy_file}","#{@repository_path}/#{policy_file}") + "\nrun_list #{ { |recipe| "'#{recipe}'" }.join(', ')}\n") policy_file = local_policy_file end lock_file = "#{File.dirname(policy_file)}/#{File.basename(policy_file, '.rb')}.lock.json" # If the policy lock file does not exist, generate it @cmd_runner.run_cmd "cd #{@repository_path} && /opt/chef-workstation/bin/chef install #{policy_file} --chef-license accept" unless File.exist?("#{@repository_path}/#{lock_file}") extra_cp_data_bags = File.exist?("#{@repository_path}/data_bags") ? " && cp -ar data_bags/ #{package_dir}/" : '' @cmd_runner.run_cmd "cd #{@repository_path} && \ #{@cmd_runner.root? ? '' : 'sudo '}rm -rf #{package_dir} && \ /opt/chef-workstation/bin/chef export #{policy_file} #{package_dir} --chef-license accept#{extra_cp_data_bags}" next if @cmd_runner.dry_run # Write the list of gems to be installed for this package File.write( "#{@repository_path}/#{package_dir}/gems.json", Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/#{package_dir}/cookbook_artifacts/*/metadata.json").map do |metadata| JSON.parse(['gems'] end.flatten(1).to_json ) # Create secrets file secrets_file = "#{@repository_path}/#{package_dir}/data_bags/hpc_secrets/hpc_secrets.json" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(secrets_file)) File.write(secrets_file, secrets.merge(id: 'hpc_secrets').to_json) # Make the testadmin public key available for deployment for hpc_test cookbook testadmin_pub_key = "#{@config.hybrid_platforms_dir}/" if local_environment && File.exist?(testadmin_pub_key) Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/#{package_dir}/cookbook_artifacts/hpc_test-*") do |hpc_test_cookbook_path| hpc_test_files_dir = "#{hpc_test_cookbook_path}/files/default" FileUtils.mkdir_p hpc_test_files_dir FileUtils.cp(testadmin_pub_key, "#{hpc_test_files_dir}/") end end # Remember the package info File.write(package_info_file, package_info.to_json) end end # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument # Prepare deployments. # This method is called just before getting and executing the actions to be deployed. # It is called once per platform. # [API] - This method is optional. # [API] - @cmd_runner is accessible. # [API] - @actions_executor is accessible. # # Parameters:: # * *services* (Hash< String, Array >): Services to be deployed, per node # * *secrets* (Hash): Secrets to be used for deployment # * *local_environment* (Boolean): Are we deploying to a local environment? # * *why_run* (Boolean): Are we deploying in why-run mode? def prepare_for_deploy(services:, secrets:, local_environment:, why_run:) @local_env = local_environment end # rubocop:enable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument # Get the list of actions to perform to deploy on a given node. # Those actions can be executed in parallel with other deployments on other nodes. They must be thread safe. # [API] - This method is mandatory. # [API] - @cmd_runner is accessible. # [API] - @actions_executor is accessible. # # Parameters:: # * *node* (String): Node to deploy on # * *service* (String): Service to be deployed # * *use_why_run* (Boolean): Do we use a why-run mode? [default = true] # Result:: # * Array< Hash >: List of actions to be done def actions_to_deploy_on(node, service, use_why_run: true) package_dir = "#{@repository_path}/dist/#{@local_env ? 'local' : 'prod'}/#{service}" gems_to_install = [] # Generate the nodes attributes file unless @cmd_runner.dry_run FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{package_dir}/nodes" File.write("#{package_dir}/nodes/#{node}.json", (known_nodes.include?(node) ? metadata_for(node) : {}).merge(@nodes_handler.metadata_of(node)).to_json) # Get the gems to be installed gems_to_install = JSON.parse("#{package_dir}/gems.json")) end client_options = [ '--local-mode', '--chef-license', 'accept', '--json-attributes', "nodes/#{node}.json" ] client_options << '--why-run' if use_why_run # client_options.concat ['--log_level', 'debug'] if log_debug? # Force setting of TERM variable and usage of unbuffer to get colored output from chef-client even if executed through a non-interactive SSH session. client_env = { 'SSL_CERT_DIR' => '/etc/ssl/certs', 'TERM' => 'xterm-256color' } if @nodes_handler.get_use_local_chef_of(node) # Just run the chef-client directly from the packaged repository sudo_prefix = @cmd_runner.root? ? '' : 'sudo -E ' [ { bash: [ 'set -e', "cd #{package_dir}" ] + { |var_name, value| "export #{var_name}=#{value}" } + { |(gem_name, gem_version)| "#{sudo_prefix}/opt/chef-workstation/bin/chef gem install #{gem_name} --version \"#{gem_version}\"" } + [ "#{sudo_prefix}/opt/chef-workstation/bin/chef-client #{client_options.join(' ')}" ] } ] else # Upload the package and run it from the node package_name = File.basename(package_dir) chef_versions_file = "#{@repository_path}/chef_versions.yml" raise "Missing file #{chef_versions_file} specifying the Chef Infra Client version to be deployed" unless File.exist?(chef_versions_file) required_chef_client_version = YAML.load_file(chef_versions_file)['client'] sudo = @actions_executor.sudo_prefix(node, forward_env: true) [ { # Install dependencies remote_bash: [ 'set -e', 'set -o pipefail', "if [ -n \"$(command -v apt)\" ]; then #{sudo}apt update && #{sudo}apt install -y curl build-essential expect ; else #{sudo}yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' && #{sudo}yum install -y curl expect ; fi", 'mkdir -p ./hpc_deploy', 'rm -rf ./hpc_deploy/tmp', 'mkdir -p ./hpc_deploy/tmp', 'curl --location --output ./hpc_deploy/', 'chmod a+x ./hpc_deploy/', "#{sudo}TMPDIR=./hpc_deploy/tmp ./hpc_deploy/ -d /opt/artefacts -v #{required_chef_client_version} -s once" ] }, { scp: { package_dir => './hpc_deploy' }, remote_bash: { commands: [ 'set -e', "cd ./hpc_deploy/#{package_name}" ] + { |(gem_name, gem_version)| "#{sudo}/opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem install #{gem_name} --version \"#{gem_version}\"" } + [ "#{sudo}unbuffer /opt/chef/bin/chef-client #{client_options.join(' ')}", 'cd -' ] + (log_debug? ? [] : ["#{sudo}rm -rf ./hpc_deploy/#{package_name}"]), env: client_env } } ] end end # Parse stdout and stderr of a given deploy run and get the list of tasks with their status # [API] - This method is mandatory. # # Parameters:: # * *stdout* (String): stdout to be parsed # * *stderr* (String): stderr to be parsed # Result:: # * Array< Hash >: List of task properties. The following properties should be returned, among free ones: # * *name* (String): Task name # * *status* (Symbol): Task status. Should be one of: # * *:changed*: The task has been changed # * *:identical*: The task has not been changed # * *diffs* (String): Differences, if any def parse_deploy_output(stdout, _stderr) tasks = [] current_task = nil stdout.split("\n").each do |line| # Remove control chars and spaces around case line.gsub(/\e\[[^\x40-\x7E]*[\x40-\x7E]/, '').strip when /^\* (\w+\[[^\]]+\]) action (.+)$/ # New task task_name = Regexp.last_match(1) task_action = Regexp.last_match(2) current_task = { name: task_name, action: task_action, status: :identical } tasks << current_task when /^- (.+)$/ # Diff on the current task diff_description = Regexp.last_match(1) unless current_task.nil? current_task[:diffs] = '' unless current_task.key?(:diffs) current_task[:diffs] << "#{diff_description}\n" current_task[:status] = :changed end end end tasks end # Get the list of impacted nodes and services from a files diff. # [API] - This method is optional # # Parameters:: # * *files_diffs* (Hash< String, Hash< Symbol, Object > >): List of diffs info, per file name having a diff. Diffs info have the following properties: # * *moved_to* (String): The new file path, in case it has been moved [optional] # * *diff* (String): The diff content # Result:: # * Array: The list of nodes impacted by this diff # * Array: The list of services impacted by this diff # * Boolean: Are there some files that have a global impact (meaning all nodes are potentially impacted by this diff)? def impacts_from(files_diffs) impacted_nodes = [] impacted_services = [] # List of impacted [cookbook, recipe] # Array< [Symbol, Symbol] > impacted_recipes = [] impacted_global = false files_diffs.keys.sort.each do |impacted_file| case impacted_file when %r{^policyfiles/([^/]+)\.rb$}, %r{^policyfiles/([^/]+)\.lock.json$} log_debug "[#{impacted_file}] - Impacted service: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" impacted_services << Regexp.last_match(1) when %r{^nodes/([^/]+)\.json} log_debug "[#{impacted_file}] - Impacted node: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" impacted_nodes << Regexp.last_match(1) else cookbook_path = known_cookbook_paths.find { |cookbooks_path| impacted_file =~ %r{^#{Regexp.escape(cookbooks_path)}/.+$} } if cookbook_path.nil? # Global file log_debug "[#{impacted_file}] - Global file impacted" impacted_global = true else # File belonging to a cookbook file_cookbook_name, file_path = impacted_file.match(%r{^#{cookbook_path}/(\w+)/(.+)$})[1..2] cookbook = file_cookbook_name.to_sym # Small helper to register a recipe register = proc do |source, recipe_name, cookbook_name: cookbook| cookbook_name = cookbook_name.to_sym if cookbook_name.is_a?(String) log_debug "[#{impacted_file}] - Impacted recipe from #{source}: #{cookbook_name}::#{recipe_name}" impacted_recipes << [cookbook_name, recipe_name.to_sym] end case file_path when %r{recipes/(.+)\.rb}'direct', Regexp.last_match(1)) when %r{attributes/.+\.rb}, 'metadata.rb' # Consider all recipes are impacted Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_path}/#{cookbook}/recipes/*.rb") do |recipe_path|'attributes', File.basename(recipe_path, '.rb')) end when %r{(templates|files)/(.+)} # Find recipes using this file name included_file = File.basename(Regexp.last_match(2)) template_regexp = /["']#{Regexp.escape(included_file)}["']/ Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_path}/#{cookbook}/recipes/*.rb") do |recipe_path|"included file #{included_file}", File.basename(recipe_path, '.rb')) if =~ template_regexp end when %r{resources/(.+)} # Find any recipe using this resource included_resource = "#{cookbook}_#{File.basename(Regexp.last_match(1), '.rb')}" resource_regexp = /(\W|^)#{Regexp.escape(included_resource)}(\W|$)/ known_cookbook_paths.each do |cookbooks_path| Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbooks_path}/**/recipes/*.rb") do |recipe_path| if =~ resource_regexp cookbook_name, recipe_name = recipe_path.match(%r{#{cookbooks_path}/(\w+)/recipes/(\w+)\.rb})[1..2]"included resource #{included_resource}", recipe_name, cookbook_name: cookbook_name) end end end when %r{libraries/(.+)} # Find any recipe using methods from this library if File.exist?("#{@repository_path}/#{impacted_file}") lib_methods_regexps ="#{@repository_path}/#{impacted_file}").scan(/(\W|^)def\s+(\w+)(\W|$)/).map { |_grp_1, method_name, _grp_2| /(\W|^)#{Regexp.escape(method_name)}(\W|$)/ } known_cookbook_paths.each do |cookbooks_path| Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbooks_path}/**/recipes/*.rb") do |recipe_path| file_content = found_lib_regexp = lib_methods_regexps.find { |regexp| file_content =~ regexp } unless found_lib_regexp.nil? cookbook_name, recipe_name = recipe_path.match(%r{#{cookbooks_path}/(\w+)/recipes/(\w+)\.rb})[1..2]"included library helper #{found_lib_regexp.source[6..-7]}", recipe_name, cookbook_name: cookbook_name) end end end end when '', 'README.rdoc', '', '.rubocop.yml' # Ignore them else log_warn "[#{impacted_file}] - Unknown impact for cookbook file belonging to #{cookbook}" # Consider all recipes are impacted by default Dir.glob("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_path}/#{cookbook}/recipes/*.rb") do |recipe_path|'attributes', File.basename(recipe_path, '.rb')) end end end end end # Devise the impacted services from the impacted recipes we just found. impacted_recipes.uniq! log_debug "* #{impacted_recipes.size} impacted recipes:\n#{ { |(cookbook, recipe)| "#{cookbook}::#{recipe}" }.sort.join("\n")}" recipes_tree = full_recipes_tree [ impacted_nodes, ( impacted_services + # Gather the list of services using the impacted recipes do |(cookbook, recipe)| recipe_info = recipes_tree.dig cookbook, recipe recipe_info.nil? ? [] : recipe_info[:used_by_policies] end.flatten ).sort.uniq, impacted_global ] end # Return the list of possible cookbook paths from this repository only. # Returned paths are relative to the repository path. # # Result:: # * Array: Known cookbook paths def known_cookbook_paths # Keep a cache of it for performance. unless defined?(@cookbook_paths) config_file = "#{@repository_path}/config.rb" @cookbook_paths = ( ['cookbooks'] + if File.exist?(config_file) # Read the knife configuration to get cookbook paths dsl_parser = dsl_parser.parse(config_file) cookbook_path_call = dsl_parser.calls.find { |call_info| call_info[:method] == :cookbook_path } cookbook_path_call.nil? ? [] : cookbook_path_call[:args].first else [] end ). map do |dir| # Only keep dirs that actually exist and are part of our repository full_path = dir.start_with?('/') ? dir : File.expand_path("#{@repository_path}/#{dir}") full_path.start_with?(@repository_path) && File.exist?(full_path) ? full_path.gsub("#{@repository_path}/", '') : nil end. compact. sort. uniq end @cookbook_paths end # Get the run list of a given policy # # Parameters:: # * *policy* (String): Policy to get the run list from # Result:: # * Array<[String or nil, Symbol, Symbol]>: Run list of the given policy, as [cookbook_dir, cookbook, recipe] def policy_run_list(policy) # Read the policy file dsl_parser = policy_file = "#{@repository_path}/policyfiles/#{policy}.rb" dsl_parser.parse(policy_file) run_list_call = dsl_parser.calls.find { |call_info| call_info[:method] == :run_list } raise "Policy #{policy} has no run list defined in #{policy_file}" if run_list_call.nil? run_list_call[:args].map { |recipe_def| decode_recipe(recipe_def) } end # Return the cookbook directory, cookbook name and recipe name from which a recipe definition is found. # The following forms are handled: # * cookbook # * cookbook::recipe # * recipe[cookbook] # * recipe[cookbook::recipe] # # Parameters:: # * *recipe_def* (String): Recipe definition (cookbook or cookbook::recipe). # Result:: # * String: The cookbook directory, or nil if unknown # * Symbol: The cookbook name # * Symbol: The recipe name def decode_recipe(recipe_def) recipe_def = Regexp.last_match(1) if recipe_def =~ /^recipe\[(.+)\]$/ cookbook, recipe = recipe_def.split('::').map(&:to_sym) recipe = :default if recipe.nil? # Find the cookbook it belongs to cookbook_dir = known_cookbook_paths.find { |cookbook_path| File.exist?("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_path}/#{cookbook}") } raise "Unknown recipe #{cookbook}::#{recipe} from cookbook #{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_dir}/#{cookbook}." if !cookbook_dir.nil? && !File.exist?("#{@repository_path}/#{cookbook_dir}/#{cookbook}/recipes/#{recipe}.rb") [cookbook_dir, cookbook, recipe] end private # Return the JSON associated to a node # # Parameters:: # * *node* (String): The node to search for # Result:: # * Hash: JSON object of this node def json_for(node) JSON.parse("#{@repository_path}/nodes/#{node}.json")) end # Get the full recipes tree. # Keep it in a cache for performance. # # Result:: # * Hash: The recipes tree. See RecipesTreeBuilder#full_recipes_tree for the detailed signature def full_recipes_tree @recipes_tree_mutex.synchronize do @recipes_tree =, self).full_recipes_tree unless defined?(@recipes_tree) end @recipes_tree end end end end end