/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Engine Yard, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * This source code is available under the MIT license. * See the file LICENSE.txt for details. */ import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.SequenceInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Map; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.Set; /** * Used as a Main-Class in the manifest for a .war file, so that you can run * a .war file with java -jar. * * WarMain can be used with different web server libraries. WarMain expects * to have two files present in the .war file, * WEB-INF/webserver.properties and WEB-INF/webserver.jar. * * When WarMain starts up, it extracts the webserver jar to a temporary * directory, and creates a temporary work directory for the webapp. Both * are deleted on exit. * * It then reads webserver.properties into a java.util.Properties object, * creates a URL classloader holding the jar, and loads and invokes the * main method of the main class mentioned in the properties. * * An example webserver.properties follows for Winstone. The args * property indicates the names and ordering of other properties to be used * as command-line arguments. The special tokens {{warfile}} and * {{webroot}} are substituted with the location of the .war file * being run and the temporary work directory, respectively. *
 * mainclass = winstone.Launcher
 * args = args0,args1,args2
 * args0 = --warfile={{warfile}}
 * args1 = --webroot={{webroot}}
 * args2 = --directoryListings=false
* * System properties can also be set via webserver.properties. For example, * the following entries set jetty.home before launching the server. *
 * props = jetty.home
 * jetty.home = {{webroot}}
*/ public class WarMain extends JarMain { static final String MAIN = "/" + WarMain.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; static final String WEBSERVER_PROPERTIES = "/WEB-INF/webserver.properties"; static final String WEBSERVER_JAR = "/WEB-INF/webserver.jar"; /** * jruby arguments, consider the following command : * `java -jar rails.war --1.9 -S rake db:migrate` * arguments == [ "--1.9" ] * executable == "rake" * executableArgv == [ "db:migrate" ] */ private final String[] arguments; /** * null to launch webserver or != null to run a executable e.g. rake */ private final String executable; private final String[] executableArgv; private File webroot; WarMain(final String[] args) { super(args); final List argsList = Arrays.asList(args); final int sIndex = argsList.indexOf("-S"); if ( sIndex == -1 ) { executable = null; executableArgv = null; arguments = null; } else { if ( args.length == sIndex + 1 || args[sIndex + 1].isEmpty() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing executable after -S"); } arguments = argsList.subList(0, sIndex).toArray(new String[0]); String execArg = argsList.get(sIndex + 1); executableArgv = argsList.subList(sIndex + 2, argsList.size()).toArray(new String[0]); if (execArg.equals("bundle") && executableArgv.length > 0 && executableArgv[0].equals("exec")) { warn("`bundle exec' may drop out of the Warbler environment and into the system environment"); } else if (execArg.equals("rails")) { // The rails executable doesn't play well with ScriptingContainer, so we've packaged the // same script that would have been generated by `rake rails:update:bin` execArg = "./META-INF/rails.rb"; } executable = execArg; } } private URL extractWebserver() throws Exception { this.webroot = File.createTempFile("warbler", "webroot"); this.webroot.delete(); this.webroot.mkdirs(); this.webroot = new File(this.webroot, new File(archive).getName()); debug("webroot directory is " + this.webroot.getPath()); InputStream jarStream = new URI("jar", entryPath(WEBSERVER_JAR), null).toURL().openStream(); File jarFile = File.createTempFile("webserver", ".jar"); jarFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(jarFile); try { byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = jarStream.read(buf)) != -1) { outStream.write(buf, 0, bytesRead); } } finally { jarStream.close(); outStream.close(); } debug("webserver.jar extracted to " + jarFile.getPath()); return jarFile.toURI().toURL(); } private Properties getWebserverProperties() throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); try { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(WEBSERVER_PROPERTIES); if ( is != null ) props.load(is); } catch (Exception e) { } for (Map.Entry entry : props.entrySet()) { String val = (String) entry.getValue(); val = val.replace("{{warfile}}", archive).replace("{{webroot}}", webroot.getAbsolutePath()); entry.setValue(val); } if (props.getProperty("props") != null) { String[] propsToSet = props.getProperty("props").split(","); for (String key : propsToSet) { System.setProperty(key, props.getProperty(key)); } } return props; } private void launchWebServer(URL jar) throws Exception { URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {jar}); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(loader); Properties props = getWebserverProperties(); String mainClass = props.getProperty("mainclass"); if (mainClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown webserver main class (" + WEBSERVER_PROPERTIES + " is missing 'mainclass' property)"); } Class klass = Class.forName(mainClass, true, loader); Method main = klass.getDeclaredMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class }); String[] newArgs = launchWebServerArguments(props); debug("invoking webserver with: " + Arrays.deepToString(newArgs)); main.invoke(null, new Object[] { newArgs }); // the following code is specific to winstone. but a whole winstone module like the jetty module seemed // excessive. if running under jetty (or anything other than wintstone) this will effectively do nothing. Set threads = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet(); for (Thread thread : threads) { String name = thread.getName(); if (name.startsWith("LauncherControlThread")) { debug("joining thread: " + name); thread.join(); } } } private String[] launchWebServerArguments(Properties props) { String[] newArgs = args; if (props.getProperty("args") != null) { String[] insertArgs = props.getProperty("args").split(","); newArgs = new String[args.length + insertArgs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < insertArgs.length; i++) { newArgs[i] = props.getProperty(insertArgs[i], ""); } System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, insertArgs.length, args.length); } return newArgs; } // JarMain overrides to make WarMain "launchable" // e.g. java -jar rails.war -S rake db:migrate @Override protected String getExtractEntryPath(final JarEntry entry) { final String name = entry.getName(); final String start = "WEB-INF"; if ( name.startsWith(start) ) { // WEB-INF/app/controllers/application_controller.rb -> // app/controllers/application_controller.rb return name.substring(start.length()); } if ( name.indexOf('/') == -1 ) { // 404.html -> public/404.html return "/public/" + name; } return "/" + name; } @Override protected URL extractEntry(final JarEntry entry, final String path) throws Exception { // always extract but only return class-path entry URLs : final URL entryURL = super.extractEntry(entry, path); return path.endsWith(".jar") ? entryURL : null; } @Override protected int launchJRuby(final URL[] jars) throws Exception { final Object scriptingContainer = newScriptingContainer(jars); invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "setArgv", (Object) executableArgv); invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "setCurrentDirectory", extractRoot.getAbsolutePath()); initJRubyScriptingEnv(scriptingContainer, jars); final Object provider = invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "getProvider"); final Object rubyInstanceConfig = invokeMethod(provider, "getRubyInstanceConfig"); invokeMethod(rubyInstanceConfig, "setUpdateNativeENVEnabled", new Class[] { Boolean.TYPE }, false); final String executablePath = locateExecutable(scriptingContainer); if ( executablePath == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("failed to locate gem executable: '" + executable + "'"); } invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "setScriptFilename", executablePath); invokeMethod(rubyInstanceConfig, "processArguments", (Object) arguments); Object runtime = invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "getRuntime"); Object executableInput = new SequenceInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(executableScriptEnvPrefix().getBytes()), (InputStream) invokeMethod(rubyInstanceConfig, "getScriptSource")); debug("invoking " + executablePath + " with: " + Arrays.toString(executableArgv)); Object outcome = invokeMethod(runtime, "runFromMain", new Class[] { InputStream.class, String.class }, executableInput, executablePath ); return ( outcome instanceof Number ) ? ( (Number) outcome ).intValue() : 0; } protected String locateExecutable(final Object scriptingContainer) throws Exception { if ( executable == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("no executable"); } final File exec = new File(extractRoot, executable); if ( exec.exists() ) { return exec.getAbsolutePath(); } else { final String script = locateExecutableScript(executable); return (String) invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "runScriptlet", script); } } protected String executableScriptEnvPrefix() { final String gemsDir = new File(extractRoot, "gems").getAbsolutePath(); final String gemfile = new File(extractRoot, "Gemfile").getAbsolutePath(); debug("setting GEM_HOME to " + gemsDir); debug("... and BUNDLE_GEMFILE to " + gemfile); // ideally this would look up the config.override_gem_home setting return "ENV['GEM_HOME'] = ENV['GEM_PATH'] = '"+ gemsDir +"' \n" + "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= '"+ gemfile +"' \n" + "require 'META-INF/init.rb' \n"; } protected String locateExecutableScript(final String executable) { return executableScriptEnvPrefix() + "begin\n" + // locate the executable within gemspecs : " require 'rubygems' \n" + " begin\n" + // add bundler gems to load path: " require 'bundler' \n" + // TODO: environment from web.xml. Any others? " Bundler.setup(:default, *ENV.values_at('RACK_ENV', 'RAILS_ENV').compact)\n" + " rescue LoadError\n" + // bundler not used " end\n" + " exec = '"+ executable +"' \n" + " spec = Gem::Specification.find { |s| s.executables.include?(exec) } \n" + " spec ? spec.bin_file(exec) : nil \n" + // returns the full path to the executable "rescue SystemExit => e\n" + " e.status\n" + "end"; } protected void initJRubyScriptingEnv(Object scriptingContainer, final URL[] jars) throws Exception { String jrubyStdlibJar = ""; String bcpkixJar = ""; String bcprovJar = ""; for (URL url : jars) { if (url.toString().matches("file:/.*jruby-stdlib-.*jar")) { jrubyStdlibJar = url.toString(); debug("using jruby-stdlib: " + jrubyStdlibJar); } else if (url.toString().matches("file:/.*bcpkix-jdk15on-.*jar")) { bcpkixJar = url.toString(); debug("using bcpkix: " + bcpkixJar); } else if (url.toString().matches("file:/.*bcprov-jdk15on-.*jar")) { bcprovJar = url.toString(); debug("using bcprov: " + bcprovJar); } } invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "runScriptlet", "" + "ruby = RUBY_VERSION.match(/^\\d\\.\\d/)[0] \n" + "jruby_major_version = JRUBY_VERSION.match(/^\\d\\.\\d/)[0].to_f \n" + "jruby_minor_version = JRUBY_VERSION.split('.')[2].to_i\n" + "$: << \"" + jrubyStdlibJar + "!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/#{ruby}/site_ruby\"\n" + "$: << \"" + jrubyStdlibJar + "!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/shared\"\n" + "$: << \"" + jrubyStdlibJar + "!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/#{ruby}\"\n" + "if jruby_major_version >= 1.7 and jruby_minor_version < 13\n" + " require \"" + bcpkixJar + "\".gsub('file:', '') unless \"" + bcpkixJar + "\".empty?\n" + " require \"" + bcprovJar + "\".gsub('file:', '') unless \"" + bcprovJar + "\".empty?\n" + "end"); invokeMethod(scriptingContainer, "setHomeDirectory", "classpath:/META-INF/jruby.home"); } @Override protected int start() throws Exception { if ( executable == null ) { try { URL server = extractWebserver(); launchWebServer(server); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if ( e.getMessage().indexOf("WEB-INF/webserver.jar") > -1 ) { System.out.println("specify the -S argument followed by the bin file to run e.g. `java -jar rails.war -S rake -T` ..."); System.out.println("(or if you'd like your .war file to start a web server package it using `warbler executable war`)"); } throw e; } return 0; } else { return super.start(); } } @Override public void run() { super.run(); if ( webroot != null ) delete(webroot.getParentFile()); } public static void main(String[] args) { doStart(new WarMain(args)); } }