require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Braintree::Xml do describe "self.hash_from_xml" do it "typecasts integers" do hash = Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml("<root><foo type=\"integer\">123</foo></root>") hash.should == {:root => {:foo => 123}} end it "works with dashes or underscores" do xml = <<-END <root> <dash-es /> <under_scores /> </root> END hash = Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml(xml) hash.should == {:root => {:dash_es => "", :under_scores => ""}} end it "uses nil if nil=true, otherwise uses empty string" do xml = <<-END <root> <a_nil_value nil="true"></a_nil_value> <an_empty_string></an_empty_string> </root> END hash = Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml(xml) hash.should == {:root => {:a_nil_value => nil, :an_empty_string => ""}} end it "typecasts dates and times" do hash = Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml <<-END <root> <created-at type="datetime">2009-10-28T10:19:49Z</created-at> </root> END hash.should == {:root => {:created_at => Time.utc(2009, 10, 28, 10, 19, 49)}} end it "builds an array if type=array" do hash = Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml <<-END <root> <customers type="array"> <customer><name>Adam</name></customer> <customer><name>Ben</name></customer> </customers> </root> END hash.should == {:root => {:customers => [{:name => "Adam"}, {:name => "Ben"}]}} end it "turns 1 and true to boolean if type = boolean" do hash = Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml <<-END <root> <casted-true type="boolean">true</casted-true> <casted-one type="boolean">1</casted-one> <casted-false type="boolean">false</casted-false> <casted-anything type="boolean">anything</casted-anything> <uncasted-true>true</uncasted-true> </root> END hash.should == {:root => { :casted_true => true, :casted_one => true, :casted_anything => false, :casted_false => false, :uncasted_true => "true" }} end it "handles values that are arrays of hashes" do hash = Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml(" <container> <elem><value>one</value></elem> <elem><value>two</value></elem> <elem><value>three</value></elem> </container> ") hash.should == {:container => {:elem => [{:value => "one"}, {:value => "two"}, {:value => "three"}]}} end end describe "self.hash_to_xml" do def verify_to_xml_and_back(hash) Braintree::Xml.hash_from_xml(Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash)).should == hash end it "works for a simple case" do hash = {:root => {:foo => "foo_value", :bar => "bar_value"}} verify_to_xml_and_back hash end it "works for arrays" do hash = {:root => {:items => [{:name => "first"}, {:name => "second"}]}} verify_to_xml_and_back hash end it "works for arrays of strings" do hash = {:root => {:items => ["first", "second"]}} verify_to_xml_and_back hash end context "Integer" do it "works for integers" do hash = {:root => {:foo => 1}} Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash).should include("<foo type=\"integer\">1</foo>") end end context "BigDecimal" do it "works for BigDecimals" do hash = {:root => {:foo => BigDecimal("123.45")}} Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash).should include("<foo>123.45</foo>") end it "works for BigDecimals with fewer than 2 digits" do hash = {:root => {:foo => BigDecimal("1000.0")}} Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash).should include("<foo>1000.00</foo>") end it "works for BigDecimals with more than 2 digits" do hash = {:root => {:foo => BigDecimal("12.345")}} Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash).should include("<foo>12.345</foo>") end end it "works for symbols" do hash = {:root => {:foo => :bar}} Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash).should include("<foo>bar</foo>") end it "type casts booleans" do hash = {:root => {:string_true => "true", :bool_true => true, :bool_false => false, :string_false => "false"}} verify_to_xml_and_back hash end it "type casts time" do hash = {:root => {:a_time => Time.utc(2009, 10, 28, 1, 2, 3), :a_string_that_looks_like_time => "2009-10-28T10:19:49Z"}} verify_to_xml_and_back hash end it "can distinguish nil from empty string" do hash = {:root => {:an_empty_string => "", :a_nil_value => nil}} verify_to_xml_and_back hash end it "includes the encoding" do xml = Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(:root => {:root => "bar"}) xml.should include("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>") end it "works for only a root node and a string" do hash = {:id => "123"} verify_to_xml_and_back hash end it "escapes keys and values" do hash = {"ke<y" => "val>ue"} Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash).should include("<ke<y>val>ue</ke<y>") end it "escapes nested keys and values" do hash = {"top<" => {"ke<y" => "val>ue"}} Braintree::Xml.hash_to_xml(hash).gsub(/\s/, "").should include("<top<><ke<y>val>ue</ke<y></top<>") end end end