require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe PhocoderHelper do #, :debug=>true before(:each) do @attr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg'),:width => 200,:height=>197 } @image = ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" ActsAsPhocodable.processing_mode = "automatic" end describe "phocoder_includes" do it "should include a javascript tag" do helper.phocoder_includes.should match /phocodable.js/ end it "should include a stylesheet tag" do helper.phocoder_includes.should match /phocodable.css/ end end describe "phocoder_video_includes" do it "should include a javascript tag" do helper.phocoder_video_includes.should match /video.js/ end it "should include a stylesheet tag" do helper.phocoder_video_includes.should match /video-js.css/ end end describe "phocoder_link" do before(:each) do @attr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg') } @image = end it "should return raw text if the file is not ready" do @image.encodable_status = "phocoding" helper.phocoder_link("my link",@image).should == "my link" end it "should return a link if the file is ready" do @image.encodable_status = "ready" link = helper.phocoder_link("my link",@image) puts "link = #{link}" link.should match /my link/ link.should match /<a/ link.should match /href/ end end describe "phocoder_thumbnail" do it "should delegate to phocoder_video_thumbnail for videos" do vid =>'video/quicktime',:zencoder_status=>'s3',:id=>1,:filename=>"") helper.should_receive(:phocoder_video_thumbnail).and_return(nil) helper.phocoder_thumbnail(vid) end it "should delegate to phocoder_image_thumbnail for images" do img ={ :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg') }) helper.should_receive(:phocoder_image_thumbnail).and_return(nil) helper.phocoder_thumbnail(img) end it "should return an error div for elements that arent' video or image" do obj =>'text/plain') #puts "=====================================================================================" #puts " = #{} - encodable.image? = #{obj.image?}" #puts "helper.phocoder_thumbnail(obj) = #{helper.phocoder_thumbnail(obj)}" #helper.should_receive(:error_div) helper.phocoder_thumbnail(obj).should match /not an image or a video/ end end describe "phocoder_image_thumbnail" do it "should call phocoder_image_offline if mode is offline" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "offline" helper.should_receive(:phocoder_image_offline).and_return(nil) helper.phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,nil,{}) end it "should call phocoder_image_online if mode is not offline" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" helper.should_receive(:phocoder_image_online).and_return(nil) helper.phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,nil,{}) end #it "should call display_image when the thumbnail is blank" do # helper.should_receive(:display_image).and_return(nil) # helper.phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,nil,{}) #end #it "should call find_or_create_thumbnail and then call display_thumbnail if a thumbnail is found" do # helper.should_receive(:find_or_create_thumbnail).and_return(@image) # helper.should_receive(:display_image_thumbnail).and_return(nil) # helper.phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,"test_thumb",{}) #end #it "should call find_or_create_thumbnail and then call error_div if a thumbnail is not found" do # helper.should_receive(:find_or_create_thumbnail).and_return(nil) # helper.should_receive(:error_div).and_return(nil) # helper.phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,"test_thumb",{}) #end end describe "phocoder_image_offline" do it "should return an error when !image.web_safe? and thumbnail.blank?" do @image.content_type = "image/x-nikon-nef" @image.web_safe?.should be_false output = helper.phocoder_image_offline(@image,nil,{}) output.should match /phocoder_error/ output.should match @image.content_type end it "should return an image tag when image.web_safe? and thumbnail.blank?" do output = phocoder_image_offline(@image,nil,{}) output.should match /<img/ output.should_not match /width/ output.should match @image.filename # the path in the thumbnail end it "should return an img tag when the thumbnail can be resolved" do output = helper.phocoder_image_offline(@image,"small",{}) output.should match /<img/ output.should match /width=\"100\"/ end it "should return an error if thumbnail attributes are not found" do output = helper.phocoder_image_offline(@image,"bad-thumb",{}) output.should match /phocoder_error/ output.should match /bad-thumb/ end #it "should return an image for the thumbnail if it's found and ready?" do # pending "do this look at moving the stuff below. Refactor that shit!" #end #it "should return a pending image for the thumbnail if it's found and !ready?" do # pending "do this" #end end describe "phocoder_image_online" do describe "when no thumbnail is passed" do it "should return an error div if !image.web_safe" do @image.content_type = "image/x-nikon-nef" @image.web_safe?.should be_false output = helper.phocoder_image_online(@image,nil,{}) output.should match /phocoder_error/ output.should match @image.content_type end it "should return an img tag with no width and height if !image.ready? and image.web_safe?" do @image.encodable_status = 'phocoding' output = phocoder_image_online(@image,nil,{}) output.should match /<img/ output.should_not match /width/ output.should match @image.filename # the path in the original end it "should return an img tag with width and height if image.ready? and image.web_safe?" do @image.encodable_status = 'ready' output = phocoder_image_online(@image,nil,{}) output.should match /<img/ output.should match /width/ output.should match @image.filename # the path in the original end end #describe "when no thumbnail is passed" do describe "when a thumbnail is passed" do it "should return an img tag for a thumbnail that can be resolved by label and is ready" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" @tattr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg'), :width => 100, :height => 100 } @thumb = @thumb.filename = "big_eye_tiny_small.jpg" @thumb.encodable_status = @image.encodable_status = "ready" helper.should_receive(:find_or_create_thumbnail).and_return(@thumb) output = helper.phocoder_image_online(@image,"small",{}) output.should match /<img/ output.should match /width="100"/ output.should match @thumb.filename # the path in the thumbnail end it "should create a thumbnail and return an img tag for a new size string" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" output = helper.phocoder_image_online(@image,"100x100",{}) output.should match /<img/ output.should match /width="100"/ output.should match /waiting\.gif/ # the path in the thumbnail end it "should call pending_phcoder_thumbnail if the thumb is not ready" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" @tattr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg'), :width => 100, :height => 100 } @thumb = @thumb.filename = "big_eye_tiny_small.jpg" @thumb.encodable_status = "phocoding" @image.encodable_status = "ready" helper.should_receive(:find_or_create_thumbnail).and_return(@thumb) #helper.should_receive(:pending_phocoder_thumbnail) output = helper.phocoder_image_online(@image,"small",{}) output.should match /waiting\.gif/ # the path in the thumbnail end it "should call pending_phcoder_thumbnail if the image is not ready" do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" @image.encodable_status = "phocoding" #helper.should_receive(:pending_phocoder_thumbnail) output = helper.phocoder_image_online(@image,"small",{}) output.should match /waiting\.gif/ # the path in the thumbnail end it "should return an error div if the thumb can not be resolved" do output = helper.phocoder_image_online(@image,"bad-thumb",{}) output.should match /phocoder_error/ output.should match /bad-thumb/ end it "should return an error div if the thumb can not be resolved when the image is ready" do @image.encodable_status = "ready" output = helper.phocoder_image_online(@image,"bad-thumb",{}) output.should match /phocoder_error/ output.should match /bad-thumb/ end end end # describe "when a thumbnail is passed" do describe "find_thumbnail_attributes" do it "should call @image.thumbnail_attributes_for if the thumbnail argument is a String" do atts = {:foo => "bar" } @image.should_receive(:thumbnail_attributes_for).and_return(atts) helper.find_thumbnail_attributes(@image,"small",{}).should == atts end it "should return the thumbnail argument if it is a Hash" do atts = {:foo => "bar" } helper.find_thumbnail_attributes(@image,atts,{}).should == atts end end describe "find_or_create_thumbnail" do it "should call @image.thumbnail_for if the thumbnail attribute is a String" do @image.should_receive(:thumbnail_for) helper.find_or_create_thumbnail(@image,"some_thumb") end # This is kind of an integration test. maybe it should go somewhere else... it "should create a new thumbnail (by calling phocode) for a new size string" do #@image.should_receive(:phocode).and_return([{ :label => "100x100" }]) Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"small","filename"=>"small-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) Phocoder::Job.should_receive(:create).and_return(mock(Phocoder::Response,:body=>{ "job"=>{ "id"=>1, "inputs"=>["id"=>1], "thumbnails"=>[{"label"=>"100x100","filename"=>"100x100-test-file.jpg","id"=>1}] } })) thumb = helper.find_or_create_thumbnail(@image,"100x100") puts thumb.to_json thumb.encodable_status.should_not == "ready" end end # describe "display_image_thumbnail" do # it "in offline mode it should call offline_phocoder_image_thumbnail" do # ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "offline" # helper.should_receive(:offline_phocoder_image_thumbnail).and_return(nil) # helper.display_image_thumbnail(@image,@image,{}) # end # # it "if the thumbnail is ready, should return an image tag with the path and dimensions of the thumbnail" do # # end # # it "if the thumbnail is not ready, should call pending_phocoder_thumbnail" do # ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" # @tattr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg'), :width => 100, :height => 100 } # @thumb = # @thumb.filename = "big_eye_tiny_thumbnail.jpg" # @thumb.encodable_status = "phocoding" # helper.should_receive(:pending_phocoder_thumbnail).and_return(nil) # helper.display_image_thumbnail(@image,@thumb,{}) # #puts "-------- #{@thumb.public_url} ---- #{ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode}" # #output = helper.display_image_thumbnail(@image,@thumb,{}) # #output.should match /<img/ # #output.should match /width="100"/ # #output.should match /big_eye_tiny_thumbnail.jpg/ # the path in the thumbnail # end # end # describe "offline_phocoder_image_thumbnail" do # it "should render a thumbnail with the path to the original but the dimensions of the thumbnail" do # @tattr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg'),:filename=>"big_eye_tiny_thumbnail.jpg", :width => 100, :height => 100 } # @thumb = # @thumb.filename = "big_eye_tiny_thumbnail.jpg" # output = helper.offline_phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,@thumb,{}) # output.should match /<img/ # output.should match /width="100"/ # output.should match /big_eye_tiny.jpg/ # the path in the @att at the top of the file # end # end describe "pending_phocoder_thumbnail" do it "should return an image tag that points to a waiting image with the dimensions of the thumbnail" do @tattr = { :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/big_eye_tiny.jpg','image/jpeg'), :width => 100, :height => 100 } @thumb = @thumb.filename = "big_eye_tiny_thumbnail.jpg" output = helper.pending_phocoder_thumbnail(@image,@thumb,{}) output.should match /<img/ output.should match /width="100"/ output.should match /waiting\.gif/ # the path in the thumbnail end end #################### # These are more like integration tests, but whatever at least it's tested.... #################### describe "phocoder_image_thumbnail" do it "should return a preview_reload_timeout" do preview_reload_timeout.should == 10000 end describe "phcoder_thumbnail for local mode after processing" do before(:each) do ActsAsPhocodable.storeage_mode = "local" @thumb = :parent_id=>,:thumbnail=>"small") #set the main image to ready, but not the thumb @image.encodable_status = "ready" @image.stub!(:thumbnail_for).and_return(@thumb) end after(:each) do #@thumb.destroy end it "should return a pending img for a known thumbnail that is not ready" do phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,"small").should match(/data-phocoder-waiting="true"/) end it "should return a local url for a known thumbnail" do #act like we've already been updated from phocoder @thumb.encodable_status = "ready" puts "@image.encodable_status = #{@image.encodable_status}" puts "@thumb.encodable_status = #{@thumb.encodable_status}" phocoder_image_thumbnail(@image,"small").should match(@thumb.public_url) end end end # describe "image operations" do describe "phocoder_video_thumbnail" do end describe "video preview functions" do # before(:each) do # @vid_attr = { # :file => fixture_file_upload(fixture_path + '/', 'video/quicktime') # } # Zencoder::Job.stub!(:create).and_return(mock(Zencoder::Response,:body=>{ # "id"=>1, # "inputs"=>["id"=>1], # "outputs"=>[{"label"=>"small","url"=>"http://someurl/","filename"=>"small-test-file.mp4","id"=>1}] # })) # end # # after(:each) do # # end it "should render a pending img for a vid that is not ready" do vid =>'video/quicktime',:zencoder_status=>'s3',:id=>1,:filename=>"") phocoder_video_thumbnail(vid,"small",true).should match(/data-phocoder-waiting="true"/) end it "should render an image for a video that is ready but live_video = false" do vid =>'video/quicktime',:zencoder_status=>'ready',:id=>1,:filename=>"",:encodable_status=>"ready") vid.stub!(:thumbnail_for).and_return(vid) be_true phocoder_video_thumbnail(vid,"small",false).should match("video_poster") end it "should render a video js embed for a video that is ready" do vid =>'video/quicktime',:zencoder_status=>'ready',:id=>1,:filename=>"",:encodable_status=>"ready") vid.stub!(:thumbnail_for).and_return(vid) be_true phocoder_video_thumbnail(vid,"small",true).should match("video-js") end end # describe "video preview functions" do # describe "offline_phocoder_video_embed" do # it "should render a video tag" do # vid =>'video/quicktime',:zencoder_status=>'ready',:id=>1,:filename=>"",:encodable_status=>"ready") # vid.stub!(:thumbnail_for).and_return(vid) # be_true # offline_phocoder_video_embed(vid,"small",{}).should match("video-js") # end # # end end