module ReaderTags include Radiant::Taggable include ReaderHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include GroupTags include MessageTags class TagError < StandardError; end ### standard reader css and javascript is just a starting point. tag 'reader_css' do |tag| %{} end tag 'reader_js' do |tag| %{} end ### tags displaying the set of readers desc %{ Cycles through the (paginated) list of readers available for display. You can do this on any page but if it's a ReaderPage you also get some access control and the ability to click through to an individual reader. Please note that if you use this tag on a normal radiant page, all registered readers will be displayed, regardless of group-based or other access limitations. You really want to keep this tag for ReaderPages and (soon) GroupPages. *Usage:*
} tag 'readers' do |tag| tag.expand end tag 'readers:each' do |tag| tag.locals.readers = get_readers(tag) tag.render('reader_list', tag.attr.dup, &tag.block) end # General purpose paginated reader lister. Potentially useful dryness. # Tag.locals.readers must be defined but can be empty. tag 'reader_list' do |tag| raise TagError, "r:reader_list: no readers to list" unless tag.locals.readers options = tag.attr.symbolize_keys result = [] paging = pagination_find_options(tag) readers = paging ? tag.locals.readers.paginate(paging) : tag.locals.readers.all readers.each do |reader| tag.locals.reader = reader result << tag.expand end if paging && readers.total_pages > 1 tag.locals.paginated_list = readers result << tag.render('pagination', tag.attr.dup) end result end ### Displaying or addressing an individual reader ### See also the r:recipient tags for use in email messages. desc %{ The root 'reader' tag is not meant to be called directly. All it does is summon a reader object so that its fields can be displayed with eg.
On a ReaderPage, this will be the reader designated by the url. Anywhere else, it will be the current reader (ie the one reading), provided we are on an uncached page. } tag 'reader' do |tag| tag.expand if get_reader(tag) end [:name, :forename, :email, :description, :login].each do |field| desc %{ Displays the #{field} field of the current reader.
} tag "reader:#{field}" do |tag| tag.locals.reader.send(field) if tag.locals.reader end end desc %{ Displays the standard reader_welcome block, but only if a reader is present. For a block that shows an invitation to non-logged-in people, use @r:reader_welcome@
} tag "reader:controls" do |tag| # if there's no reader, the reader: stem will not expand to render this tag. tag.render('reader_welcome') end desc %{ Displays the standard block of reader controls: greeting, links to preferences, etc. If there is no reader, this will show a 'login or register' invitation, provided the reader.allow_registration? config entry is true. If you don't want that, use @r:reader:controls@ instead: the reader: prefix means it will only show when a reader is present. If this tag appears on a cached page, we return an empty @
@ suitable for ajaxing.
} tag "reader_welcome" do |tag| if %{
} else if tag.locals.reader = Reader.current welcome = %{#{I18n.t('reader_extension.navigation.greeting', :name =>}. } if tag.locals.reader.activated? welcome << %{ #{I18n.t('reader_extension.not_you')} #{I18n.t('reader_extension.navigation.log_out')}.
#{I18n.t('reader_extension.navigation.dashboard')} | #{I18n.t('')} | #{I18n.t('reader_extension.navigation.account')} | #{I18n.t('reader_extension.navigation.profile')} } else welcome << I18n.t('reader_extension.navigation.activate') end %{

} + welcome + %{

} elsif Radiant::Config['reader.allow_registration?'] %{

#{I18n.t('reader_extension.navigation.welcome_please_log_in', :login_url => reader_login_url, :register_url => new_reader_url)}

} end end end desc %{ Expands if there is a reader and we are on an uncached page.
} tag "if_reader" do |tag| tag.expand if get_reader(tag) end desc %{ Expands if there is no reader or we are on a cached page.
Please log in
} tag "unless_reader" do |tag| tag.expand unless get_reader(tag) end desc %{ Truncates the contained text or html to the specified length. Unless you supply a html="true" parameter, all html tags will be removed before truncation. You probably don't want to do that: open tags will not be closed and the truncated text length will vary.

} tag "truncated" do |tag| content = tag.expand tag.attr['words'] ||= tag.attr['length'] omission = tag.attr['omission'] || '…' content = scrub_html(content) unless tag.attr['allow_html'] == 'true' if tag.attr['chars'] truncate(content, :length => tag.attr['chars'].to_i, :omission => omission) else truncate_words(content, :length => tag.attr['words'].to_i, :omission => omission) # defined in ReaderHelper end end deprecated_tag "truncate", :substitute => "truncated" private def get_reader(tag) tag.locals.reader ||= if tag.attr['id'] Reader.find_by_id(tag.attr['id'].to_i) elsif :reader elsif ! Reader.current end end def get_readers(tag) attr = tag.attr.symbolize_keys readers = ? : Reader.scoped({}) readers = readers.in_group(group) if group = attr[:group] by = attr[:by] || 'name' order = attr[:order] || 'ASC' readers = readers.scoped({ :order => "#{by} #{order.upcase}", :limit => attr[:limit] || nil, :offset => attr[:offset] || nil }) readers end end