require 'watirspec_helper' describe Watir::Locators::TextField::SelectorBuilder do let(:attributes) { Watir::HTMLElement.attribute_list } let(:scope_tag_name) { nil } let(:selector_builder) { } let(:uppercase) { 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞŸŽŠŒ' } let(:lowercase) { 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿžšœ' } let(:negative_types) do "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='file' and "\ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='radio' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='checkbox' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='submit' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='reset' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='image' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='button' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='hidden' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='range' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='color' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='date' and " \ "translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')!='datetime-local'" end describe '#build' do after(:each) do |example| next if example.metadata[:skip_after] @query_scope ||= browser built = expect(built).to eq [@wd_locator, (@remaining || {})] next unless @data_locator || @tag_name expect { @located = @query_scope.wd.first(@wd_locator) }.not_to raise_exception if @data_locator expect(@located.attribute('data-locator')).to eq(@data_locator) else expect { expect(@located.tag_name).to eq @tag_name }.not_to raise_exception end end it 'without any arguments' do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for('forms_with_input_elements.html')) @selector = {} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})]"} @data_locator = 'input name' end context 'with type' do before(:each) { browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for('forms_with_input_elements.html')) } it 'specified text field type that is text' do @selector = {type: 'text'} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input']" \ "[translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')='text']"} @data_locator = 'first text' end it 'specified text field type that is not text' do @selector = {type: 'number'} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input']" \ "[translate(@type,'#{uppercase}','#{lowercase}')='number']"} @data_locator = '42' end it 'true locates text field with a type specified' do @selector = {type: true} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][#{negative_types}]"} @data_locator = 'input name' end it 'false locates text field without type specified' do @selector = {type: false} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type)]"} @data_locator = 'input name' end it 'raises exception when a non-text field type input is specified', skip_after: true do selector = {type: 'checkbox'} msg = 'TextField Elements can not be located by type: checkbox' expect { } .to raise_exception Watir::Exception::LocatorException, msg end end context 'with index' do before(:each) do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for('forms_with_input_elements.html')) end it 'positive' do @selector = {index: 4} @wd_locator = {xpath: "(.//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})])[5]"} @data_locator = 'dev' end it 'negative' do @selector = {index: -3} @wd_locator = {xpath: "(.//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})])[last()-2]"} @data_locator = '42' end it 'last' do @selector = {index: -1} @wd_locator = {xpath: "(.//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})])[last()]"} @data_locator = 'last text' end it 'does not return index if it is zero' do @selector = {index: 0} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})]"} @data_locator = 'input name' end it 'raises exception when index is not an Integer', skip_after: true do selector = {index: 'foo'} msg = 'expected Integer, got "foo":String' expect { }.to raise_exception TypeError, msg end end context 'with text' do before(:each) { browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for('forms_with_input_elements.html')) } it 'String for value' do @selector = {text: 'Developer'} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})]"} @remaining = {text: 'Developer'} end it 'Simple Regexp for value' do @selector = {text: /Dev/} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})]"} @remaining = {text: /Dev/} end it 'returns complicated Regexp to the locator as a value' do @selector = {text: /^foo$/} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][not(@type) or (#{negative_types})]"} @remaining = {text: /^foo$/} end end context 'with multiple locators' do before(:each) do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for('forms_with_input_elements.html')) end it 'locates using tag name, class, attributes and text' do @selector = {text: 'Developer', class: /c/, id: true} @wd_locator = {xpath: ".//*[local-name()='input'][contains(@class, 'c')]" \ "[not(@type) or (#{negative_types})][@id]"} @remaining = {text: 'Developer'} end it 'delegates adjacent to Element SelectorBuilder' do browser.goto(WatirSpec.url_for('forms_with_input_elements.html')) @query_scope = browser.element(id: 'new_user_email').locate @selector = {adjacent: :ancestor, index: 1} @wd_locator = {xpath: './ancestor::*[2]'} @data_locator = 'form' end end end end