== 2012-10-09 version 0.8.32 * Added Client#swap_table == 2012-09-21 version 0.8.31 * Added Job#db_name == 2012-09-21 version 0.8.30 * Fixed Account#storage_size_string and Table#estimated_storage_size_string == 2012-09-17 version 0.8.29 * Added Client#core_utilization method * Added Account#guaranteed_cores and #maximum_cores methods == 2012-09-17 version 0.8.27 * Added Table#estimated_storage_size_string == 2012-09-13 version 0.8.26 * Added Account model and Table#esetimated_storage_size method * Name length limit is changed from 32 characters to 256 characters == 2012-09-04 version 0.8.25 * Added Client#change_my_password(old_password, password) == 2012-08-30 version 0.8.24 * TreasureData::Client.new supports :http_proxy option == 2012-08-30 version 0.8.23 * Supports HTTP_PROXY environment variable == 2012-08-20 version 0.8.22 * Top-level resource models support org_name parameter == 2012-08-06 version 0.8.21 * Added multiuser features: organizations, users, roles * Added access control == 2012-07-23 version 0.8.20 * Implemented Zlib::GzipReader#readpartial for compatibility with ruby 1.8 == 2012-07-03 version 0.8.19 * Added Client#partial_delete * Client#query and Client#create_schedule support 'priority' option == 2012-06-26 version 0.8.18 * Client#result_each(&block) uses streaming raed not to read all data into memory * Client#result_format(format, io=nil) supports second argument not to read all data into memory == 2012-06-11 version 0.8.17 * Client#jobs supports status option == 2012-05-10 version 0.8.16 * Added bulk import feature == 2012-04-26 version 0.8.15 * Result model replaces ResultSet model * Removed methods related to ResultSet from Job and Schedule models * Added methods related to Result to Job and Schedule models == 2012-04-03 version 0.8.14 * Added Database#count, #created_at and #updated_at * Added Table#created_at and #updated_at == 2012-04-03 version 0.8.13 * Added Job#hive_result_schema == 2012-03-12 version 0.8.12 * Client#run_schedule returns an array of ScheduledJob == 2012-03-01 version 0.8.11 * Use data/ca-bundle.crt for SSL connections == 2012-02-22 version 0.8.10 * Added Client#run_schedule and update_schedule * Added timezone, delay and next_time fields to the Schedule model * create_aggregation_schema accepts params argument == 2012-02-12 version 0.8.9 * Added API#normalize_table_name and API#normalize_database_name == 2012-02-02 version 0.8.8 * Fixed SSL support == 2012-02-02 version 0.8.7 * Added SSL support == 2012-01-19 version 0.8.6 * Check JSON format of HTTP responses == 2011-12-04 version 0.8.5 * added new feature: ResultSet * added new feature: AggregationSchema * added Job#rset and Schedule#rset to get associated ResultSet == 2011-11-11 version 0.8.4 * Added Model#client * Added Database#query * Added Table#import * Increased http.read_timeout on Client#import == 2011-10-03 version 0.8.3 * Added Client#tail method == 2011-09-13 version 0.8.2 * Added APIs for scheduled queries * Set 'Content-Length: 0' header to POST request if no parameters are provided == 2011-09-09 version 0.8.1 * Added Client#kill method * Client.authenticate throws AuthError instead of APIError when status code is 400 == 2011-08-21 version 0.8.0 * First release