require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Contextual::Mongo do [ :blank?, :empty? ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do before do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when the count is zero" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "New Order") end let(:context) do end it "returns true" do context.send(method).should be_true end end context "when the count is greater than zero" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end it "returns false" do context.send(method).should be_false end end end end describe "#cached?" do context "when the criteria is cached" do let(:criteria) do Band.all.cache end let(:context) do end it "returns true" do context.should be_cached end end context "when the criteria is not cached" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end it "returns false" do context.should_not be_cached end end end describe "#count" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when no arguments are provided" do let(:context) do end it "returns the number of documents that match" do context.count.should eq(1) end end context "when context is cached" do let(:context) do end before do context.query.should_receive(:count).once.and_return(1) end it "returns the count cached value after first call" do 2.times { context.count.should eq(1) } end end context "when provided a document" do let(:context) do end let(:count) do context.count(depeche) end it "returns the number of documents that match" do count.should eq(1) end end context "when provided a block" do let(:context) do end let(:count) do context.count do |doc| doc.likes.nil? end end it "returns the number of documents that match" do count.should eq(1) end context "and a limit true" do before do 2.times { Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 1) } end let(:count) do context.count(true) do |doc| doc.likes.nil? end end it "returns the number of documents that match" do count.should eq(1) end end end context "when provided limit true" do before do 2.times { Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") } end let(:context) do end let(:count) do context.count(true) end it "returns the number of documents that match" do count.should eq(2) end end end [ :delete, :delete_all ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end context "when the selector is contraining" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end let!(:deleted) do context.send(method) end it "deletes the matching documents" do Band.find( eq(new_order) end it "deletes the correct number of documents" do Band.count.should eq(1) end it "returns the number of documents deleted" do deleted.should eq(1) end end context "when the selector is not contraining" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end before do context.send(method) end it "deletes all the documents" do Band.count.should eq(0) end end end end [ :destroy, :destroy_all ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end context "when the selector is contraining" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end let!(:destroyed) do context.send(method) end it "destroys the matching documents" do Band.find( eq(new_order) end it "destroys the correct number of documents" do Band.count.should eq(1) end it "returns the number of documents destroyed" do destroyed.should eq(1) end end context "when the selector is not contraining" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end before do context.send(method) end it "destroys all the documents" do Band.count.should eq(0) end end end end describe "#distinct" do before do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", years: 30) Band.create(name: "New Order", years: 25) end context "when limiting the result set" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end it "returns the distinct matching fields" do context.distinct(:name).should eq([ "Depeche Mode" ]) end end context "when not limiting the result set" do let(:criteria) do Band.criteria end let(:context) do end it "returns the distinct field values" do context.distinct(:name).should eq([ "Depeche Mode", "New Order" ]) end end context "when providing an aliased field" do let(:criteria) do Band.criteria end let(:context) do end it "returns the distinct field values" do context.distinct(:years).should eq([ 30, 25 ]) end end end describe "#each" do before do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end context "when providing a block" do it "yields mongoid documents to the block" do context.each do |doc| doc.should be_a(Mongoid::Document) end end it "iterates over the matching documents" do context.each do |doc| eq("Depeche Mode") end end it "returns self" do context.each{}.should be(context) end end context "when no block is provided" do let(:enum) do context.each end it "returns an enumerator" do enum.should be_a(Enumerator) end context "when iterating over the enumerator" do context "when iterating with each" do it "yields mongoid documents to the block" do enum.each do |doc| doc.should be_a(Mongoid::Document) end end end context "when iterating with next" do it "yields mongoid documents" do be_a(Mongoid::Document) end end end end end describe "#eager_load" do let(:criteria) do Person.includes(:game) end let(:context) do end context "when no documents are returned" do let(:game_metadata) do Person.reflect_on_association(:game) end it "does not make any additional database queries" do game_metadata.should_receive(:eager_load).never context.send(:eager_load, []) end end end describe "#exists?" do before do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end context "when the count is zero" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "New Order") end let(:context) do end it "returns false" do context.should_not be_exists end end context "when the count is greater than zero" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end it "returns true" do context.should be_exists end end context "when caching is enabled" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").cache end let(:context) do end context "when the cache is loaded" do before do context.to_a end it "does not hit the database" do context.should_receive(:query).never context.should be_exists end end context "when the cache is not loaded" do context "when a count has been executed" do before do context.count end it "does not hit the database" do context.should_receive(:query).never context.should be_exists end end end end end describe "#explain" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end it "returns the criteria explain path" do context.explain["cursor"].should eq("BasicCursor") end end describe "#find_and_modify" do let!(:depeche) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool") end context "when the selector matches" do context "when not providing options" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end let!(:result) do context.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns the first matching document" do result.should eq(depeche) end it "updates the document in the database" do depeche.reload.likes.should eq(1) end end context "when sorting" do let(:criteria) do Band.desc(:name) end let(:context) do end let!(:result) do context.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns the first matching document" do result.should eq(tool) end it "updates the document in the database" do tool.reload.likes.should eq(1) end end context "when limiting fields" do let(:criteria) do Band.only(:_id) end let(:context) do end let!(:result) do context.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns the first matching document" do result.should eq(depeche) end it "limits the returned fields" do be_nil end it "updates the document in the database" do depeche.reload.likes.should eq(1) end end context "when returning new" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end let!(:result) do context.find_and_modify({ "$inc" => { likes: 1 }}, new: true) end it "returns the first matching document" do result.should eq(depeche) end it "returns the updated document" do result.likes.should eq(1) end end context "when removing" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end let!(:result) do context.find_and_modify({}, remove: true) end it "returns the first matching document" do result.should eq(depeche) end it "deletes the document from the database" do expect { depeche.reload }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound) end end end context "when the selector does not match" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Placebo") end let(:context) do end let(:result) do context.find_and_modify("$inc" => { likes: 1 }) end it "returns nil" do result.should be_nil end end end [ :first, :one ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end context "when the context is not cached" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end it "returns the first matching document" do context.send(method).should eq(depeche_mode) end end context "when using .desc" do let(:criteria) do Band.desc(:name) end let(:context) do end context "when there is sort on the context" do it "follows the main sort" do context.send(method).should eq(new_order) end end context "when subsequently calling #last" do it "returns the correnct document" do context.send(method).should eq(new_order) context.last.should eq(depeche_mode) end end end context "when using .sort" do let(:criteria) do Band.all.sort(:name => -1).criteria end let(:context) do end context "when there is sort on the context" do it "follows the main sort" do context.send(method).should eq(new_order) end end context "when subsequently calling #last" do it "returns the correnct document" do context.send(method).should eq(new_order) context.last.should eq(depeche_mode) end end end context "when the context is cached" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").cache end let(:context) do end context "when the cache is loaded" do before do context.to_a end it "returns the first document without touching the database" do context.should_receive(:query).never context.send(method).should eq(depeche_mode) end end end end end describe "#initialize" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode").no_timeout end let(:context) do end it "sets the criteria" do context.criteria.should eq(criteria) end it "sets the klass" do context.klass.should eq(Band) end it "sets the query" do context.query.should be_a(Moped::Query) end it "sets the query selector" do context.query.selector.should eq({ "name" => "Depeche Mode" }) end it "sets timeout options" do context.query.operation.flags.should eq([ :no_cursor_timeout ]) end end describe "#last" do context "when no default scope" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end it "returns the last matching document" do context.last.should eq(new_order) end end context "when default scope" do let!(:palm) do Tree.create(name: "Palm") end let!(:maple) do Tree.create(name: "Maple") end let(:criteria) do Tree.all end let(:context) do end it "respects default scope" do context.last.should eq(palm) end end context "when subsequently calling #first" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.asc(:name) end let(:context) do end it "returns the correnct document" do context.last.should eq(new_order) context.first.should eq(depeche_mode) end end end [ :length, :size ].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do before do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") Band.create(name: "New Order") end context "when the criteria has a limit" do let(:criteria) do Band.limit(1) end let(:context) do end it "returns the number of documents that match" do context.send(method).should eq(2) end context "when calling more than once" do before do context.query.should_receive(:count).once.and_return(2) end it "returns the cached value for subsequent calls" do 2.times { context.send(method).should eq(2) } end end context "when the results have been iterated over" do before do context.entries context.query.should_receive(:count).once.and_return(2) end it "returns the cached value for all calls" do context.send(method).should eq(2) end context "when the results have been iterated over multiple times" do before do context.entries end it "resets the length on each full iteration" do context.should have(2).items end end end end context "when the criteria has no limit" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end it "returns the number of documents that match" do context.send(method).should eq(1) end context "when calling more than once" do before do context.query.should_receive(:count).once.and_return(1) end it "returns the cached value for subsequent calls" do 2.times { context.send(method).should eq(1) } end end context "when the results have been iterated over" do before do context.entries context.query.should_receive(:count).once.and_return(1) end it "returns the cached value for all calls" do context.send(method).should eq(1) end context "when the results have been iterated over multiple times" do before do context.entries end it "resets the length on each full iteration" do context.should have(1).item end end end end end end describe "#limit" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end it "limits the results" do context.limit(1).entries.should eq([ depeche_mode ]) end end describe "#map" do before do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end context "when passed the symbol field name" do it "limits query to that field" do criteria.should_receive(:only).with(:name).and_call_original end it "performs mapping" do eq ["Depeche Mode", "New Order"] end end context "when passed a block" do it "performs mapping" do eq ["Depeche Mode", "New Order"] end end end describe "#map_reduce" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", likes: 200) end let!(:tool) do Band.create(name: "Tool", likes: 100) end let(:map) do %Q{ function() { emit(, { likes: this.likes }); }} end let(:reduce) do %Q{ function(key, values) { var result = { likes: 0 }; values.forEach(function(value) { result.likes += value.likes; }); return result; }} end context "when no selection is provided" do let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: 1) end it "returns the first aggregate result" do results.should include( { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ) end it "returns the second aggregate result" do results.should include( { "_id" => "Tool", "value" => { "likes" => 100 }} ) end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(2) end it "contains the entire raw results" do results["results"].should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }}, { "_id" => "Tool", "value" => { "likes" => 100 }} ]) end it "contains the execution time" do results.time.should_not be_nil end it "contains the count statistics" do results["counts"].should eq({ "input" => 2, "emit" => 2, "reduce" => 0, "output" => 2 }) end it "contains the input count" do results.input.should eq(2) end it "contains the emitted count" do results.emitted.should eq(2) end it "contains the reduced count" do results.reduced.should eq(0) end it "contains the output count" do results.output.should eq(2) end end context "when selection is provided" do let(:criteria) do Band.where(name: "Depeche Mode") end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: 1) end it "includes the aggregate result" do results.should include( { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ) end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(1) end it "contains the entire raw results" do results["results"].should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ]) end it "contains the execution time" do results.time.should_not be_nil end it "contains the count statistics" do results["counts"].should eq({ "input" => 1, "emit" => 1, "reduce" => 0, "output" => 1 }) end it "contains the input count" do results.input.should eq(1) end it "contains the emitted count" do results.emitted.should eq(1) end it "contains the reduced count" do results.reduced.should eq(0) end it "contains the output count" do results.output.should eq(1) end end context "when sorting is provided" do before do Band.index(name: -1) Band.create_indexes end let(:criteria) do Band.desc(:name) end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: 1) end it "returns the first aggregate result" do results.should include( { "_id" => "Tool", "value" => { "likes" => 100 }} ) end it "returns the second aggregate result" do results.should include( { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ) end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(2) end it "contains the entire raw results" do results["results"].should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }}, { "_id" => "Tool", "value" => { "likes" => 100 }} ]) end end context "when limiting is provided" do let(:criteria) do Band.limit(1) end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: 1) end it "returns the first aggregate result" do results.should include( { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ) end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(1) end it "contains the entire raw results" do results["results"].should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ]) end end context "when the output is replace" do let(:criteria) do Band.limit(1) end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(replace: "mr-output") end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(1) end it "contains the entire results" do results.should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ]) end end context "when the output is reduce" do let(:criteria) do Band.limit(1) end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(reduce: :mr_output) end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(1) end it "contains the entire results" do results.should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ]) end end context "when the output is merge" do let(:criteria) do Band.limit(1) end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(merge: :mr_output) end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(1) end it "contains the entire results" do results.should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200 }} ]) end end context "when providing no output" do let(:criteria) do Band.limit(1) end let(:context) do end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce) end it "raises an error" do expect { results.entries }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::NoMapReduceOutput) end end context "when providing a finalize" do let(:criteria) do Band.limit(1) end let(:context) do end let(:finalize) do %Q{ function(key, value) { value.extra = true; return value; }} end let(:results) do context.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: 1).finalize(finalize) end it "returns the correct number of documents" do results.count.should eq(1) end it "contains the entire results" do results.should eq([ { "_id" => "Depeche Mode", "value" => { "likes" => 200, "extra" => true }} ]) end end end describe "#skip" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end it "limits the results" do context.skip(1).entries.should eq([ new_order ]) end end describe "#sort" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end context "when providing a spec" do it "sorts the results" do context.sort(name: -1).entries.should eq([ new_order, depeche_mode ]) end it "returns the context" do context.sort(name: 1).should eq(context) end end context "when providing a block" do let(:sorted) do context.sort do |a, b| <=> end end it "sorts the results in memory" do sorted.should eq([ new_order, depeche_mode ]) end end end describe "#update" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end context "when providing attributes" do context "when the attributes are of the correct type" do before do context.update(name: "Smiths") end it "updates only the first matching document" do eq("Smiths") end it "does not update the last matching document" do eq("New Order") end end context "when the attributes must be mongoized" do context "when coercing a string to integer" do before do context.update(member_count: "1") end it "updates the first matching document" do depeche_mode.reload.member_count.should eq(1) end it "does not update the last matching document" do new_order.reload.member_count.should be_nil end end context "when coercing a string to date" do before do context.update(founded: "1979/1/1") end it "updates the first matching document" do depeche_mode.reload.founded.should eq(, 1, 1)) end it "does not update the last matching document" do new_order.reload.founded.should be_nil end end end end context "when providing atomic operations" do context "when only atomic operations are provided" do context "when the attributes are in the correct type" do before do context.update("$set" => { name: "Smiths" }) end it "updates the first matching document" do eq("Smiths") end it "does not update the last matching document" do eq("New Order") end end context "when the attributes must be mongoized" do before do context.update("$set" => { member_count: "1" }) end it "updates the first matching document" do depeche_mode.reload.member_count.should eq(1) end it "does not update the last matching document" do new_order.reload.member_count.should be_nil end end end context "when a mix are provided" do before do context.update("$set" => { name: "Smiths" }, likes: 100) end it "updates the first matching document's set" do eq("Smiths") end it "updates the first matching document's updates" do depeche_mode.reload.likes.should eq(100) end it "does not update the last matching document's set" do eq("New Order") end it "does not update the last matching document's updates" do new_order.reload.likes.should be_nil end end end context "when providing no attributes" do it "returns false" do context.update.should be_false end end end describe "#update_all" do let!(:depeche_mode) do Band.create(name: "Depeche Mode", origin: "Essex") end let!(:new_order) do Band.create(name: "New Order") end let(:criteria) do Band.all end let(:context) do end context "when providing attributes" do context "when the attributes are of the correct type" do before do context.update_all(name: "Smiths") end it "updates the first matching document" do eq("Smiths") end it "does not clear out other attributes" do depeche_mode.reload.origin.should eq("Essex") end it "updates the last matching document" do eq("Smiths") end end context "when the attributes must be mongoized" do before do context.update_all(member_count: "1") end it "updates the first matching document" do depeche_mode.reload.member_count.should eq(1) end it "updates the last matching document" do new_order.reload.member_count.should eq(1) end end context "when using aliased field names" do before do context.update_all(years: 100) end it "updates the first matching document" do depeche_mode.reload.years.should eq(100) end it "updates the last matching document" do new_order.reload.years.should eq(100) end end end context "when providing atomic operations" do context "when only atomic operations are provided" do context "when the attributes are in the correct type" do before do context.update_all("$set" => { name: "Smiths" }) end it "updates the first matching document" do eq("Smiths") end it "updates the last matching document" do eq("Smiths") end end context "when the attributes must be mongoized" do before do context.update_all("$set" => { member_count: "1" }) end it "updates the first matching document" do depeche_mode.reload.member_count.should eq(1) end it "updates the last matching document" do new_order.reload.member_count.should eq(1) end end end context "when a mix are provided" do before do context.update_all("$set" => { name: "Smiths" }, likes: 100) end it "updates the first matching document's set" do eq("Smiths") end it "updates the first matching document's updates" do depeche_mode.reload.likes.should eq(100) end it "updates the last matching document's set" do eq("Smiths") end it "updates the last matching document's updates" do new_order.reload.likes.should eq(100) end end end context "when providing no attributes" do it "returns false" do context.update_all.should be_false end end end end