DpdApi ====== :small_red_triangle_down: Ruby implementation for [DPD](http://dpd.ru)'s SOAP API [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/dpd_api.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/dpd_api) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/itsNikolay/dpd_api.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/itsNikolay/dpd_api) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/itsNikolay/dpd_api/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/itsNikolay/dpd_api) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/itsNikolay/dpd_api/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/itsNikolay/dpd_api) Installation ------------ ### Rails ```ruby # Gemfile gem 'dpd_api' ``` ```ruby # config/initializers/dpd_api.rb DpdApi.configure do |config| config.client_key = 'ASD7686ASD76786786786786AASD' config.client_number = '123456789' config.base_url = Rails.env.production? ? 'http://ws.dpd.ru' : 'http://wstest.dpd.ru' config.debug = Rails.env.production? ? false : true end ``` ### Ruby ```ruby gem install dpd_api ``` ```ruby require 'dpd_api' client_key = 'ASD7686ASD76786786786786AASD' client_number = '123456789' DpdApi.configure { |c| c.client_key = client_key; c.client_number = client_number; } ``` Quickstart ---------- ```ruby params = { pickup: { city_id: 195851995 }, delivery: { city_id: 48951627 }, self_pickup: false, self_delivery: false, weight: 1, } DpdApi::Calculator.service_cost(params) #=> [{:service_code=>"TEN", :service_name=>"DPD 10:00", :cost=>"2228.67", :days=>"4"}, {:service_code=>"DPT", :service_name=>"DPD 13:00", :cost=>"1966.47", :days=>"4"}, . . .] ``` Table of content ---------------- * [NOTES](#notes) * [DpdApi::Geography](#dpdapigeography) * [.cities_cash_pay](#cities_cash_pay) * [.terminals_self_delivery](#terminals_self_delivery) * [.parcel_shops](#parcel_shops) * [DpdApi::Calculator](#dpdapicalculator) * [.service_cost](#service_cost) * [.service_cost_by_parcels](#service_cost_by_parcels) * [DpdApi::Order](#dpdapiorder) * [.create_order](#create_order) * [.order_status](#order_status) * [.create_address](#create_address) * [.update_address](#update_address) * [.cancel_order](#cancel_order) * [.add_parcels](#add_parcels) * [.remove_parcels](#remove_parcels) * [.invoice_file](#invoice_file) * [DpdApi::Tracing](#dpdapitracing) * [.states_by_client_order](#states_by_client_order) * [.states_by_client_parcel](#states_by_client_parcel) * [.states_by_dpd_order](#states_by_dpd_order) * [DpdApi::Nl](#dpdapinl) * [.nl_amount](#nl_amount) * [.nl_invoice](#nl_invoice) * [DpdApi::LabelPrint](#dpdapilabelprint) * [.create_label_file](#create_label_file) Notes ----- 1. The gem is based on gem [savon](https://github.com/savonrb/savon) v.2 2. Naming: java's `#getOrderStatus` becomes ruby's `#order_status` Getting started --------------- ### DpdApi::Geography matches `/services/geography?wsdl` in DPD SOAP API ####.cities_cash_pay matches `getCitiesCashPay` ```ruby DpdApi::Geography.cities_cash_pay # => [{ city_id: "48951627", country_code: "RU", country_name: "Россия", region_code: "42", region_name: "Кемеровская", city_name: "Кемерово" }, . . . ] ``` ####.terminals_self_delivery matches `getTerminalsSelfDelivery2` ```ruby DpdApi::Geography.terminals_self_delivery # => [{ terminal: { terminal_code: "ABA", terminal_name: "Абакан - терминал", terminal_address: "655004, Хакасия респ., г. Абакан, ул. Игарская, д. 10", geo_coordinates: { geo_x: "53.710113", geo_y: "91.392873" }, working_time: { week_days: "Пн,Вт,Ср,Чт,Пт,Сб,Вс", work_time: "09:00 - 18:00" } }, city: { city_id: "195851995", country_code: "RU", country_name: "Россия", region_code: "19", region_name: "Хакасия", city_code: "19000001000", city_name: "Абакан" } }, . . . ] ``` ####.parcel_shops matches `?` there's no method in documentation ```ruby params = {} # or without DpdApi::Geography.parcel_shops(params) # => [{ code: "01A", parcel_shop_type: "ПВП", address: { country_code: "RU", region_code: "61", region_name: "Ростовская", city_code: "61000001000", city_name: "Ростов-на-Дону", address_string: "344038, Ростовская обл., г. Ростов-на-Дону, пр-т Ленина, д. 115" }, geo_coordinates: { geo_x: "47.249054", geo_y: "39.722657" }, limits: { max_weight: "31", max_length: "100", max_width: "100", max_height: "100" }, working_time: [ { week_days: "Пн,Вт,Ср,Чт,Пт,Сб", work_time: "09:00 - 20:00" }, { week_days: "Вс", work_time: "выходной" } ] }, . . . ] ``` ### DpdApi::Calculator matches `/services/calculator2?wsdl` in DPD SOAP API ####.service_cost matches `getSeviceCost2` ```ruby params = { pickup: { city_id: 195851995 }, delivery: { city_id: 48951627 }, self_pickup: false, self_delivery: false, weight: 1, } DpdApi::Geography.service_cost(params) # => [{ service_code: "TEN", service_name: "DPD 10:00", cost: "2228.67", days: "4" }, . . . ] ``` ####.service_cost_by_parcels matches `getServiceCostByParcels2` ```ruby params = { pickup: { city_id: 195851995 }, delivery: { city_id: 48951627 }, self_pickup: true, self_delivery: true, parcel: { weight: 0.5, length: 0.5, width: 0.5, height: 0.5, }, parcel: { weight: 1, length: 1, width: 1, height: 1, }, } DpdApi::Geography.service_cost_by_parcels(params) # => [{ service_code: "TEN", service_name: "DPD 10:00", cost: "551.65", days: "4" }, . . . ] ``` ### DpdApi::Order matches `/services/order2?wsdl` ####.create_order matches `createOrder` ```ruby params = { header: { date_pickup: date, sender_address: { name: fio, terminal_code: 'ABA', city: 'Москва', street: 'Ленина', street_abbr: 'ул', house: 1, contact_fio: fio, contact_phone: '+79211234567', }, }, order: [ { order_number_internal: '1234567', service_code: 'TEN', service_variant: 'ТД', cargo_num_pack: '1', cargo_weight: '1', cargo_registered: false, cargo_category: 'Одежда', receiver_address: { name: fio, terminal_code: '', city: 'Воронеж', street: 'Красноармейская', street_abbr: 'ул', house: 1, contact_fio: fio, contact_phone: '+79211234567', }, parcel: [ { number: '123456789', }, ], }, ], } DpdApi::Order.create_order(params) # => [{ order_number_internal: "1234567", order_num: "10160002MOW", status: "OK", error_message: nil, }] ``` ####.order_status matches `getOrderStatus` ```ruby params = { order: { order_number_internal: '123456', } } DpdApi::Order.order_status(params) # => [{ order_number_internal: "123456", order_num: "10160001MOW", status: "OK", }] ``` ####.create_address matches `createAddress` ```ruby params = { client_address: { code: '78', name: fio, city: 'Воронеж', street: 'Красноармейская', street_abbr: 'ул', house: 1, contact_fio: fio, contact_phone: '+79211234567', }, } DpdApi::Order.create_address(params) # => [{ code: "78", status: "OK", }] ``` ####.update_address matches `updateAddress` ```ruby params = { client_address: { code: '78', name: fio, city: 'Воронеж', street: 'Красноармейская', street_abbr: 'ул', house: 1, contact_fio: fio, contact_phone: '+79200000000', }, } DpdApi::Order.update_address(params) # => [{ code: "78", status: "OK", }] ``` ####.cancel_order matches `cancelOrder` ```ruby params = { cancel: { order_num: '10160001MOW', }, } DpdApi::Order.cancel_order(params) # => [{ order_number_internal: "123456", order_num: "10160001MOW", status: "Canceled", }] ``` ####.add_parcels matches `addParcels` ```ruby params = { order_num: '10160001MOW', cargo_num_pack: '2', cargo_weight: '2', cargo_category: 'Одежда', parcel: [ { number: '987654321' }, { number: '5678' }, ], } DpdApi::Order.add_parcels(params) # => { order_num: "10160001MOW", status: "OK", parcel_status: [ { number: "987654321", status: "OK", }, { number: "5678", status: "OK" } ] } ``` ####.remove_parcels matches `removeParcels` ```ruby params = { order_num: '10160001MOW', cargo_num_pack: '1', cargo_weight: '1', cargo_category: 'Одежда', parcel: [ { number: '987654321', }, ], } DpdApi::Order.remove_parcels(params) # => { order_num: "10160001MOW", status: "OK", parcel_status: { number: "987654321", status: "OK", }, } ``` ####.invoice_file matches `getInvoiceFile` ```ruby params = { order_num: '10160002MOW' } DpdApi::Order.invoice_file(params) # => { file: 'JVBERi0xLjQKJeLj . . .' } ``` ### DpdApi::Tracing matches `/services/tracing1-1?wsdl` in DPD SOAP API ####.states_by_client_order matches `getStatesByClientOrder` ```ruby params = { client_order_nr: '12345', } DpdApi::Tracing.states_by_client_order(params) ``` ####.states_by_client_parcel matches `getStatesByClientParcel` ```ruby params = { client_parcel_nr: '987654321', } DpdApi::Tracing.states_by_client_parcel(params) ``` ####.states_by_dpd_order matches `getStatesByDpdOrder` ```ruby params = { client_parcel_nr: '987654321', } DpdApi::Tracing.states_by_dpd_order(params) ``` ### DpdApi::Nl matches `/services/nl?wsdl` in DPD SOAP API ####.nl_amount matches `getNLAmount` ```ruby params = { date_from: Time.now - 1.days, date_to: Time.now + 1 days, } DpdApi::Tracing.nl_amount(params) ``` ####.nl_invoice matches `getNLInvoice` ```ruby params = { date_from: Time.now - 1.days, date_to: Time.now + 1 days, } DpdApi::Tracing.nl_invoice(params) ``` ### DpdApi::LabelPrint matches `/services/label-print?wsdl` in DPD SOAP API ####.create_label_file matches `createLabelFile` ```ruby params = { file_format: 'PDF', page_size: 'A5', order: [ order_num: '10160002MOW', parcels_number: '2', ], } DpdApi::Tracing.create_label_file(params) ```