#!/usr/bin/env ruby class Planner def initialize(p={}) # TODO # - build from SAS string # - generate image dependencies and joints graph @vars = [] @variables = {} @ops = [] @operators = {} @init = @goal = nil lines = p[:sas].split("\n") i = 0 while i < lines.length if lines[i] == 'begin_variable' i, var = Variable.read(i, lines) @vars << var @variables[var.sym] = var elsif lines[i] == 'begin_operator' i, op = Operator.read(i, lines, @vars) @ops << op @operators[op.sym] = op elsif lines[i] == 'begin_state' i, @init = State.read(i, lines, @vars) elsif lines[i] == 'begin_goal' i, @goal = State.read(i, lines, @vars) end i += 1 end @ops.each { |op| op.update_variables_joints_and_dependencies(@variables) } puts "#{@vars.length} variables" puts "#{@ops.length} operators" puts "#{@init.length} initial state" puts "#{@goal.length} goal state" @vars.each { |v| puts v.to_s if v.dependencies.length > 0 print "\tdep|" v.dependencies.each { |k,v| print "#{k}:#{v.length}|" } puts '' end if v.joints.length > 0 print "\tjoint|" v.joints.each { |k,v| print "#{k}:#{v.length}|" } puts '' end } @ops.each { |op| puts op.inspect } puts @init.inspect puts @goal.inspect end def to_image(p={}) def self.dot2image(dot, image_file) dot_file = "/tmp/#{Time.now.getutc.to_i}.dot" File.open(dot_file, 'w') { |f| f.write(dot) f.flush } !!system("dot -Tpng -o #{image_file} #{dot_file}") ensure File.delete(dot_file) if File.exist?(dot_file) end dot = "digraph {\n" @variables.each do |sym,var| name = var.name.gsub(/[\s\.\$]/, '_') dot += "#{name} [label=\"#{var.name}\", shape=rect];\n" end @variables.each do |sym,var| name = var.name.gsub(/[\s\.\$]/, '_') var.dependencies.each { |sym,operators| var2 = @variables[sym] name2 = var2.name.gsub(/[\s\.\$]/, '_') dot += "#{name} -> #{name2} ;\n" } end dot += "}" puts dot dot2image(dot, p[:file]) end class Variable < Array attr_reader :name, :sym attr_accessor :init, :goal, :joints, :dependencies def self.read(i, lines) var = Variable.new(lines[i+1]) i += 4 i.upto(lines.length) do |j| i = j break if lines[j] == 'end_variable' var << lines[j].to_sym end fail "Cannot find end_variable" if lines[i] != 'end_variable' [i, var] end def initialize(name, init=nil, goal=nil) @name = name @sym = @name.to_sym @values = [] @map = {} @init = init @goal = goal @joints = {} @dependencies = {} end alias :super_to_s :to_s def to_s @name + " " + super_to_s end end class Operator attr_reader :name, :sym attr_accessor :cost, :preconditions, :postconditions, :variables def self.read(i, lines, variables) op = Operator.new(lines[i+1]) i += 2 last = nil i.upto(lines.length) do |j| i = j break if lines[j] == 'end_operator' parts = lines[j].split(' ') if parts.length > 1 var = variables[parts[1].to_i] pre = (parts[2] == '-1' ? nil : var[parts[2].to_i]) post = (parts[3].nil? ? nil : var[parts[3].to_i]) op.param var, pre, post end last = lines[j] end op.cost = last.to_i fail "Cannot find end_operator" if lines[i] != 'end_operator' [i, op] end def initialize(name, cost=1) @name = name @sym = @name.to_sym @cost = cost @preconditions = {} @postconditions = {} @variables = {} end def param(variable, pre=nil, post=nil) return if variable.nil? or (pre.nil? and post.nil?) if !pre.nil? fail "Invalid precondition #{variable.name}:#{pre}" if !variable.index(pre) @preconditions[variable.sym] = pre end if !post.nil? fail "Invalid postcondition #{variable.name}:#{post}" if !variable.index(post) @postconditions[variable.sym] = post end @variables[variable.sym] = variable end def applicable(state) @preconditions.each { |var,pre| return false if state[var.sym] != pre } true end def apply(state) @postconditions.each { |var,post| state[var.sym] = post } end def update_variables_joints_and_dependencies(variables) @postconditions.each_key { |post| var_post = variables[post] @preconditions.each_key { |pre| next if post == pre var_pre = variables[pre] if !var_post.dependencies.has_key?(pre) var_post.dependencies[pre] = [self] else var_post.dependencies[pre] << self end } @postconditions.each_key { |post2| next if post == post2 var_post2 = variables[post2] if !var_post.joints.has_key?(post2) var_post.joints[post2] = [self] else var_post.joints[post2] << self end } } end def to_s @name + " pre:" + @preconditions.inspect + " post:" + @postconditions.inspect end end class State < Hash attr_reader :id def self.read(i, lines, variables) state = State.new(lines[i] == 'begin_state' ? 'init' : 'goal') if state.id == 'init' i += 1 var_index = 0 i.upto(lines.length) do |j| i = j break if lines[j] == 'end_state' var = variables[var_index] state[var.sym] = var[lines[j].to_i] var_index += 1 end fail "Cannot find end_state" if lines[i] != 'end_state' [i, state] elsif state.id == 'goal' i += 2 i.upto(lines.length) do |j| i = j break if lines[j] == 'end_goal' parts = lines[j].split(' ') var = variables[parts[0].to_i] state[var.sym] = var[parts[1].to_i] end fail "Cannot find end_goal" if lines[i] != 'end_goal' [i, state] end end def initialize(id) @id = id end end end if $0 == __FILE__ and ARGV.length > 0 planner = Planner.new(:sas => File.read(ARGV[0])) planner.to_image(:file => 'domain.png') end