# RELEASE HISTORY ## 2.2.0 / 2013-03-20 Good documentation is so under-addressed by most developers that we really have to roll out the bright lights when someone comes along and takes up the time consuming mantle of documenting an API in complete detail. This is exactly what happened with Radix this last month. A coder going by the unassuming handle, **douglascodes**, announced his desire to document Radix and proceeded to do so until YARD pronounced 100% completeness. Hey, we think that is worth of a whole version bump and a big shout-out for Douglas! Changes: * 100% API documentation coverage. (douglascodes) ## 2.1.1 / 2013-02-06 Minor release to fix gemspec. Which, alas, Bundler cannot do without. Changes: * Update .gemspec file for latest indexer. ## 2.1.0 / 2013-01-31 This release fixes two bugs. The first caused base conversions of `0` to return an empty string. Second, the `Float#to_r` extension was using multiplication when it should have been using power. Ruby 1.9 includes `Float#to_r` though, so the use of Radix's *fixed* core extension is conditioned on Ruby 1.8 now. This release also updates the build a bit, primarily converting RDoc documents to Markdown. Changes: * Fix issue #5, Float#to_r using times instead of power. (simonratner) * Fix issue #4, zero converts to empty string. (bbasata) * Convert RDoc documents to Markdown. ## 2.0.1 / 2011-10-23 This release is simply an administrative release to update the project build configuration. The functionality of the library itself has not changed. This release also transitions the project to the BSD-2-Clause license. Changes: * Modernize build configuration. * Switch to BSD-2-Clause license. ## 2.0.0 / 2010-10-31 Radix::Number has been deprecate in favor of three separate classes, Radix::Integer, Radix::Float and Radix::Rational. In addition implementation of these classes has been reworked. Changes: * Deprecate Radix::Number * Add Radix::Integer * Add Radix::Float * Add Radix::Rational ## 1.1.0 / 2010-09-03 Radix now provides an actual Numeric subclass, Radix::Number, that stores the base and can be used like any other Numeric object. This makes it very easy to convert and manipulate numbers in any base. The implementation is still a bit nascent. For the moment, it only supports the most basic math operators and only handles integer values, but future releases will continue to expand on it's capabilities. Changes: * Add Radix::Number to handle bases like any other numeric. * Rename Radix class to Radix::Base. ## 1.0.0 / 2009-07-01 This is the initial stand-alone release of Radix, ported from the basex.rb library of Ruby Facets. Changes: * Happy Birthday!