" rails.vim - Detect a rails application " Author: Tim Pope " GetLatestVimScripts: 1567 1 :AutoInstall: rails.vim " Install this file as plugin/rails.vim. See doc/rails.txt for details. (Grab " it from the URL above if you don't have it.) To access it from Vim, see " :help add-local-help (hint: :helptags ~/.vim/doc) Afterwards, you should be " able to do :help rails if exists('g:loaded_rails') || &cp || v:version < 700 finish endif let g:loaded_rails = 1 " Utility Functions {{{1 function! s:error(str) echohl ErrorMsg echomsg a:str echohl None let v:errmsg = a:str endfunction function! s:autoload(...) if !exists("g:autoloaded_rails") && v:version >= 700 runtime! autoload/rails.vim endif if exists("g:autoloaded_rails") if a:0 exe a:1 endif return 1 endif if !exists("g:rails_no_autoload_warning") let g:rails_no_autoload_warning = 1 if v:version >= 700 call s:error("Disabling rails.vim: autoload/rails.vim is missing") else call s:error("Disabling rails.vim: Vim version 7 or higher required") endif endif return "" endfunction " }}}1 " Configuration {{{ function! s:SetOptDefault(opt,val) if !exists("g:".a:opt) let g:{a:opt} = a:val endif endfunction call s:SetOptDefault("rails_statusline",1) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_syntax",1) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_mappings",1) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_abbreviations",1) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_ctags_arguments","--languages=-javascript") call s:SetOptDefault("rails_default_file","README") call s:SetOptDefault("rails_root_url",'http://localhost:3000/') call s:SetOptDefault("rails_modelines",0) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_menu",!has('mac')) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_gnu_screen",1) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_history_size",5) call s:SetOptDefault("rails_generators","controller\ngenerator\nhelper\nintegration_test\nmailer\nmetal\nmigration\nmodel\nobserver\nperformance_test\nplugin\nresource\nscaffold\nscaffold_controller\nsession_migration\nstylesheets") if exists("g:loaded_dbext") && executable("sqlite3") && ! executable("sqlite") " Since dbext can't find it by itself call s:SetOptDefault("dbext_default_SQLITE_bin","sqlite3") endif " }}}1 " Detection {{{1 function! s:escvar(r) let r = fnamemodify(a:r,':~') let r = substitute(r,'\W','\="_".char2nr(submatch(0))."_"','g') let r = substitute(r,'^\d','_&','') return r endfunction function! s:Detect(filename) let fn = substitute(fnamemodify(a:filename,":p"),'\c^file://','','') let sep = matchstr(fn,'^[^\\/]\{3,\}\zs[\\/]') if sep != "" let fn = getcwd().sep.fn endif if fn =~ '[\/]config[\/]environment\.rb$' return s:BufInit(strpart(fn,0,strlen(fn)-22)) endif if isdirectory(fn) let fn = fnamemodify(fn,':s?[\/]$??') else let fn = fnamemodify(fn,':s?\(.*\)[\/][^\/]*$?\1?') endif let ofn = "" let nfn = fn while nfn != ofn && nfn != "" if exists("s:_".s:escvar(nfn)) return s:BufInit(nfn) endif let ofn = nfn let nfn = fnamemodify(nfn,':h') endwhile let ofn = "" while fn != ofn if filereadable(fn . "/config/environment.rb") return s:BufInit(fn) endif let ofn = fn let fn = fnamemodify(ofn,':s?\(.*\)[\/]\(app\|config\|db\|doc\|features\|lib\|log\|public\|script\|spec\|stories\|test\|tmp\|vendor\)\($\|[\/].*$\)?\1?') endwhile return 0 endfunction function! s:BufInit(path) let s:_{s:escvar(a:path)} = 1 if s:autoload() return RailsBufInit(a:path) endif endfunction " }}}1 " Initialization {{{1 augroup railsPluginDetect autocmd! autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call s:Detect(expand(":p")) autocmd VimEnter * if expand("") == "" && !exists("b:rails_root") | call s:Detect(getcwd()) | endif | if exists("b:rails_root") | silent doau User BufEnterRails | endif autocmd FileType netrw if !exists("b:rails_root") | call s:Detect(expand(":p")) | endif | if exists("b:rails_root") | silent doau User BufEnterRails | endif autocmd BufEnter * if exists("b:rails_root")|silent doau User BufEnterRails|endif autocmd BufLeave * if exists("b:rails_root")|silent doau User BufLeaveRails|endif autocmd Syntax railslog if s:autoload()|call rails#log_syntax()|endif augroup END command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=dir Rails :if s:autoload()|call rails#new_app_command(0,)|endif " }}}1 " abolish.vim support {{{1 function! s:function(name) return function(substitute(a:name,'^s:',matchstr(expand(''), '\d\+_'),'')) endfunction augroup railsPluginAbolish autocmd! autocmd VimEnter * call s:abolish_setup() augroup END function! s:abolish_setup() if exists('g:Abolish') && has_key(g:Abolish,'Coercions') if !has_key(g:Abolish.Coercions,'l') let g:Abolish.Coercions.l = s:function('s:abolish_l') endif if !has_key(g:Abolish.Coercions,'t') let g:Abolish.Coercions.t = s:function('s:abolish_t') endif endif endfunction function! s:abolish_l(word) let singular = rails#singularize(a:word) return a:word ==? singular ? rails#pluralize(a:word) : singular endfunction function! s:abolish_t(word) if a:word =~# '\u' return rails#pluralize(rails#underscore(a:word)) else return rails#singularize(rails#camelize(a:word)) endif endfunction " }}}1 " Menus {{{1 if !(g:rails_menu && has("menu")) finish endif function! s:sub(str,pat,rep) return substitute(a:str,'\v\C'.a:pat,a:rep,'') endfunction function! s:gsub(str,pat,rep) return substitute(a:str,'\v\C'.a:pat,a:rep,'g') endfunction function! s:menucmd(priority) return 'anoremenu