#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'commander' require 'fileutils' JSPEC_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) program :name, 'JSpec' program :version, '1.1.1' program :description, 'JavaScript BDD Testing Framework' default_command :bind command :init do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec init [dest] [options]' c.summary = 'Initialize a JSpec project template' c.description = 'Initialize a JSpec project template. Defaults to the current directory when is not specified.' c.example 'Create a directory foo, initialized with a jspec template', 'jspec init foo' c.when_called do |args, options| dest = args.shift || '.' unless Dir[dest + '/*'].empty? abort unless agree "'#{dest}' is not empty; continue? " end FileUtils.mkdir_p dest FileUtils.cp_r File.join(JSPEC_ROOT, 'templates', 'default', '.'), dest spec = File.join dest, 'spec', 'spec.html' contents = File.read spec File.open(spec, 'w') { |file| file.write contents.gsub('JSPEC_ROOT', JSPEC_ROOT) } say "Template initialized at '#{dest}'." end end command :run do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec run [path] [options]' c.summary = 'Run specifications' c.description = 'Run specifications, defaulting to spec/spec.html. You will need supply if your specs do not reside in this location. `run --bind` is the default sub-command of jspec so you may simply execute `jspec` in order to bind execution of your specs when a file is altered.' c.example 'Run once in Safari', 'jspec run' c.example 'Run once in Safari and Firefox', 'jspec run --browsers Safari,Firefox' c.example 'Run custom spec file', 'jspec run foo.html' c.example 'Auto-refresh browsers when a file is altered', 'jspec run --bind --browsers Safari,Firefox' c.example 'Shortcut for the previous example', 'jspec --browsers Safari,Firefox' c.option '-b', '--browsers BROWSERS', Array, 'Specify browsers to test, defaults to Safari' c.option '-p', '--paths PATHS', Array, 'Specify paths when binding, defaults to javascript within ./lib and ./spec' c.option '-B', '--bind', 'Auto-run specs when source files or specs are altered' c.when_called do |args, options| begin require 'bind' spec = args.shift || 'spec/spec.html' options.default :browsers => %w( Safari ), :paths => ['lib/**/*.js', 'spec/**/*.js'] action = Bind::Actions::RefreshBrowsers.new spec, *options.browsers if options.bind listener = Bind::Listener.new :paths => options.paths, :interval => 1, :actions => [action], :debug => $stdout listener.run! else action.call spec end rescue LoadError abort "jspec run requires the visionmedia-bind gem; http://visionmedia.github.com/bind/" end end end alias_command :bind, :run, '--bind'