require 'multi_json' require 'multi_xml' require 'net/http' module VaultedBilling module Gateways ## # Interface to IPCommerce. # # == Example # # => 'identity-token', :service_key_store => XXX).tap do |ipc| # customer = ipc.add_customer( # credit_card = ipc.add_credit_card(customer, # ipc.purchase(customer, credit_card, 10.00) # end # class Ipcommerce include VaultedBilling::Gateway Countries = %w( !! AF AX AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY CF TD CL CN CX CC CO KM CG CD CK CR CI HR CU CY CZ DK DJ DM DO EC EG SV GQ ER EE ET FK FO FJ FI FR FX GF PF TF GA GM GE DE GH GI GR GL GD GP GU GT GG GN GW GY HT HM VA HN HK HU IS IN ID IR IQ IE IM IL IT JM JP JE JO KZ KE KI KP KR KW KG LA LV LB LS LR LY LI LT LU MO MK MG MW MY MV ML MT MH MQ MR MU YT MX FM MD MC MN ME MS MA MZ MM NA NR NP NL AN NC NZ NI NE NG NU NF MP NO OM PK PW PS PA PG PY PE PH PN PL PT PR QA RE RO RU RW SH KN LC PM VC WS SM ST SA SN RS CS SC SL SG SK SI SB SO ZA GS ES LK SD SR SJ SZ SE CH SY TW TJ TZ TH TL TG TK TP TO TT TN TR TM TC TV UG UA AE GB US UM UY UZ VU VE VN VG VI WF EH YE YU ZM ZW ) Companies = { 2 => /^4\d{12}(\d{3})?$/, # Visa 3 => /^(5[1-5]\d{4}|677189)\d{10}$/, # MasterCard 4 => /^3[47]\d{13}$/, # American Express 5 => /^3(0[0-5]|[68]\d)\d{11}$/, # Diners Club 6 => /^(6011|65\d{2}|64[4-9]\d)\d{12}|(62\d{14})$/, # Discover 7 => /^35(28|29|[3-8]\d)\d{12}$/ # JCB }.freeze class ServiceKeyStore UnavailableKeyError = attr_reader :identity_token def initialize(identity_token) @identity_token = identity_token @expires_at = nil end def key renew! unless valid? read_key || raise(UnavailableKeyError, 'A service key could not be retrieved for this session.') end def read_key @key end def store_key(key) @key = key end def valid? @expires_at && (@expires_at > + 5.minutes) end def before_request(request) request.delete "accept" end def renew! response = http.get raise(UnavailableKeyError, 'Unable to renew service keys.') unless response.success? @expires_at = + 30.minutes @key = response.body.try(:[], 1...-1) end private def http @request ||= begin urls = ["", ""], urls, { :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, :before_request => :before_request, :basic_auth => [@identity_token, ""] }) end end end attr_reader :service_key_store def initialize(options = {}) @identity_token = options[:username] || VaultedBilling.config.ipcommerce.username @raw_options = options[:raw_options] || VaultedBilling.config.ipcommerce.raw_options @test_mode = options.has_key?(:test) ? options[:test] : (VaultedBilling.config.ipcommerce.test_mode || VaultedBilling.config.test_mode) @application_id = options[:application_id] || @raw_options["application_id"] @service_id = options[:service_id] || @raw_options["service_id"] @service_key_store = options[:service_key_store] || end ## # A stub, since the IP Commerce only generates tokens during # successful authorization transactions. # def add_customer(customer) respond_with customer.to_vaulted_billing end ## # A stub, since the IP Commerce only generates tokens during # successful authorization transactions. # def add_customer_credit_card(customer, credit_card, options = {}) credit_card = credit_card.to_vaulted_billing authorization = authorize(customer, credit_card, 1.00, options) void = void(, options) if authorization.success? respond_with(credit_card, authorization.response, { :success => authorization.success?, :transactions => { :void => void, :authorization => authorization } }) do |cc| cc.vault_id = authorization.response.body['PaymentAccountDataToken'].presence end end def authorize(customer, credit_card, amount, options = {}) credit_card = credit_card.to_vaulted_billing data = { "__type" => "AuthorizeTransaction:", :ApplicationProfileId => @application_id, :MerchantProfileId => options[:merchant_profile_id], :Transaction => { :"__type" => "BankcardTransaction:", :TransactionData => { :Amount => "%.2f" % amount, :ApprovalCode => options[:approval_code], :CurrencyCode => 4, :TransactionDateTime =>, :CustomerPresent => 0, :EntryMode => options[:entry_mode] || 1, # 1 => keyed :GoodsType => 0, :IndustryType => 2, :SignatureCaptured => false, :OrderNumber => options[:order_id] || generate_order_number }, :TenderData => card_data(credit_card) } } response = http(options[:workflow_id] || @service_id).post(data) transaction = new_transaction_from_response(response) respond_with(transaction, response, :success => valid_code?(transaction.code)) end def capture(transaction_id, amount, options = {}) data = { :"__type" => "Capture:", :ApplicationProfileId => @application_id, :DifferenceData => { :"__type" => "BankcardCapture:", :TransactionId => transaction_id, :Addendum => nil, :Amount => "%.2f" % amount } } response = http(options[:workflow_id] || @service_id, transaction_id).put(data) transaction = new_transaction_from_response(response) respond_with(transaction, response, :success => valid_code?(transaction.code)) end def purchase(customer, credit_card, amount, options = {}) credit_card = credit_card.try(:to_vaulted_billing) data = { "__type" => "AuthorizeAndCaptureTransaction:", :ApplicationProfileId => @application_id, :MerchantProfileId => options[:merchant_profile_id], :Transaction => { :"__type" => "BankcardTransaction:", :TransactionData => { :Amount => "%.2f" % amount, :ApprovalCode => options[:approval_code], :CurrencyCode => 4, :TransactionDateTime =>, :CustomerPresent => 0, :EmployeeId => options[:employee_id], :EntryMode => options[:entry_mode] || 1, # 1 => keyed :GoodsType => 0, :IndustryType => 2, :OrderNumber => options[:order_id] || generate_order_number, :SignatureCaptured => false }, :TenderData => card_data(credit_card) } } response = http(options[:workflow_id] || @service_id).post(data) transaction = new_transaction_from_response(response) respond_with(transaction, response, :success => valid_code?(transaction.code)) end def refund(transaction_id, amount, options = {}) data = { :"__type" => "ReturnById:", :ApplicationProfileId => @application_id, :MerchantProfileId => options[:merchant_profile_id], :DifferenceData => { :"__type" => "BankcardReturn:", :TransactionId => transaction_id, :Addendum => nil, :Amount => "%.2f" % amount } } response = http(options[:workflow_id] || @service_id).post(data) transaction = new_transaction_from_response(response) respond_with(transaction, response, :success => valid_code?(transaction.code)) end ## # A stub, since the IP Commerce only generates tokens during # successful authorization transactions. # def remove_customer(customer) respond_with customer.to_vaulted_billing end ## # A stub, since the IP Commerce only generates tokens during # successful authorization transactions. # def remove_customer_credit_card(customer, credit_card) respond_with credit_card.to_vaulted_billing end ## # A stub, since the IP Commerce only generates tokens during # successful authorization transactions. # def update_customer(customer) respond_with customer.to_vaulted_billing end ## # A stub, since the IP Commerce only generates tokens during # successful authorization transactions. # def update_customer_credit_card(customer, credit_card, options = {}) add_customer_credit_card(customer, credit_card, options) end def void(transaction_id, options = {}) data = { :"__type" => "Undo:", :ApplicationProfileId => @application_id, :DifferenceData => { :"__type" => "BankcardUndo:", :TransactionId => transaction_id, :Addendum => nil } } response = http(options[:workflow_id] || @service_id, transaction_id).put(data) transaction = new_transaction_from_response(response) respond_with(transaction, response, :success => valid_code?(transaction.code)) end protected def valid_code?(code) [0,1].include?(code) end def card_data(credit_card) return nil if credit_card.nil? if credit_card.vault_id.present? { :PaymentAccountDataToken => credit_card.vault_id } else { :CardData => { :CardholderName => credit_card.name_on_card, :CardType => self.class.credit_card_type_id(credit_card.card_number), :Expire => credit_card.expires_on.try(:strftime, "%m%y"), :PAN => credit_card.card_number }, :CardSecurityData => { :AVSData => { :CardholderName => credit_card.name_on_card, :Street => credit_card.street_address.try(:[], (0...20)), :City => credit_card.locality, :StateProvince => credit_card.region, :PostalCode => credit_card.postal_code.try(:[], (0...5)), :Country =>, :Phone => }.select { |k, v| !v.nil? }, :CVDataProvided => credit_card.cvv_number.nil? ? nil : 2, :CVData => credit_card.cvv_number }.select { |k, v| !v.nil? } } end end private ## # Returns the name of the card company based on the given number, or # nil if it is unrecognized. # # This was heavily lifted from ActiveMerchant. # def self.credit_card_type_id(number) Companies.each do |company, pattern| return company if number =~ pattern end return 1 end def generate_order_number ( * 100000).to_i.to_s(36) + rand(60000000).to_s(36) end def http(*params) urls = %W({params.join('/')}{params.join('/')} ), urls, { :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, :before_request => :before_request, :basic_auth => [@service_key_store.key, ""], :on_success => :on_success }) end def before_request(request) request.body = MultiJson.encode(request.body) end def on_success(response) response.body = decode_body(response.body) || {} response.success = [1, 2].include?(response.body['Status']) end def decode_body(string) MultiJson.decode(string) rescue MultiJson::DecodeError parse_error(string) end def new_transaction_from_response(response) if response.success?{ :id => response.body['TransactionId'], :avs_response => response.body['AVSResult'] == 1, :cvv_response => response.body['CVResult'] == 1, :authcode => response.body['ApprovalCode'], :message => response.body['StatusMessage'], :code => response.body['Status'], :masked_card_number => response.body['MaskedPAN'] }) else if errors = parse_validation_errors(response){ :message => errors.join("\n"), :code => (response.body['ErrorResponse'] || {})['ErrorId'] }) else{ :message => response.body ? (response.body['ErrorResponse'] || {})['Reason'] : nil, :code => response.body ? (response.body['ErrorResponse'] || {})['ErrorId'] : nil }) end end end def parse_validation_errors(response) errors = || {}) if errors['ErrorResponse']['ValidationErrors'].present? [errors['ErrorResponse']['ValidationErrors']['ValidationError']].flatten.collect { |e| e['RuleMessage'] } end end def parse_error(response_body) MultiXml.parse(response_body) rescue MultiXml::ParseError end def respond_with(object, response = nil, options = {}, &block) super(object, options, &block).tap do |o| if response o.response = response o.raw_response = response.raw_response.try(:body) o.connection_error = response.connection_error end end end end end end