require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper.rb") describe Smoke::Cache do describe "class methods" do it "should respond to fetch" do Smoke::Cache.should respond_to(:fetch) end it "should respond to enabled?" do Smoke::Cache.should respond_to(:enabled?) end it "should respond to clear!" do Smoke::Cache.should respond_to(:clear!) end end describe "configuration" do it "should not be enabled (by default)" do Smoke::Cache.should_not be_enabled end it "should be enabled" do Smoke.configure {|c| c[:cache][:enabled] = true } Smoke::Cache.should be_enabled end it "should not be enabled" do Smoke.configure {|c| c[:cache][:enabled] = false } Smoke::Cache.should_not be_enabled end describe "invalid configuration" do before do @kernel = mock(Kernel) @kernel.stub!(:exit) end it "should log with bad configuration" do { Smoke.should_receive(:log) Smoke.configure {|c| c[:cache][:store] = :ponies } } end end end describe "caching my request" do before :all do Smoke.configure do |c| c[:cache][:enabled] = true c[:cache][:store] = :memory end @url = "http://memory.tld/store" FakeWeb.register_uri(@url, :file => File.join(SPEC_DIR, 'supports', 'slashdot.xml')) require 'moneta/memory' @store = Moneta::Memory.stub!(:new).and_return(@store) end it "should use the moneta::memory store" do Moneta::Memory.should_receive(:new).with(Smoke.config[:cache][:options]) Smoke::Cache.fetch @url, {} end it "should try to read from the memory store" do @store.should_receive(:[]) Smoke::Cache.fetch @url, {} end it "should be stored in the cache" do Smoke::Cache.fetch @url, {} @store['33af9f13054e64520430f7a437cdd377'].should_not be_nil end it "should be cleared" do Smoke::Cache.clear! @store['33af9f13054e64520430f7a437cdd377'].should be_nil end end end