- version: 2.0.1 (alpha) - Merged changes from andreas (http://github.com/andreas)... - andreas: Fixed comatose:admin:customize raketask (seems plugin_path was wrong, and made use of mkdir_p to avoid "File exists"-errors.) - andreas: Added "unloadable" to ComatoseAdminController (problems with ActsAsAuthenticated-integration similar to http://tinyurl.com/6caz5r) - version: 2.0 (uber alpha) - Removed controllers, models, and helpers from Comatose module. It was causing odd issues - Initial support for Rails 2.1(ish) - Fixed up slug generation to remove leading and trailing whitespace - Moved to github - Changed all the .rhtml files to .html.erb - Adding support for use as a gem plugin - version: 0.8.1 changes: - All includes and helpers are loaded at the end of the ComatoseController and ComatoseAdminController classes - Fixed the ComatoseController#show action to correctly send an HTTP status of 404 even if it finds, and renders, a page at '/404' - Fixed the migration to default a page's full_path to '' instead of null - Formalized ComatoseDrops. Use Comatose.define_drop "drop_name", do ... end. Every method within that block should return a value for use with a Liquid and/or ERB template. Usage in a comatose page: {{ drop_name.def_name }} - Added support for a config.after_setup block that gets called after Comatose is setup (in the Dispatcher#to_prepare event) - Added HTML comment output for calls that result in a method_missing on the ProcessingContext - Updated page tree to remember collapsed/expanded nodes between page visits - Fixed some errors that were caused by null revisions (usually happened after initial installation) - Added my javascript test_runner lib for testing slugs generated by JavaScript. More JS tests to come. - Bugfix #8640 (rubyforge bug) - version: 0.8 changes: - Now ONLY supports Rails 1.2 (not even tested in Rails 1.1) - New configuration system - DEFER_COMATOSE_LOAD is gone -- Using Dispatcher.to_prepare replaces it - You no longer extend the base classes to add functionality. You configure Comatose to include modules and send it symbols for providing said functionality. e.g. Comatose.config.includes << :authentiation_system; Comatose.config.authorization = :require_login - The automatic loading of RAILS_ROOT/lib/comatose/*.rb files is NO longer supported. - In addition to mapping comatose_root in your routes.rb, you'll want to map.comatose_admin as well - version: 0.7.1 changes: - A new DEFER_COMATOSE_LOAD flag is defined in the init.rb -- if you manually set it to `true`, you'll need to call Comatose.load in your environment.rb, but this should combat a lot of the plugin incompatiblities Coamtose has been suffering from - The revisions link on the edit page is now only shown if you have revisions - version: 0.7 changes: - Finally, page versioning via Rick Olsen's excellent acts_as_versioned! (included) - Tries to load any text filters, tags/drops, or extensions under RAILS_ROOT/lib/comatose/ (actually it just `require`'s every .rb file in that folder) so you no longer need to muck around with adding stuff in your environment.rb file - Previewing a page no longer updates it - version: 0.6.9 changes: - The page context now supports page.next, page.last, page.first_child, page.last_child - version: 0.6.8 changes: - Bugfix ComatoseController now references plugin_layout_path correctly from the class method - Some HTML/CSS/JS cleanup on the administration view -- should degrade to straight HTML pretty well now - version: 0.6.7 changes: - Removed Comatose::Page.record_timestamps = false -- it was breaking the magic. Override the record_timestamp methds instead - AdminController was still referencing, in a few places, ComatoseController for page cache expiration - version: 0.6.6 changes: - The cache expiration code is now on the ComatoseAdminController, as it should have been in the first place - Changed internal references from root_paths or cms_root to mount_point, since that's what I've started calling them... And it seems to make the most sense - Cleaned up the class_options code - Added initial support for pre-caching pages (generating static HTML), there's not a UI element for it yet, however - Changes to content-type handling: - Removed Comatose::Options.force_utf8 - Added Support for Comatose::Options.content_type = "utf-8" This will affect the HTTP headers, as well as the META tag in the admin views - Changed this log file to yaml format. And yes, there's a method to my madness... Wait for it. - version: 0.6.5 changes: - Fixed a bug in comatose_admin.js -- if you hid any of the meta_fields it would barf - version: 0.6.4 changes: - Fixed a typo in comatose_admin_customize.rhtml - Controller now keeps all information about mount points not just the :root (uri) and :index (page tree) - version: 0.6.3 changes: - Fixed the customization tasks - Added support for the new Routes system in Edge Rails - Removed the getting started guide -- it's now available at: http://comatose.rubyforge.org/getting-started-guide - version: 0.6.2 changes: - Fixed an issue with named_routes - version: 0.6.1 changes: - Fixed a migration issue - version: 0.6 changes: - Split out the admin from the ComatoseController into a new ComatoseAdminController class. - Moved controllers/model into Comatose module, now ComatoseController extends Comatose::Controller, and ComatoseAdminController extends Comatose::AdminController. And they extend your ApplicationController ComatoseController - Created a Comatose::Options class for configuration. - Add Liquid support to Text Processing -- made it the default processor. - Added support for adding 'tags' to processing context. They are Liquid Drops when using Liquid for processing, use like objects/methods when in ERB - Changed comatose.css, comatose.js, and app/views/comatose to comatose_admin.css, comatose_admin.js, and app/views/comatose_admin - Changed the names of some of the internals... ComatoseBinding is now Comatose::ProcessingContext, ComatosePageWrapper is Comatose::PageWrapper - Bugfix: PostgreSQL need the scope to be a symbol instead of a string, eh? Fine -- it is so. (Thanks to Lyle for the fix) - Added support for named routes... Anytime you use map.comatose_*, if * isn't 'root', it will use it as a named route - version: 0.5 changes: - Added support for parameterized inline rendering of comatose pages. Uselike a partial: render :comatose=>'path', :locals=>{:username=>'stuff'} the locals hash will be sent to the ERB context for use when rendering the page. - Support for a Hash ERB context exists all the way down to the TextFilters. - Initial support for fragment caching for inline rendering. It's turned off by default. Send :use_cache=>true in the render :comatose=>'' tag to use it. Caching will also not be used if you are sending the page parameters via the :locals hash. Oh, and don't forget to set your ActionController::Base.fragment_cache_store - Return reloadable? false for the ComatoseController by default... This should prevent the development mode hassles people have been having. - Updated data migration tasks to better support nested pages. - comatose:data:export FROM=page_path TO_FILE=file_path - comatose:data:import TO=page_path FROM_FILE=file_path - FROM_FILE and TO_FILE default to 'db/comatose-pages.yml' - FROM and TO default to '', the page tree root - Fixed 'Clear Page Cache' bug -- it didn't handle the page root being an array like it should have. - Removed :page_title and :page_keywords from session - Updated the rails_version in the about.yml to 1.1+ -- just because I haven't tested it on anything less than that. If you have, and it works, let me know! - Adds the utf8 header to all output (text/html; charset=utf-8). Use ComatoseController.force_utf8 = false to disable. - Initial support for page reordering (via AJAX) - Updated the administration look-n-feel. - version: 0.4 changes: - Added keywords field - Abstracted text filters into a micro plugin structure, default support for Textile, Markdown, and RDoc - It will only show the filters as a choice in the admin if you have the necessary libraries for the filters to function. - Added ComatoseController.hidden_meta_fields = [] as a way of showing/hiding the meta fields - The comatose_migration generator now accepts an --upgrade flag which will create a micro migration that only has the new fields in it - get_root_page will now support returning an array of root pages to show in the admin page list - Created some initial tests... (Can you tell I'm not a test _first_ guy?) - Inline rendering now handles :silent flag -- it will just return and empty string if :silent=>true - Modified all the internal references to ComatoseController to self.class.The views reference controller.class. Redirects redirect to :controller=>self.controller_name or controller.controller_name (action and view respectively). This show allow you to sub-class the ComatoseController. - version: 0.3.1 changes: - Abstracted retrieval of root comatose page to allow multi-user/limited view support - Added redcloth so there are now no external dependencies... Other than Rails, of course ;-) - DRYed up the folder structure a bit - Added a Rakefile - Made this ChangeLog more human-readable - version: 0.3 changes: - Added support for running entirely from the plugin - Added support for hierarchal pages - Pages are pre-filtered by ERB, therefor ERB can generate Textile - Comatose binding object - Used with ERB context to protect AR model - Has a few helper methods too: link, include - Migration updated - rendered_body removed, not much sense with ERB pre-processing and page-caching - full_path added for easy access to child pages - position, and author fields for future use - Administration Updates - Page listing is now a collapsible tree view - Page edit supports previewing the content - Preview textile only for new pages, full ERB previews for existing pages - ERB errors show up as AR errors - Shows Title and Body fields by default, clicking 'more...' makes Slug and Parent visible - CSS updates to lighten it up a bit - version: 0.2 changes: - Added support for rendering pages inline - Added support for expiring entire page cache - Added support for properly expiring pages when they are modified or deleted - Update stylesheets, generally made it usable - Fixed #new action - Minor tweaks - version: 0.1 changes: - First mostly-working version