3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) f69f933b8a0ad343427e2279009e4463625e6f1b o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{�:@has_childrenT:@templateI"+$contrasted-dark-default: #000 !default; $contrasted-light-default: #fff !default; $contrasted-lightness-threshold: 30% !default; // Returns the `$light` color when the `$color` is dark // and the `$dark` color when the `$color` is light. // The `$threshold` is a percent between `0%` and `100%` and it determines // when the lightness of `$color` changes from "dark" to "light". @function contrast-color( $color, $dark: $contrasted-dark-default, $light: $contrasted-light-default, $threshold: $contrasted-lightness-threshold ) { @return if(lightness($color) < $threshold, $light, $dark) } // Sets the specified background color and calculates a dark or light contrasted text color. // The arguments are passed through to the [contrast-color function](#function-contrast-color). @mixin contrasted( $background-color, $dark: $contrasted-dark-default, $light: $contrasted-light-default, $threshold: $contrasted-lightness-threshold ) { background-color: $background-color; color: contrast-color($background-color, $dark, $light, $threshold); }:ET:@children[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode: @guardedI" !default; T: @linei: @expro:Sass::Script::Color :@value0; i:@attrs{ :redi�: greeni�: bluei�: alphai;@: @nameI"contrasted-dark-default; T;@; [�o;;I" !default; T; i;o; ;0; i;{ ;i�;i�;i�;i;@;I"contrasted-light-default; T;@; [�o;;I" !default; T; i;o:Sass::Script::Number;i#:@numerator_units[I"%; T:@denominator_units[�; i:@originalI"30%; F;@;I"#contrasted-lightness-threshold; T;@; [�o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode;[I"�/* Returns the `$light` color when the `$color` is dark * and the `$dark` color when the `$color` is light. * The `$threshold` is a percent between `0%` and `100%` and it determines * when the lightness of `$color` changes from "dark" to "light". */; T; i : @loud0:@silenti�;@; [�o:Sass::Tree::FunctionNode;I"contrast-color; T: @args[ [o:Sass::Script::Variable:@underscored_nameI" color; T;I" color; T;@0[o; ;!I" dark; T;I" dark; T;@o; ; i;!I"contrasted_dark_default; T;I"contrasted-dark-default; T;@[o; ;!I" light; T;I" light; T;@o; ; i;!I"contrasted_light_default; T;I"contrasted-light-default; T;@[o; ;!I"threshold; T;I"threshold; T;@o; ; i;!I"#contrasted_lightness_threshold; T;I"#contrasted-lightness-threshold; T;@; [o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode ;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ; i;[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o;# ; i;[o; ; i;!I" color; T;I" color; T;@:@keywords{�;I"lightness; T;@:@operand2o; ; i;!I"threshold; T;I"threshold; T;@:@operator:lt; i;@o; ; i;!I" light; T;I" light; T;@o; ; i;!I" dark; T;I" dark; T;@;&{�;I"if; T;@; [�; i;@; i;T;@o;;[I"�/* Sets the specified background color and calculates a dark or light contrasted text color. * The arguments are passed through to the [contrast-color function](#function-contrast-color). */; T; i;0;i�;@; [�o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode; i;[ [o; ;!I"background_color; T;I"background-color; T;@0[o; ;!I" dark; T;I" dark; T;@o; ; i;!I"contrasted_dark_default; T;I"contrasted-dark-default; T;@[o; ;!I" light; T;I" light; T;@o; ; i;!I"contrasted_light_default; T;I"contrasted-light-default; T;@[o; ;!I"threshold; T;I"threshold; T;@o; ; i;!I"#contrasted_lightness_threshold; T;I"#contrasted-lightness-threshold; T;@;I"contrasted; T;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;o; ; i;!I"background_color; T;I"background-color; T;@: @tabsi�; i:@prop_syntax:new;[I"background-color; T;@; [�o;+;o;# ; i ;[ o; ; i ;!I"background_color; T;I"background-color; T;@o; ; i ;!I" dark; T;I" dark; T;@o; ; i ;!I" light; T;I" light; T;@o; ; i ;!I"threshold; T;I"threshold; T;@;&{�;I"contrast-color; T;@;,i�; i ;-;.;[I" color; T;@; [�; i