# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'spec_helper' describe CommentsController do COMMENTABLE = %i[account campaign contact lead opportunity].freeze before(:each) do login end # GET /comments # GET /comments.xml #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to GET index" do COMMENTABLE.each do |asset| describe "(HTML)" do before(:each) do @asset = create(asset) end it "should redirect to the asset landing page if the asset is found" do get :index, params: { "#{asset}_id": @asset.id } expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: asset.to_s.pluralize, action: :show, id: @asset.id) end it "should redirect to root url with warning if the asset is not found" do get :index, params: { "#{asset}_id": @asset.id + 42 } expect(flash[:warning]).not_to eq(nil) expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end describe "(JSON)" do before(:each) do @asset = create(asset) @asset.comments = [create(:comment, commentable: @asset)] request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/json" end it "should render all comments as JSON if the asset is found found" do get :index, params: { "#{asset}_id": @asset.id } expect(response.body).to eq(assigns[:comments].to_json) end it "JSON: should return 404 (Not Found) JSON error if the asset is not found" do get :index, params: { "#{asset}_id": @asset.id + 42 } expect(flash[:warning]).not_to eq(nil) expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end describe "(XML)" do before(:each) do @asset = create(asset) @asset.comments = [create(:comment, commentable: @asset)] request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/xml" end it "should render all comments as XML if the asset is found found" do get :index, params: { "#{asset}_id": @asset.id } expect(response.body).to eq(assigns[:comments].to_xml) end it "XML: should return 404 (Not Found) XML error if the asset is not found" do get :index, params: { "#{asset}_id": @asset.id + 42 } expect(flash[:warning]).not_to eq(nil) expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end end end # GET /comments/1/edit AJAX #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to GET edit" do COMMENTABLE.each do |asset| it "should expose the requested comment as @commment and render [edit] template" do @asset = create(asset) @comment = create(:comment, id: 42, commentable: @asset, user: current_user) allow(Comment).to receive(:new).and_return(@comment) get :edit, params: { id: 42 }, xhr: true expect(assigns[:comment]).to eq(@comment) expect(response).to render_template("comments/edit") end end end # POST /comments # POST /comments.xml AJAX #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to POST create" do describe "with valid params" do COMMENTABLE.each do |asset| it "should expose a newly created comment as @comment for the #{asset}" do @asset = create(asset) @comment = build(:comment, commentable: @asset, user: current_user) allow(Comment).to receive(:new).and_return(@comment) post :create, params: { comment: { commentable_type: asset.to_s.classify, commentable_id: @asset.id, user_id: current_user.id, comment: "Hello" } }, xhr: true expect(assigns[:comment]).to eq(@comment) expect(response).to render_template("comments/create") end end end describe "with invalid params" do COMMENTABLE.each do |asset| it "should expose a newly created but unsaved comment as @comment for #{asset}" do @asset = create(asset) @comment = build(:comment, commentable: @asset, user: current_user) allow(Comment).to receive(:new).and_return(@comment) post :create, params: { comment: {} }, xhr: true expect(assigns[:comment]).to eq(@comment) expect(response).to render_template("comments/create") end end end end # PUT /comments/1 # PUT /comments/1.xml not implemened #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # describe "responding to PUT update" do # # describe "with valid params" do # it "should update the requested comment" do # Comment.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(mock_comment) # mock_comment.should_receive(:update).with({'these' => 'params'}) # put :update, :id => "37", :comment => {:these => 'params'} # end # # it "should expose the requested comment as @comment" do # Comment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_comment(:update => true)) # put :update, :id => "1" # assigns(:comment).should equal(mock_comment) # end # # it "should redirect to the comment" do # Comment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_comment(:update => true)) # put :update, :id => "1" # response.should redirect_to(comment_path(mock_comment)) # end # end # # describe "with invalid params" do # it "should update the requested comment" do # Comment.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(mock_comment) # mock_comment.should_receive(:update).with({'these' => 'params'}) # put :update, :id => "37", :comment => {:these => 'params'} # end # # it "should expose the comment as @comment" do # Comment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_comment(:update => false)) # put :update, :id => "1" # assigns(:comment).should equal(mock_comment) # end # # it "should re-render the 'edit' template" do # Comment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_comment(:update => false)) # put :update, :id => "1" # response.should render_template('edit') # end # end # # end # DELETE /comments/1 # DELETE /comments/1.xml AJAX #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to DELETE destroy" do describe "AJAX request" do describe "with valid params" do COMMENTABLE.each do |asset| it "should destroy the requested comment and render [destroy] template" do @asset = create(asset) @comment = create(:comment, commentable: @asset, user: current_user) allow(Comment).to receive(:new).and_return(@comment) delete :destroy, params: { id: @comment.id }, xhr: true expect { Comment.find(@comment.id) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect(response).to render_template("comments/destroy") end end end end end end