module Processing # Drawing context # module GraphicsContext # PI # PI = Math::PI # PI / 2 # HALF_PI = PI / 2 # PI / 4 # QUARTER_PI = PI / 4 # PI * 2 # TWO_PI = PI * 2 # PI * 2 # TAU = PI * 2 # RGBA format for createImage(). # RGBA = :rgba # RGB format for createImage, or RGB mode for colorMode(). # RGB = :rgb # HSB mode for colorMode(). # HSB = :hsb # Radian mode for angleMode(). # RADIANS = :radians # Degree mode for angleMode(). # DEGREES = :degrees # Mode for rectMode(), ellipseMode() and imageMode(). # CORNER = :corner # Mode for rectMode(), ellipseMode() and imageMode(). # CORNERS = :corners # Mode for rectMode(), ellipseMode(), imageMode() and textAlign(). # CENTER = :center # Mode for rectMode() and ellipseMode(). # RADIUS = :radius # Mode for strokeCap(). # PROJECT = :square # Mode for strokeJoin(). # MITER = :miter # Mode for strokeCap() and strokeJoin(). # ROUND = :round # Mode for strokeCap() and strokeJoin(). # SQUARE = :butt # Mode for blendMode(). # BLEND = :normal # Mode for blendMode(). # ADD = :add # Mode for blendMode(). # SUBTRACT = :subtract # Mode for blendMode(). # LIGHTEST = :lightest # Mode for blendMode(). # DARKEST = :darkest # Mode for blendMode(). # EXCLUSION = :exclusion # Mode for blendMode(). # MULTIPLY = :multiply # Mode for blendMode(). # SCREEN = :screen # Mode for blendMode(). # REPLACE = :replace # Key code or Mode for textAlign(). LEFT = :left # Key code or Mode for textAlign(). RIGHT = :right # Mode for textAlign(). TOP = :top # Mode for textAlign(). BOTTOM = :bottom # Mode for textAlign(). BASELINE = :baseline # Filter type for filter() THRESHOLD = :threshold # Filter type for filter() GRAY = :gray # Filter type for filter() INVERT = :invert # Filter type for filter() BLUR = :blur # Key codes. ENTER = :enter SPACE = :space TAB = :tab DELETE = :delete BACKSPACE = :backspace ESC = :escape HOME = :home #END = :end PAGEUP = :pageup PAGEDOWN = :pagedown CLEAR = :clear SHIFT = :shift CONTROL = :control ALT = :alt WIN = :win COMMAND = :command OPTION = :option FUNCTION = :function CAPSLOCK = :capslock SECTION = :section HELP = :help F1 = :f1 F2 = :f2 F3 = :f3 F4 = :f4 F5 = :f5 F6 = :f6 F7 = :f7 F8 = :f8 F9 = :f9 F10 = :f10 F11 = :f11 F12 = :f12 F13 = :f13 F14 = :f14 F15 = :f15 F16 = :f16 F17 = :f17 F18 = :f18 F19 = :f19 F20 = :f20 F21 = :f21 F22 = :f22 F23 = :f23 F24 = :f24 UP = :up DOWN = :down # @private DEG2RAD__ = Math::PI / 180.0 # @private RAD2DEG__ = 180.0 / Math::PI # @private def init__(image, painter) @drawing__ = false @colorMode__ = nil @hsbColor__ = false @colorMaxes__ = [1.0] * 4 @angleMode__ = nil @angleScale__ = 1.0 @rectMode__ = nil @ellipseMode__ = nil @imageMode__ = nil @blendMode__ = nil @textAlignH__ = nil @textAlignV__ = nil @tint__ = nil @filter__ = nil @matrixStack__ = [] @styleStack__ = [] @fontCache__ = {} updateCanvas__ image, painter colorMode RGB, 255 angleMode RADIANS rectMode CORNER ellipseMode CENTER imageMode CORNER blendMode BLEND strokeCap ROUND strokeJoin MITER textAlign LEFT fill 255 stroke 0 strokeWeight 1 noTint end # @private def updateCanvas__(image, painter) @image__, @painter__ = image, painter end # @private def beginDraw__() raise "call beginDraw() before drawing" if @drawing__ @matrixStack__.clear @styleStack__.clear @drawing__ = true end # @private def endDraw__() raise unless @drawing__ @drawing__ = false end def width() @image__.width end def height() @image__.height end # Sets color mode and max color values. # # @overload colorMode(mode) # @overload colorMode(mode, max) # @overload colorMode(mode, max1, max2, max3) # @overload colorMode(mode, max1, max2, max3, maxA) # # @param mode [RGB, HSB] RGB or HSB # @param max [Numeric] max values for all color values # @param max1 [Numeric] max value for red or hue # @param max2 [Numeric] max value for green or saturation # @param max3 [Numeric] max value for blue or brightness # @param maxA [Numeric] max value for alpha # # @return [RGB, HSB] current mode # def colorMode(mode = nil, *maxes) if mode != nil mode = mode.downcase.to_sym raise ArgumentError, "invalid color mode: #{mode}" unless [RGB, HSB].include?(mode) raise ArgumentError unless [0, 1, 3, 4].include?(maxes.size) @colorMode__ = mode @hsbColor__ = mode == HSB case maxes.size when 1 then @colorMaxes__ = [maxes.first.to_f] * 4 when 3, 4 then @colorMaxes__[0...maxes.size] = &:to_f end end @colorMode__ end # @private private def toRGBA__(*args) a, b, c, d = args return parseColor__(a, b || alphaMax__) if a.kind_of?(String) rgba = case args.size when 1, 2 then [a, a, a, b || alphaMax__] when 3, 4 then [a, b, c, d || alphaMax__] else raise ArgumentError end rgba = {|value, i| value / @colorMaxes__[i]} color = @hsbColor__ ? Rays::Color.hsv(*rgba) :*rgba) color.to_a end # @private private def parseColor__(str, alpha) result = str.match(/^\s*##{'([0-9a-f]{2})' * 3}\s*$/i) raise ArgumentError, "invalid color code: '#{str}'" unless result rgb = result[1..3].map.with_index {|hex, i| hex.to_i(16) / 255.0} return *rgb, (alpha / alphaMax__) end # @private private def alphaMax__() @colorMaxes__[3] end # Sets angle mode. # # @param mode [RADIANS, DEGREES] RADIANS or DEGREES # # @return [RADIANS, DEGREES] current mode # def angleMode(mode = nil) if mode != nil @angleMode__ = mode @angleScale__ = case mode.downcase.to_sym when RADIANS then RAD2DEG__ when DEGREES then 1.0 else raise ArgumentError, "invalid angle mode: #{mode}" end end @angleMode__ end # @private def toAngle__(angle) angle * @angleScale__ end # @private def fromRadians__(radians) case @angleMode__ when RADIANS then radians when DEGREES then radians * RAD2DEG__ else raise "invalid angle mode: #{mode}" end end # @private def fromDegrees__(degrees) case @angleMode__ when RADIANS then degrees * DEG2RAD__ when DEGREES then degrees else raise "invalid angle mode: #{mode}" end end # Sets rect mode. Default is CORNER. # # CORNER -> rect(left, top, width, height) # CORNERS -> rect(left, top, right, bottom) # CENTER -> rect(center_x, center_y, width, height) # RADIUS -> rect(center_x, center_y, radius_h, radius_v) # # @param mode [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER, RADIUS] # # @return [nil] nil # def rectMode(mode) @rectMode__ = mode end # Sets ellipse mode. Default is CENTER. # # CORNER -> ellipse(left, top, width, height) # CORNERS -> ellipse(left, top, right, bottom) # CENTER -> ellipse(center_x, center_y, width, height) # RADIUS -> ellipse(center_x, center_y, radius_h, radius_v) # # @param mode [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER, RADIUS] # # @return [nil] nil # def ellipseMode(mode) @ellipseMode__ = mode end # Sets image mode. Default is CORNER. # # CORNER -> image(img, left, top, width, height) # CORNERS -> image(img, left, top, right, bottom) # CENTER -> image(img, center_x, center_y, width, height) # # @param mode [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER] # # @return [nil] nil # def imageMode(mode) @imageMode__ = mode end # @private private def toXYWH__(mode, a, b, c, d) case mode when CORNER then [a, b, c, d] when CORNERS then [a, b, c - a, d - b] when CENTER then [a - c / 2.0, b - d / 2.0, c, d] when RADIUS then [a - c, b - d, c * 2, d * 2] else raise ArgumentError # ToDo: refine error message end end # Sets blend mode. Default is BLEND. # # @param mode [BLEND, ADD, SUBTRACT, LIGHTEST, DARKEST, EXCLUSION, MULTIPLY, SCREEN, REPLACE] # # @return [nil] nil # def blendMode(mode = nil) if mode != nil @blendMode__ = mode @painter__.blend_mode = mode end @blendMode__ end # Sets fill color. # # @overload fill(rgb) # @overload fill(rgb, alpha) # @overload fill(gray) # @overload fill(gray, alpha) # @overload fill(r, g, b) # @overload fill(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param rgb [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # def fill(*args) @painter__.fill(*toRGBA__(*args)) nil end # Disables filling. # # @return [nil] nil # def noFill() @painter__.fill nil nil end # Sets stroke color. # # @overload stroke(rgb) # @overload stroke(rgb, alpha) # @overload stroke(gray) # @overload stroke(gray, alpha) # @overload stroke(r, g, b) # @overload stroke(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param rgb [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # def stroke(*args) @painter__.stroke(*toRGBA__(*args)) nil end # Disables drawing stroke. # # @return [nil] nil # def noStroke() @painter__.stroke nil nil end # Sets stroke weight. # # @param weight [Numeric] width of stroke # # @return [nil] nil # def strokeWeight(weight) @painter__.stroke_width weight nil end # Sets stroke cap mode. # # @param cap [BUTT, ROUND, SQUARE] # # @return [nil] nil # def strokeCap(cap) @painter__.stroke_cap cap nil end # Sets stroke join mode. # # @param join [MITER, ROUND, SQUARE] # # @return [nil] nil # def strokeJoin(join) @painter__.stroke_join join nil end # Sets fill color for drawing images. # # @overload tint(rgb) # @overload tint(rgb, alpha) # @overload tint(gray) # @overload tint(gray, alpha) # @overload tint(r, g, b) # @overload tint(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param rgb [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # def tint(*args) @tint__ = args nil end # Resets tint color. # # @return [nil] nil # def noTint() @tint__ = nil end # Limits the drawable rectangle. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by rectMode(). # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the drawable area, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the drawable area, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the drawable area, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the drawable area, by default # # @return [nil] nil # def clip(a, b, c, d) x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @imageMode__, a, b, c, d @painter__.clip x, y, w, h nil end # Disables clipping. # # @return [nil] nil # def noClip() @painter__.no_clip nil end # Sets font. # # @overload textFont(font) # @overload textFont(name) # @overload textFont(font, size) # @overload textFont(name, size) # # @param font [Font] font # @param name [String] font name # @param size [Numeric] font size (max 256) # # @return [Font] current font # def textFont(font = nil, size = nil) setFont__ font, size if font || size @painter__.font end # Sets text size. # # @param size [Numeric] font size (max 256) # # @return [nil] nil # def textSize(size) setFont__ nil, size nil end def textWidth(str) @painter__.font.width str end def textAscent() @painter__.font.ascent end def textDescent() @painter__.font.descent end def textAlign(horizontal, vertical = BASELINE) @textAlignH__ = horizontal @textAlignV__ = vertical end # @private def setFont__(fontOrName, size) name = case fontOrName when Font then else fontOrName || end size ||= @painter__.font.size size = 256 if size > 256 font = @fontCache__[[name, size]] ||= name, size @painter__.font = font end # Sets shader. # # @param shader [Shader] a shader to apply # # @return [nil] nil # def shader(shader) @painter__.shader shader&.getInternal__ nil end # Resets shader. # # @return [nil] nil # def resetShader() @painter__.no_shader nil end # Applies an image filter to screen. # # overload filter(shader) # overload filter(type) # overload filter(type, param) # # @param shader [Shader] a shader to apply # @param type [THRESHOLD, GRAY, INVERT, BLUR] filter type # @param param [Numeric] a parameter for each filter # def filter(*args) @filter__ = Shader.createFilter__(*args) end # Clears screen. # # @overload background(str) # @overload background(str, alpha) # @overload background(gray) # @overload background(gray, alpha) # @overload background(r, g, b) # @overload background(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param str [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # def background(*args) assertDrawing__ rgba = toRGBA__(*args) if rgba[3] == 1 @painter__.background(*rgba) else @painter__.push fill: rgba, stroke: :none do |_| @painter__.rect 0, 0, width, height end end nil end # Draws a point. # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position # @param y [Numeric] vertical position # # @return [nil] nil # def point(x, y) assertDrawing__ @painter__.line x, y, x, y nil end alias drawPoint point # Draws a line. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # # @return [nil] nil # def line(x1, y1, x2, y2) assertDrawing__ @painter__.line x1, y1, x2, y2 nil end alias drawLine line # Draws a rectangle. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by rectMode(). # # @overload rect(a, b, c, d) # @overload rect(a, b, c, d, r) # @overload rect(a, b, c, d, tl, tr, br, bl) # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the shape, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the shape, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the shape, by default # @param r [Numeric] radius for all corners # @param tl [Numeric] radius for top-left corner # @param tr [Numeric] radius for top-right corner # @param br [Numeric] radius for bottom-right corner # @param bl [Numeric] radius for bottom-left corner # # @return [nil] nil # def rect(a, b, c, d, *args) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @rectMode__, a, b, c, d case args.size when 0 then @painter__.rect x, y, w, h when 1 then @painter__.rect x, y, w, h, round: args[0] when 4 then @painter__.rect x, y, w, h, lt: args[0], rt: args[1], rb: args[2], lb: args[3] else raise ArgumentError # ToDo: refine error message end nil end alias drawRect rect # Draws an ellipse. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by ellipseMode(). # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the shape, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the shape, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the shape, by default # # @return [nil] nil # def ellipse(a, b, c, d) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @ellipseMode__, a, b, c, d @painter__.ellipse x, y, w, h nil end alias drawEllipse ellipse # Draws a circle. # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape # @param y [Numeric] vertical position of the shape # @param extent [Numeric] width and height of the shape # # @return [nil] nil # def circle(x, y, extent) ellipse x, y, extent, extent end alias drawCircle circle # Draws an arc. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by ellipseMode(). # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the shape, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the shape, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the shape, by default # @param start [Numeric] angle to start the arc # @param stop [Numeric] angle to stop the arc # # @return [nil] nil # def arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @ellipseMode__, a, b, c, d start = toAngle__(-start) stop = toAngle__(-stop) @painter__.ellipse x, y, w, h, from: start, to: stop nil end alias drawArc arc # Draws a square. # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape # @param y [Numeric] vertical position of the shape # @param extent [Numeric] width and height of the shape # # @return [nil] nil # def square(x, y, extent) rect x, y, extent, extent end alias drawSquare square # Draws a triangle. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # @param x3 [Numeric] horizontal position of third point # @param y3 [Numeric] vertical position of third point # # @return [nil] nil # def triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) assertDrawing__ @painter__.line x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, loop: true nil end alias drawTriangle triangle # Draws a quad. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # @param x3 [Numeric] horizontal position of third point # @param y3 [Numeric] vertical position of third point # @param x4 [Numeric] horizontal position of fourth point # @param y4 [Numeric] vertical position of fourth point # # @return [nil] nil # def quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) assertDrawing__ @painter__.line x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, loop: true nil end alias drawQuad quad # Draws a Catmull-Rom spline curve. # # @param cx1 [Numeric] horizontal position of beginning control point # @param cy1 [Numeric] vertical position of beginning control point # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # @param cx2 [Numeric] horizontal position of ending control point # @param cy2 [Numeric] vertical position of ending control point # # @return [nil] nil # def curve(cx1, cy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, cx2, cy2) assertDrawing__ @painter__.curve cx1, cy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, cx2, cy2 nil end alias drawCurve curve # Draws a Bezier spline curve. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param cx1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first control point # @param cy1 [Numeric] vertical position of first control point # @param cx2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second control point # @param cy2 [Numeric] vertical position of second control point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # # @return [nil] nil # def bezier(x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2) assertDrawing__ @painter__.bezier x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2 nil end alias drawBezier bezier # Draws a text. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by rectMode(). # # @overload text(str) # @overload text(str, x, y) # @overload text(str, a, b, c, d) # # @param str [String] text to draw # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position of the text # @param y [Numeric] vertical position of the text # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the text, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the text, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the text, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the text, by default # # @return [nil] nil # def text(str, x, y, x2 = nil, y2 = nil) assertDrawing__ if x2 raise ArgumentError, "missing y2 parameter" unless y2 x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @rectMode__, x, y, x2, y2 case @textAlignH__ when RIGHT then x += w - @painter__.font.width(str) when CENTER then x += (w - @painter__.font.width(str)) / 2 end case @textAlignV__ when BOTTOM then y += h - @painter__.font.height when CENTER then y += (h - @painter__.font.height) / 2 else end else y -= @painter__.font.ascent end @painter__.text str, x, y nil end alias drawText text # Draws an image. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by imageMode(). # # @overload image(img, a, b) # @overload image(img, a, b, c, d) # # @param img [Image] image to draw # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the image, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the image, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the image, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the image, by default # # @return [nil] nil # def image(img, a, b, c = nil, d = nil) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @imageMode__, a, b, c || img.width, d || img.height tint = @tint__ ? toRGBA__(*@tint__) : 1 img.drawImage__ @painter__, x, y, w, h, fill: tint, stroke: :none nil end alias drawImage image # Copies image. # # @overload copy(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) # @overload copy(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) # # @param img [Image] image for copy source # @param sx [Numrtic] x position of source region # @param sy [Numrtic] y position of source region # @param sw [Numrtic] width of source region # @param sh [Numrtic] height of source region # @param dx [Numrtic] x position of destination region # @param dy [Numrtic] y position of destination region # @param dw [Numrtic] width of destination region # @param dh [Numrtic] height of destination region # # @return [nil] nil # def copy(img = nil, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) blend img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, BLEND end # Blends image. # # @overload blend(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, mode) # @overload blend(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, mode) # # @param img [Image] image for blend source # @param sx [Numrtic] x position of source region # @param sy [Numrtic] y position of source region # @param sw [Numrtic] width of source region # @param sh [Numrtic] height of source region # @param dx [Numrtic] x position of destination region # @param dy [Numrtic] y position of destination region # @param dw [Numrtic] width of destination region # @param dh [Numrtic] height of destination region # @param mode [BLEND, ADD, SUBTRACT, LIGHTEST, DARKEST, EXCLUSION, MULTIPLY, SCREEN, REPLACE] blend mode # # @return [nil] nil # def blend(img = nil, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, mode) assertDrawing__ tint = @tint__ ? toRGBA__(*@tint__) : 1 img ||= self img.drawImage__( @painter__, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, fill: tint, stroke: :none, blend_mode: mode) end # Saves screen image to file. # # @param filename [String] file name to save image # def save(filename) filename end # Applies translation matrix to current transformation matrix. # # @overload translate(x, y) # @overload translate(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] left/right translation # @param y [Numeric] up/down translation # @param y [Numeric] forward/backward translation # # @return [nil] nil # def translate(x, y, z = 0) assertDrawing__ @painter__.translate x, y, z nil end # Applies scale matrix to current transformation matrix. # # @overload scale(s) # @overload scale(x, y) # # @param s [Numeric] horizontal and vertical scale # @param x [Numeric] horizontal scale # @param y [Numeric] vertical scale # # @return [nil] nil # def scale(x, y) assertDrawing__ @painter__.scale x, y nil end # Applies rotation matrix to current transformation matrix. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle for rotation # # @return [nil] nil # def rotate(angle) assertDrawing__ @painter__.rotate toAngle__ angle nil end # Pushes the current transformation matrix to stack. # # @return [nil] nil # def pushMatrix(&block) assertDrawing__ @matrixStack__.push @painter__.matrix if block nil ensure popMatrix if block end # Pops the current transformation matrix from stack. # # @return [nil] nil # def popMatrix() assertDrawing__ raise "matrix stack underflow" if @matrixStack__.empty? @painter__.matrix = @matrixStack__.pop nil end # Reset current transformation matrix with identity matrix. # # @return [nil] nil # def resetMatrix() assertDrawing__ @painter__.matrix = 1 nil end # Save current style values to the style stack. # # @return [nil] nil # def pushStyle(&block) assertDrawing__ @styleStack__.push [ @painter__.fill, @painter__.stroke, @painter__.stroke_width, @painter__.stroke_cap, @painter__.stroke_join, @painter__.clip, @painter__.blend_mode, @painter__.font, @painter__.shader, @hsbColor__, @colorMaxes__, @angleScale__, @rectMode__, @ellipseMode__, @imageMode__, @textAlignH__, @textAlignV__, @tint__, ] if block nil ensure popStyle if block end # Restore style values from the style stack. # # @return [nil] nil # def popStyle() assertDrawing__ raise "style stack underflow" if @styleStack__.empty? @painter__.fill, @painter__.stroke, @painter__.stroke_width, @painter__.stroke_cap, @painter__.stroke_join, @painter__.clip, @painter__.blend_mode, @painter__.font, @painter__.shader, @hsbColor__, @colorMaxes__, @angleScale__, @rectMode__, @ellipseMode__, @imageMode__, @textAlignH__, @textAlignV__, @tint__ = @styleStack__.pop nil end # Save current styles and transformations to stack. # # @return [nil] nil # def push(&block) pushMatrix pushStyle if block ensure pop if block end # Restore styles and transformations from stack. # # @return [nil] nil # def pop() popMatrix popStyle end # @private def getInternal__() @image__ end # @private def drawImage__(painter, *args, **states) shader = painter.shader || @filter__&.getInternal__ painter.push shader: shader, **states do |_| painter.image getInternal__, *args end end # @private private def assertDrawing__() raise "call beginDraw() before drawing" unless @drawing__ end # # Utilities # # Returns the absolute number of the value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] absolute number # def abs(value) value.abs end # Returns the closest integer number greater than or equal to the value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] rounded up number # def ceil(value) value.ceil end # Returns the closest integer number less than or equal to the value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] rounded down number # def floor(value) value.floor end # Returns the closest integer number. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] rounded number # def round(value) value.round end # Returns the natural logarithm (the base-e logarithm) of a number. # # @param value [Numeric] number (> 0.0) # # @return [Numeric] result number # def log(n) Math.log n end # Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] result number # def exp(n) Math.exp n end # Returns value raised to the power of exponent. # # @param value [Numeric] base number # @param exponent [Numeric] exponent number # # @return [Numeric] value ** exponent # def pow(value, exponent) value ** exponent end # Returns squared value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] squared value # def sq(value) value * value end # Returns squared value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] squared value # def sqrt(value) Math.sqrt value end # Returns the magnitude (or length) of a vector. # # @overload mag(x, y) # @overload mag(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] x of point # @param y [Numeric] y of point # @param z [Numeric] z of point # # @return [Numeric] magnitude # def mag(*args) x, y, z = *args case args.size when 2 then Math.sqrt x * x + y * y when 3 then Math.sqrt x * x + y * y + z * z else raise ArgumentError end end # Returns distance between 2 points. # # @overload dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) # @overload dist(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) # # @param x1 [Numeric] x of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] y of first point # @param z1 [Numeric] z of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] x of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] y of second point # @param z2 [Numeric] z of second point # # @return [Numeric] distance between 2 points # def dist(*args) case args.size when 4 x1, y1, x2, y2 = *args xx, yy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 Math.sqrt xx * xx + yy * yy when 3 x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = *args xx, yy, zz = x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1 Math.sqrt xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz else raise ArgumentError end end # Normalize the value from range start..stop into 0..1. # # @param value [Numeric] number to be normalized # @param start [Numeric] lower bound of the range # @param stop [Numeric] upper bound of the range # # @return [Numeric] normalized value between 0..1 # def norm(value, start, stop) (value.to_f - start.to_f) / (stop.to_f - start.to_f) end # Returns the interpolated number between range start..stop. # # @param start [Numeric] lower bound of the range # @param stop [Numeric] upper bound of the range # @param amount [Numeric] amount to interpolate # # @return [Numeric] interporated number # def lerp(start, stop, amount) start + (stop - start) * amount end # Maps a number from range start1..stop1 to range start2..stop2. # # @param value [Numeric] number to be mapped # @param start1 [Numeric] lower bound of the range1 # @param stop1 [Numeric] upper bound of the range1 # @param start2 [Numeric] lower bound of the range2 # @param stop2 [Numeric] upper bound of the range2 # # @return [Numeric] mapped number # def map(value, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) lerp start2, stop2, norm(value, start1, stop1) end # Returns minimum value. # # @overload min(a, b) # @overload min(a, b, c) # @overload min(array) # # @param a [Numeric] value to compare # @param b [Numeric] value to compare # @param c [Numeric] value to compare # @param array [Numeric] values to compare # # @return [Numeric] minimum value # def min(*args) args.flatten.min end # Returns maximum value. # # @overload max(a, b) # @overload max(a, b, c) # @overload max(array) # # @param a [Numeric] value to compare # @param b [Numeric] value to compare # @param c [Numeric] value to compare # @param array [Numeric] values to compare # # @return [Numeric] maximum value # def max(*args) args.flatten.max end # Constrains the number between min..max. # # @param value [Numeric] number to be constrained # @param min [Numeric] lower bound of the range # @param max [Numeric] upper bound of the range # # @return [Numeric] constrained number # def constrain(value, min, max) value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value) end # Converts degree to radian. # # @param degree [Numeric] degree to convert # # @return [Numeric] radian # def radians(degree) degree * DEG2RAD__ end # Converts radian to degree. # # @param radian [Numeric] radian to convert # # @return [Numeric] degree # def degrees(radian) radian * RAD2DEG__ end # Returns the sine of an angle. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle in radians # # @return [Numeric] the sine # def sin(angle) Math.sin angle end # Returns the cosine of an angle. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle in radians # # @return [Numeric] the cosine # def cos(angle) Math.cos angle end # Returns the ratio of the sine and cosine of an angle. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle in radians # # @return [Numeric] the tangent # def tan(angle) Math.tan angle end # Returns the inverse of sin(). # # @param value [Numeric] value for calculation # # @return [Numeric] the arc sine # def asin(value) Math.asin value end # Returns the inverse of cos(). # # @param value [Numeric] value for calculation # # @return [Numeric] the arc cosine # def acos(value) Math.acos value end # Returns the inverse of tan(). # # @param value [Numeric] value for valculation # # @return [Numeric] the arc tangent # def atan(value) Math.atan value end # Returns the angle from a specified point. # # @param y [Numeric] y of the point # @param x [Numeric] x of the point # # @return [Numeric] the angle in radians # def atan2(y, x) Math.atan2 y, x end # Returns the perlin noise value. # # @overload noise(x) # @overload noise(x, y) # @overload noise(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal point in noise space # @param y [Numeric] vertical point in noise space # @param z [Numeric] depth point in noise space # # @return [Numeric] noise value (0.0..1.0) # def noise(x, y = 0, z = 0) Rays.perlin(x, y, z) / 2.0 + 0.5 end # Returns a random number in range low...high # # @overload random() # @overload random(high) # @overload random(low, high) # @overload random(choices) # # @param low [Numeric] lower limit # @param high [Numeric] upper limit # @param choices [Array] array to choose from # # @return [Float] random number # def random(*args) return args.first.sample if args.first.kind_of? Array high, low = args.reverse rand (low || 0).to_f...(high || 1).to_f end # Creates a new vector. # # @overload createVector() # @overload createVector(x, y) # @overload createVector(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] x of new vector # @param y [Numeric] y of new vector # @param z [Numeric] z of new vector # # @return [Vector] new vector # def createVector(*args)*args, context: self) end # Creates a new image. # # @overload createImage(w, h) # @overload createImage(w, h, format) # # @param w [Numeric] width of new image # @param h [Numeric] height of new image # @param format [RGB, RGBA] image format # # @return [Image] new image # def createImage(w, h, format = RGBA) colorspace = {RGB => Rays::RGB, RGBA => Rays::RGBA}[format] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown image format" unless colorspace, h, colorspace).paint {background 0, 0} end # Creates a new off-screen graphics context object. # # @param width [Numeric] width of graphics image # @param height [Numeric] height of graphics image # # @return [Graphics] graphics object # def createGraphics(width, height) width, height end # Creates a shader object. # # Passing nil for a vertex shader parameter causes the following default vertex shader to be used. # ``` # attribute vec3 position; # attribute vec3 texCoord; # attribute vec4 color; # varying vec4 vertPosition; # varying vec4 vertTexCoord; # varying vec4 vertColor; # uniform mat4 transform; # uniform mat4 texMatrix; # void main () # { # vec4 pos__ = vec4(position, 1.0); # vertPosition = pos__; # vertTexCoord = texMatrix * vec4(texCoord, 1.0); # vertColor = color; # gl_Position = transform * pos__; # } # ``` # # @overload createShader(vertPath, fragPath) # @overload createShader(vertSource, fragSource) # # @param vertPath [String] vertex shader file path # @param fragPath [String] fragment shader file path # @param vertSource [String] vertex shader source # @param fragSource [String] fragment shader source # # @return [Shader] shader object # def createShader(vert, frag) vert = if vert && File.exist?(vert) frag = if frag && File.exist?(frag) vert, frag end # Creates a camera object as a video input device. # # @return [Capture] camera object # def createCapture(*args)*args) end # Loads image. # # @param filename [String] file name to load image # @param extension [String] type of image to load (ex. 'png') # # @return [Image] loaded image object # def loadImage(filename, extension = nil) filename = getImage__ filename, extension if filename =~ %r|^https?://| Rays::Image.load filename end # Loads shader file. # # @overload loadShader(fragPath) # @overload loadShader(fragPath, vertPath) # # @param fragPath [String] fragment shader file path # @param vertPath [String] vertex shader file path # # @return [Shader] loaded shader object # def loadShader(fragPath, vertPath = nil) createShader vertPath, fragPath end # @private private def getImage__(uri, ext) ext ||= File.extname uri raise "unsupported image type -- #{ext}" unless ext =~ /^\.?(png|jpg|gif)$/i tmpdir = tmpdir__ path = tmpdir + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(uri) path = path.sub_ext ext unless path.file? uri do |input| input.set_encoding nil# disable default_internal tmpdir.mkdir unless'w') do |output| output.set_encoding Encoding::ASCII_8BIT while buf = ** 16) output.write buf end end end end path.to_s end # @private private def tmpdir__() Pathname(Dir.tmpdir) + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( end end# GraphicsContext end# Processing