require 'rsolr' module ActiveFedora class SolrService include Loggable attr_reader :conn def self.register(host=nil, args={}) Thread.current[:solr_service], args) end def self.reset! Thread.current[:solr_service] = nil end def initialize(host, args) host = 'http://localhost:8080/solr' unless host args = {:read_timeout => 120, :open_timeout => 120}.merge(args.dup) args.merge!(:url=>host) @conn = RSolr.connect args end def self.instance # Register Solr unless Thread.current[:solr_service] register(ActiveFedora.solr_config[:url]) end raise SolrNotInitialized unless Thread.current[:solr_service] Thread.current[:solr_service] end def self.lazy_reify_solr_results(solr_results, opts = {}) do |yielder| solr_results.each do |hit| yielder.yield(reify_solr_result(hit, opts)) end end end def self.reify_solr_results(solr_results, opts = {}) solr_results.collect {|hit| reify_solr_result(hit, opts)} end def self.reify_solr_result(hit, opts = {}) klass = class_from_solr_document(hit) if opts[:load_from_solr] klass.load_instance_from_solr(hit[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID]) else klass.find(hit[SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID], cast: true) end end def self.class_from_solr_document(hit, opts = {}) #Set the default starting point to the class specified, if available. best_model_match = Model.from_class_uri(opts[:class]) unless opts[:class].nil? hit[solr_name("has_model", :symbol)].each do |value| model_value = Model.from_class_uri(value) if model_value # Set as the first model in case opts[:class] was nil best_model_match ||= model_value # If there is an inheritance structure, use the most specific case. if best_model_match > model_value best_model_match = model_value end end end logger.warn "Could not find a model for #{hit["id"]}, defaulting to ActiveFedora::Base" unless best_model_match best_model_match || ActiveFedora::Base end # Construct a solr query for a list of pids # This is used to get a solr response based on the list of pids in an object's RELS-EXT relationhsips # If the pid_array is empty, defaults to a query of "id:NEVER_USE_THIS_ID", which will return an empty solr response # @param [Array] pid_array the pids that you want included in the query def self.construct_query_for_pids(pid_array) q = pid_array.reject { |x| x.empty? }.map do |pid| "_query_:\"{!raw f=#{SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID}}#{pid.gsub('"', '\"')}\"" end return "id:NEVER_USE_THIS_ID" if q.empty? return q.join(" OR ") end def self.solr_name(*args) Solrizer.default_field_mapper.solr_name(*args) end def self.escape_uri_for_query(uri) return uri.gsub(/(:)/, '\\:').gsub(/(\/)/, '\\/') end # Create a query with a clause for each key, value # @param [Hash] args key is the predicate, value is the target_uri def self.construct_query_for_rel(args) clauses = do |predicate, target_uri| "_query_:\"{!raw f=#{solr_name(predicate, :symbol)}}#{target_uri.gsub('"', '\"')}\"" end clauses.join(" AND ") end def self.query(query, args={}) raw = args.delete(:raw) args = args.merge(:q=>query, :qt=>'standard') result = SolrService.instance.conn.get('select', :params=>args) return result if raw result['response']['docs'] end # Get the count of records that match the query # @param [String] query a solr query # @param [Hash] args arguments to pass through to `args' param of SolrService.query (note that :rows will be overwritten to 0) # @return [Integer] number of records matching def self.count(query, args={}) args = args.merge(:raw=>true, :rows=>0) SolrService.query(query, args)['response']['numFound'].to_i end def self.add(doc) SolrService.instance.conn.add(doc) end def self.commit SolrService.instance.conn.commit end end #SolrService class SolrNotInitialized < StandardError;end end #ActiveFedora