require 'json-schema' module GeoConcerns module Discovery class GeoblacklightDocument < AbstractDocument # Implements the to_hash method on the abstract document. # @param _args [Array] arguments needed for the renderer, unused here # @return [Hash] geoblacklight document as a hash def to_hash(_args = nil) document end # Implements the to_json method on the abstract document. # @param _args [Array] arguments needed for the json renderer, unused here # @return [String] geoblacklight document as a json string def to_json(_args = nil) document.to_json end private # Builds the geoblacklight document hash. # @return [Hash] geoblacklight document as a hash # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def document_hash { uuid: id, dc_identifier_s: identifier, dc_title_s: title.first, dc_description_s: description, dc_rights_s: rights, dct_provenance_s: provenance.first, dc_creator_sm: creator, dc_language_s: language.first, dc_publisher_s: publisher.first, dc_subject_sm: subject, dct_spatial_sm: spatial, dct_temporal_sm: temporal, layer_slug_s: slug, georss_box_s: geo_rss_coverage, solr_geom: solr_coverage, solr_year_i: layer_year, layer_modified_dt: date_modified, layer_id_s: wxs_identifier, dct_references_s: clean_document(references).to_json, layer_geom_type_s: geom_type, dc_format_s: process_format_codes(format) } end # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength, Metrics/AbcSize # Builds the dct_references hash. # @return [Hash] geoblacklight references as a hash def references { '' => url, '' => fgdc, '' => iso19139, '' => mods, '' => download, '' => thumbnail } end # Returns the geoblacklight rights field based on work visibility. # @return [String] geoblacklight access rights def rights if access_rights == Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight::VISIBILITY_TEXT_VALUE_PUBLIC 'Public' else 'Restricted' end end # Transforms shapfile, tiff, and arc grid format codes into geoblacklight format codes. # @return [String] geoblacklight format codes def process_format_codes(format) case format when 'ESRI Shapefile' 'Shapefile' when 'GTiff' 'GeoTIFF' when 'AIG' 'ArcGRID' else format end end # Returns the location of geoblacklight json schema document. # @return [String] geoblacklight json schema document path def schema Rails.root.join('config', 'discovery', 'geoblacklight_schema.json').to_s end # Validates the geoblacklight document against the json schema. # @return [Boolean] is the document valid? def valid?(doc) JSON::Validator.validate(schema, doc, validate_schema: true) end # Returns a hash of errors from json schema validation. # @return [Hash] json schema validation errors def schema_errors(doc) { error: JSON::Validator.fully_validate(schema, doc) } end # Cleans the geoblacklight document hash by removing unused fields, # then validates it again a json schema. If there are errors, an # error hash is returned, otherwise, the cleaned doc is returned. # @return [Hash] geoblacklight document hash or error hash def document clean = clean_document(document_hash) if valid?(clean) clean else schema_errors(clean) end end end end end