# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- RSpec.describe Dry::Validation do shared_context 'uses custom predicates' do it 'uses provided custom predicates' do expect(schema.(email: 'jane@doe')).to be_success expect(schema.(email: nil).messages).to eql( email: ['must be filled', 'must be a valid email'] ) expect(schema.(email: 'jane').messages).to eql( email: ['must be a valid email'] ) end end let(:base_class) do Class.new(Dry::Validation::Schema) do def self.messages Dry::Validation::Messages.default.merge( en: { errors: { email?: 'must be a valid email' } } ) end end end describe 'defining schema with custom predicates container' do before do module Test module Predicates include Dry::Logic::Predicates def self.email?(input) input.include?('@') # for the lols end end end end context 'when configured globally' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema(base_class) do required(:email) { filled? & email? } end end before do Dry::Validation::Schema.predicates(Test::Predicates) end after do # HACK: reset global predicates configuration Dry::Validation::Schema.configure do |config| config.predicates = Dry::Logic::Predicates end end include_context 'uses custom predicates' end context 'when configured locally' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema(base_class) do configure do predicates(Test::Predicates) end required(:email) { filled? & email? } end end include_context 'uses custom predicates' end end describe 'defining schema with custom predicate methods' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema(base_class) do configure do def email?(value) value.include?('@') end end required(:email) { filled? & email? } end end include_context 'uses custom predicates' end describe 'custom predicate which requires an arbitrary dependency' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema(base_class) do configure do option :email_check def email?(value) email_check.(value) end end required(:email).filled(:email?) end end it 'uses injected dependency for the custom predicate' do email_check = -> input { input.include?('@') } expect(schema.with(email_check: email_check).(email: 'foo').messages).to eql( email: ['must be a valid email'] ) end end it 'raises an error when message is missing' do schema = Dry::Validation.Schema do configure do def email?(value) false end end required(:email).filled(:email?) end expect { schema.(email: 'foo').messages }.to raise_error( Dry::Validation::MissingMessageError, /email/ ) end it 'should work with custom predicate args' do schema = Dry::Validation.Schema do configure do def self.messages Dry::Validation::Messages.default.merge( en: { errors: { fav_number?: 'must be %{expected}' } } ) end def fav_number?(expected, current) current == expected end end required(:foo) { fav_number?(23) } end expect(schema.(foo: 20).messages).to eql( foo: ['must be 23'] ) end it 'works when no predicate args' do schema = Dry::Validation.Schema do configure do def self.messages Dry::Validation::Messages.default.merge( en: { errors: { with_no_args?: 'is always false' } } ) end def with_no_args? false end end required(:email).filled(:with_no_args?) end expect(schema.(email: 'foo').messages).to eql( email: ['is always false'] ) end it 'works with nested schemas' do schema = Dry::Validation.Schema do configure do def ok?(_value) true end end required(:foo).schema do required(:bar).value(:ok?) end end expect(schema.(foo: { bar: "1" })).to be_success end it 'works with interpolation of messages' do schema = Dry::Validation.Schema do configure do option :categories, [] def self.messages Dry::Validation::Messages.default.merge( en: { errors: { valid_category?: 'must be one of the categories: %{categories}' } }, pl: { errors: { valid_category?: 'musi być jedną z: %{categories}' } } ) end def valid_category?(categories, value) categories.include?(value) end end required(:category).filled(valid_category?: categories) end.with(categories: %w(foo bar)) expect(schema.(category: 'baz').messages).to eql( category: ['must be one of the categories: foo, bar'] ) expect(schema.(category: 'baz').messages(locale: :pl)).to eql( category: ['musi być jedną z: foo, bar'] ) end end