require 'awsum/ec2/parsers/image_parser.rb'
require 'awsum/ec2/parsers/register_image_parser.rb'
module Awsum
class Ec2
class Image
attr_reader :id, :location, :state, :owner, :public, :architecture, :type, :kernel_id, :ramdisk_id, :platform, :product_codes
def initialize(ec2, id, location, state, owner, public, architecture, type, kernel_id, ram_disk_id, platform, product_codes) #:nodoc:
@ec2 = ec2
@id = id
@location = location
@state = state
@owner = owner
@public = public
@architecture = architecture
@type = type
@kernel_id = kernel_id
@ramdisk_id = ram_disk_id
@platform = platform
@product_codes = product_codes
def public?
# Deregister this Image
def deregister
@ec2.deregister_image @id
# Reregister this image
# Will both deregister and then register the Image again
def reregister
@ec2.deregister_image @id
new_id = @ec2.register_image @location
@id = new_id
# launches instances of this image
# ===Options:
# * :min - The minimum number of instances to launch. Default: 1
# * :max - The maximum number of instances to launch. Default: 1
# * :key_name - The name of the key pair with which to launch instances
# * :security_groups - The names of security groups to associate launched instances with
# * :user_data - User data made available to instances (Note: Must be 16K or less, will be base64 encoded by Awsum)
# * :instance_type - The size of the instances to launch, can be one of [m1.small, m1.large, m1.xlarge, c1.medium, c1.xlarge], default is m1.small
# * :availability_zone - The name of the availability zone to launch this instance in
# * :kernel_id - The ID of the kernel with which to launch instances
# * :ramdisk_id - The ID of the RAM disk with which to launch instances
# * :block_device_map - A 'hash' of mappings. E.g. {'instancestore0' => 'sdb'}
def run(options = {})
@ec2.run_instances(id, options)
alias_method :launch, :run