module TimeExt # Allows you to iterate over Time objects with #each and other methods almost as if it was an Array or Hash. module Iterations # Used by #each, #map_each and similar methods to iterate over ranges of time. def iterate(unit, options = {}, &block) options.reverse_merge!(:map_result => false, :beginning_of => false, :include_start => false, :include_end => true) if block_given? units = [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec, :usec] parent_unit = units[units.index(unit)-1] if @of_the.nil? time = self.clone @until ||= (!parent_unit.nil?) ? self.send("#{parent_unit}s_since", 1) : self.send("#{unit}s_since", 1) else time = self.beginning_of(@of_the) @until = options.merge!(:beginning_of => true, :include_start => true, :include_end => false) end direction = (self < @until) ? :f : :b succ_method = (direction == :f) ? "next_#{unit}" : "prev_#{unit}" time = time.beginning_of(unit) if options[:beginning_of] time = time.send(succ_method) if !options[:include_start] @until = @until.prev(unit).end_of(unit) if !options[:include_end] results = [] while (direction == :f && time <= @until) || (direction == :b && time >= @until) options[:map_result] ? results << yield(time) : yield(time) time = time.send(succ_method) end options[:map_result] ? results : self else add_to_chain(:iterate, unit, options) self end end # Used togeter with #each and other iteration methods to specify end of interation. def until(time, &block) time = time.to_time if time.is_a?(::Date) @until = time return call_chain(block) if block_given? self end alias :till :until # Used together with #each and other interation methods to specify start of iteration, and end will be current object. def from(time, &block) time = time.to_time if time.is_a?(::Date) method, args = @method_chain.pop if block_given? if !method.nil? time.until(self).send(method, *args, &block) else time.until(self) end end # Let's you iterate over every unit specified in the #each or #map call for the specified unit. def of_the(unit, &block) @of_the = unit return call_chain(block) if block_given? self end alias :of :of_the # Executes passed block for each "unit" of time specified, with a new time object for each interval passed to the block. def each(unit, options = {}, &block) iterate(unit, options.merge(:map_result => false), &block) end # Executes passed block for each "unit" of time specified, with a new time object set to the beginning of "unit" for each interval passed to the block. def beginning_of_each(unit, options = {}, &block) iterate(unit, options.merge(:map_result => false, :beginning_of => true), &block) end # Executes passed block for each "unit" of time specified, returning an array with the return values from the passed block. def map_each(unit, options = {}, &block) iterate(unit, options.merge(:map_result => true), &block) end # Executes passed block for each "unit" of time specified, returning an array with the return values from passed block. Additionally the time object passed into the block is set to the beginning of specified "unit". def map_beginning_of_each(unit, options = {}, &block) iterate(unit, options.merge(:map_result => true, :beginning_of => true), &block) end # Dynamically define convenience methods, like #each_hour instead of #each(:hour). [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec].each do |unit| [:each, :beginning_of_each, :map_each, :map_beginning_of_each].each do |method| define_method "#{method}_#{unit}" do |*args, &block| send(method, unit, *args, &block) end class_eval { alias :"#{method}_minute" :"#{method}_min" } if unit == :min class_eval { alias :"#{method}_second" :"#{method}_sec" } if unit == :sec end [:of_the, :of].each do |method| define_method "#{method}_#{unit}" do |*args, &block| send(method, unit, *args, &block) end class_eval { alias :"#{method}_minute" :"#{method}_min" } if unit == :min class_eval { alias :"#{method}_second" :"#{method}_sec" } if unit == :sec end end end end