module Locomotive module Steam class AuthService MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 6 RESET_TOKEN_LIFETIME = 1 * 3600 # 6 hours in seconds attr_accessor_initialize :site, :entries, :email_service def find_authenticated_resource(type, id) entries.find(type, id) end def sign_up(options, context, request = nil) entry = entries.create(options.type, options.entry) do |_entry| _entry.extend(ContentEntryAuth) _entry[:_password_field] = options.password_field.to_sym end if entry.errors.empty? notify(:signed_up, entry, request) context[options.type.singularize] = entry send_welcome_email(options, context) end [entry.errors.empty? ? :entry_created : :invalid_entry, entry] end def sign_in(options, request) entry = entries.all(options.type, options.id_field => if entry && entry.send(options.password_field) hashed_password = entry[:"#{options.password_field}_hash"] password = ::BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(options.password, entry.send(options.password_field).try(:salt)) same_password = secure_compare(password, hashed_password) if same_password notify(:signed_in, entry, request) return [:signed_in, entry] end end :wrong_credentials end def sign_out(entry, request) notify(:signed_out, entry, request) :signed_out end # options is an instance of the AuthOptions class def forgot_password(options, context) entry = entries.all(options.type, options.id_field => if entry.nil? :"wrong_#{options.id_field}" else entries.update_decorated_entry(entry, { '_auth_reset_token' => SecureRandom.hex, '_auth_reset_sent_at' => }) context['reset_password_url'] = options.reset_password_url + '?auth_reset_token=' + entry['_auth_reset_token'] context[options.type.singularize] = entry send_reset_password_instructions(options, context) :"reset_#{options.password_field}_instructions_sent" end end def reset_password(options, request) return :invalid_token if options.reset_token.blank? return :password_too_short if options.password.to_s.size < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH entry = entries.all(options.type, '_auth_reset_token' => options.reset_token).first if entry sent_at = Time.parse(entry[:_auth_reset_sent_at]).to_i now = - RESET_TOKEN_LIFETIME if sent_at >= now entries.update_decorated_entry(entry, { "#{options.password_field}_hash" => BCrypt::Password.create(options.password), '_auth_reset_token' => nil, '_auth_reset_sent_at' => nil }) notify(:reset_password, entry, request) return [:"#{options.password_field}_reset", entry] end end :invalid_token end private def send_welcome_email(options, context) return if options.disable_email send_email options, context, <<-EMAIL Hi, You've been successfully registered. Thanks! EMAIL end def send_reset_password_instructions(options, context) send_email options, context, <<-EMAIL Hi, To reset your password please follow the link below: #{context['reset_password_url']}. Thanks! EMAIL end def send_email(options, context, default_body) email_options = { from: options.from, to:, subject: options.subject, smtp: options.smtp } if options.email_handle email_options[:page_handle] = options.email_handle else email_options[:body] = default_body end email_service.send_email(email_options, context) end # def secure_compare(a, b) return false if a.blank? || b.blank? || a.bytesize != b.bytesize l = a.unpack "C#{a.bytesize}" res = 0 b.each_byte { |byte| res |= byte ^ l.shift } res == 0 end def notify(action, entry, request) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("steam.auth.#{action}", site: site, entry: entry, locale: entries.locale, request: request ) end # Module inject to the content entry to enable # related authentication methods. # module ContentEntryAuth def valid? super name = self[:_password_field] password = self[name] confirmation = self["#{name}_confirmation"] if password.to_s.size < Locomotive::Steam::AuthService::MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH self.errors.add(name, :too_short, count: Locomotive::Steam::AuthService::MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) end if !password.blank? && password != confirmation self.errors.add("#{name}_confirmation", :confirmation, attribute: self._label_of(name)) end set_password(password) if self.errors.empty? self.errors.empty? end private def set_password(password) self[:"#{self[:_password_field]}_hash"] = BCrypt::Password.create(password) name = self.attributes.delete(:_password_field) self.attributes.delete_if { |_name| _name == name || _name == "#{name}_confirmation" } end end end end end