require 'test_helper' class VerbTest < Test::Unit::TestCase #:nodoc: all context "A Twilio Verb" do should "say 'hi'" do assert_match %r{<Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>hi</Say>}, Twilio::Verb.say('hi') end should "say 'hi' with female voice" do assert_match %r{<Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="woman"){3}>hi</Say>}, Twilio::Verb.say('hi', :voice => 'woman') end should "say 'hola' in Spanish with female voice" do assert_match %r{<Say( loop="1"| language="es"| voice="woman"){3}>hola</Say>}, Twilio::Verb.say('hola', :voice => 'woman', :language => 'es') end should "say 'hi' three times" do assert_match %r{<Say( loop="3"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>hi</Say>}, Twilio::Verb.say('hi', :loop => 3) end should "say 'hi' three times with pause" do assert_match %r{<Say( language="en"| voice="man"){2}>hi</Say><Pause/><Say( language="en"| voice="man"){2}>hi</Say><Pause/><Say( language="en"| voice="man"){2}>hi</Say>}, Twilio::Verb.say('hi', :loop => 3, :pause => true) end should "say 'hi' with pause and say 'bye'" do verb = { |v| v.say 'hi', :loop => 1 v.pause v.say 'bye' } assert_match %r{<Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>hi</Say><Pause></Pause><Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>bye</Say>}, verb.response end should "say 'hi' with 2 second pause and say 'bye'" do verb = { |v| v.say 'hi' v.pause :length => 2 v.say 'bye' } assert_match %r{<Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>hi</Say><Pause length="2"/><Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>bye</Say>}, verb.response end should "play mp3 response" do assert_equal verb_response(:play_mp3),'') end should "play mp3 response two times" do assert_equal verb_response(:play_mp3_two_times),'', :loop => 2) end should "play mp3 response two times with pause" do assert_equal verb_response(:play_mp3_two_times_with_pause),'', :loop => 2, :pause => true) end should "gather" do assert_equal verb_response(:gather), Twilio::Verb.gather end should "gather with action" do assert_equal verb_response(:gather_with_action), Twilio::Verb.gather(:action => '') end should "gather with GET method" do assert_equal verb_response(:gather_with_get_method), Twilio::Verb.gather(:method => 'GET') end should "gather with timeout" do assert_equal verb_response(:gather_with_timeout), Twilio::Verb.gather(:timeout => 10) end should "gather with finish key" do assert_equal verb_response(:gather_with_finish_key), Twilio::Verb.gather(:finishOnKey => '*') end should "gather with num digits" do assert_equal verb_response(:gather_with_num_digits), Twilio::Verb.gather(:numDigits => 5) end should "gather with all options set" do verb_response = Twilio::Verb.gather :action => '', :finishOnKey => '*', :method => 'GET', :numDigits => 5, :timeout => 10 assert_match %r{<Gather( finishOnKey="\*"| action=""| method="GET"| numDigits="5"| timeout="10"){5}/>}, verb_response end should "gather and say instructions" do verb = { |v| v.gather { v.say 'Please enter your account number followed by the pound sign' } v.say "We didn't receive any input. Goodbye!" } assert_match %r{<Gather><Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>Please enter your account number followed by the pound sign</Say></Gather><Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>We didn't receive any input. Goodbye!</Say>}, verb.response end should "gather with timeout and say instructions" do verb = { |v| v.gather(:timeout => 10) { v.say 'Please enter your account number followed by the pound sign' } v.say "We didn't receive any input. Goodbye!" } assert_match %r{<Gather timeout="10"><Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>Please enter your account number followed by the pound sign</Say></Gather><Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>We didn't receive any input. Goodbye!</Say>}, verb.response end should "record" do assert_equal verb_response(:record), Twilio::Verb.record end should "record with action" do assert_equal verb_response(:record_with_action), Twilio::Verb.record(:action => '') end should "record with GET method" do assert_equal verb_response(:record_with_get_method), Twilio::Verb.record(:method => 'GET') end should "record with timeout" do assert_equal verb_response(:record_with_timeout), Twilio::Verb.record(:timeout => 10) end should "record with finish key" do assert_equal verb_response(:record_with_finish_key), Twilio::Verb.record(:finishOnKey => '*') end should "record with max length" do assert_equal verb_response(:record_with_max_length), Twilio::Verb.record(:maxLength => 1800) end should "record with transcribe" do assert_match %r{<Record( transcribe="true"| transcribeCallback="/handle_transcribe"){2}/>}, Twilio::Verb.record(:transcribe => true, :transcribeCallback => '/handle_transcribe') end should "dial" do assert_equal verb_response(:dial), Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567') end should "dial with action" do assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_action), Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567', :action => '') end should "dial with GET method" do assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_get_method), Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567', :method => 'GET') end should "dial with timeout" do assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_timeout), Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567', :timeout => 10) end should "dial with hangup on star" do assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_hangup_on_star), Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567', :hangupOnStar => true) end should "dial with time limit" do assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_time_limit), Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567', :timeLimit => 3600) end should "dial with caller id" do assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_caller_id), Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567', :callerId => '858-987-6543') end should "dial with timeout and caller id" do assert_match %r{<Dial( timeout="10"| callerId="858-987-6543"){2}>415-123-4567</Dial>}, Twilio::Verb.dial('415-123-4567', :timeout => 10, :callerId => '858-987-6543') end should "dial with redirect" do verb = { |v| v.dial '415-123-4567' v.redirect '' } assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_redirect), verb.response end should "dial with number and send digits" do verb = { |v| v.dial { v.number('415-123-4567', :sendDigits => 'wwww1928') } } assert_equal verb_response(:dial_with_number_and_send_digits), verb.response end should "dial multiple numbers" do verb = { |v| v.dial { v.number '415-123-4567' v.number '415-123-4568' v.number '415-123-4569' } } assert_equal verb_response(:dial_multiple_numbers), verb.response end should "dial a conference" do verb = { |v| v.dial { v.conference 'MyRoom' } } assert_equal verb_response(:dial_conference), verb.response end should "dial a muted conference" do verb = { |v| v.dial { v.conference 'MyRoom', :mute => :true } } assert_equal verb_response(:dial_muted_conference), verb.response end should "hangup" do assert_equal verb_response(:hangup), Twilio::Verb.hangup end should "say hi and hangup" do verb = { |v| v.say 'hi' v.hangup } assert_match %r{<Say( loop="1"| language="en"| voice="man"){3}>hi</Say><Hangup/>}, verb.response end should "send a simple SMS message" do verb = { |v| v.sms 'Join us at the bar', :to => "8005554321", :from => "9006661111", :action => "/smsService", :method => "GET" } assert_match %r{<Sms( to="8005554321"| from="9006661111"| action="/smsService"| method="GET"){4}>Join us at the bar</Sms>}, verb.response end end end