class AppcacheManifestGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase def create_appcache_manifest create_file "app/views/rails_appcache/manifests/#{file_name}.appcache.erb", <<-FILE CACHE MANIFEST # auto-expire appcache in dev # <%= appcache_version_string %> CACHE: # by default, only the root path is cached / # Cache additional paths by using path helpers: # <%= posts_path %> # Cache our JS/CSS bundles <%= stylesheet_cache_path '#{file_name}' %> <%= javascript_cache_path '#{file_name}' %> # Cache additional assets by using the asset_cache_path, or any of the Rails built-in asset pipeline helpers # <%= asset_cache_path 'logo.png' %> # or # <%= asset_path 'logo.png' %> # Make everything else accessible # WITHOUT THIS LINE, your browser will 404 for anything not explicitly listed under CACHE: NETWORK: * FILE end end