require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe TwitterAuth::OauthUser do before do stub_oauth! end describe '.identify_or_create_from_access_token' do before do @token =, 'faketoken', 'fakesecret') end it 'should accept an OAuth::AccessToken' do lambda{ User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should accept two strings' do lambda{ User.identify_or_create_from_access_token('faketoken', 'fakesecret') }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should not accept one string' do lambda{ User.identify_or_create_from_access_token('faketoken') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Must authenticate with an OAuth::AccessToken or the string access token and secret.') end it 'should make a call to verify_credentials' do # this is in the before, just making it explicit User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token) end it 'should try to find the user with that login' do User.should_receive(:find_by_login).once.with('twitterman') User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token) end it 'should return the user if he/she exists' do user = Factory.create(:twitter_oauth_user, :login => 'twitterman') user.reload User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token).should == user end it 'should update the access_token and access_secret for the user if he/she exists' do user = Factory.create(:twitter_oauth_user, :login => 'twitterman', :access_token => 'someothertoken', :access_secret => 'someothersecret') User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token) user.reload user.access_token.should == @token.token user.access_secret.should == @token.secret end it 'should update the user\'s attributes based on the twitter info' do user = Factory.create(:twitter_oauth_user, :login => 'twitterman', :name => 'Not Twitter Man') User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token).name.should == 'Twitter Man' end it 'should create a user if one does not exist' do lambda{User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token)}.should change(User, :count).by(1) end it 'should assign the oauth access token and secret' do user = User.identify_or_create_from_access_token(@token) user.access_token.should == @token.token user.access_secret.should == @token.secret end end describe '#token' do before do @user = Factory.create(:twitter_oauth_user, :access_token => 'token', :access_secret => 'secret') end it 'should return an AccessToken' do @user.token.should be_a(OAuth::AccessToken) end it "should use the user's access_token and secret" do @user.token.token.should == @user.access_token @user.token.secret.should == @user.access_secret end end describe '#twitter' do before do @user = Factory.create(:twitter_oauth_user, :access_token => 'token', :access_secret => 'secret') end it 'should return a TwitterAuth::Dispatcher::Oauth' do @user.twitter.should be_a(TwitterAuth::Dispatcher::Oauth) end it 'should use my token and secret' do @user.twitter.token.should == @user.access_token @user.twitter.secret.should == @user.access_secret end end end