require 'tmpdir' require 'qricker' require "fileutils" require 'pathname' module Pod class Command class Package < Command self.summary = 'Package a podspec into a static library.' self.arguments = ['NAME', true),'SOURCE', false) ] def self.options [ ['--force', 'Overwrite existing files.'], ['--no-mangle', 'Do not mangle symbols of depedendant Pods.'], ['--embedded', 'Generate embedded frameworks.'], ['--library', 'Generate static libraries.'], ['--dynamic', 'Generate dynamic framework.'], ['--bundle-identifier', 'Bundle identifier for dynamic framework'], ['--exclude-deps', 'Exclude symbols from dependencies.'], ['--configuration', 'Build the specified configuration (e.g. Debug). Defaults to Release'], ['--subspecs', 'Only include the given subspecs'], ['--spec-sources=private,', 'The sources to pull dependant ' \ 'pods from (defaults to'], ['--rclt=rclt-file-path', "rclt file, Collected local speces list"] ] end def initialize(argv) @embedded = argv.flag?('embedded') @force = argv.flag?('force') @library = argv.flag?('library') @dynamic = argv.flag?('dynamic') @mangle = argv.flag?('mangle', true) @bundle_identifier = argv.option('bundle-identifier', nil) @exclude_deps = argv.flag?('exclude-deps', false) @name = argv.shift_argument @source = argv.shift_argument @spec_sources = argv.option('spec-sources', '').split(',') subspecs = argv.option('subspecs') @subspecs = subspecs.split(',') unless subspecs.nil? @config = argv.option('configuration', 'Release') @rcltfile = argv.option('rclt') @localSourcesBox = nil @moduleCache = @source_dir = Dir.pwd # @spec = spec_with_local_name(@name) @spec = spec_with_path(@name) unless @spec @spec = spec_with_name(@name) unless @spec if @rcltfile @allLocalDependencies = Qricker.dependency(@rcltfile, []) end @targetDir = nil super end def validate! super help! 'A podspec name or path is required.' unless @spec help! 'podspec has binary-only depedencies, mangling not possible.' if @mangle && binary_only?(@spec) help! '--bundle-identifier option can only be used for dynamic frameworks' if @bundle_identifier && !@dynamic help! '--exclude-deps option can only be used for static libraries' if @exclude_deps && @dynamic end def run if @path.nil? || @spec.nil? help! 'Unable to find a podspec with path or name.' return end target_dir, work_dir = create_working_directory @targetDir = target_dir return if target_dir.nil? build_package `mv "#{work_dir}" "#{target_dir}"` copyVandoredLibaries(@spec) copyVendoredFrameworks(@spec) copyScripts @spec Dir.chdir(@source_dir) end def targetDir if @targetDir.nil? return nil end return @targetDir end def create_target_directory target_dir = "#{@source_dir}/#{}-#{@spec.version}" if File.exist? target_dir if @force else UI.puts "Target directory '#{target_dir}' already exists." return nil end end target_dir end private def build_in_sandbox(platform) config.installation_root = config.sandbox_root = 'Pods' static_sandbox = build_static_sandbox(@dynamic) static_installer = install_pod(, static_sandbox) if @dynamic puts "构建动态库" dynamic_sandbox = build_dynamic_sandbox(static_sandbox, static_installer) puts "获取沙盒" install_dynamic_pod(dynamic_sandbox, static_sandbox, static_installer) puts "构建沙盒" end begin perform_build(platform, static_sandbox, dynamic_sandbox) ensure # in case the build fails; see Builder#xcodebuild. FileUtils.rm_f('Podfile.lock') end end def copyVandoredLibaries(spec) if not @originPath.nil? parent = Pathname(@originPath).parent vandoredLibaries = spec.attributes_hash["vendored_libraries"] return if vandoredLibaries.nil? wantedCopyFile = [] if vandoredLibaries.instance_of? Array vandoredLibaries.each { |x| wantedCopyFile << x } elsif vandoredLibaries.instance_of? String wantedCopyFile << vandoredLibaries end return if wantedCopyFile.count == 0 target = Pathname(@targetDir) wantedCopyFile.each { |originSpec| origin = parent.join(originSpec) des = target.join originSpec puts "----->Coping.... Library #{originSpec}\n" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(des.to_path) FileUtils.cp origin, des puts "<------end" } end end def copyVendoredFrameworks(spec) if not @originPath.nil? parent = Pathname(@originPath).parent vandoredLibaries = spec.attributes_hash["vendored_frameworks"] return if vandoredLibaries.nil? wantedCopyFile = [] if vandoredLibaries.instance_of? Array vandoredLibaries.each { |x| wantedCopyFile << x } elsif vandoredLibaries.instance_of? String wantedCopyFile << vandoredLibaries end return if wantedCopyFile.count == 0 target = Pathname(@targetDir) wantedCopyFile.each { |originSpec| origin = parent.join(originSpec) des = target.join originSpec puts "----->Coping.... Frameworks #{originSpec}\n" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(des.to_path) FileUtils.cp_r origin, des puts "<------end" } end end def CopyDirWithoutLink(source, target) target = Pathname(target).expand_path source = Pathname(source).expand_path if not target.exist? FileUtils.mkdir_p target end source.children.each { |each| basename = each.basename.to_path if basename == ".DS_Store" next end originType = File::ftype(each) currentPath = each currentTarget = target.join basename if originType == 'link' linkOrigin = Pathname(File::readlink currentPath) if not linkOrigin.absolute? linkOrigin = currentPath.dirname.expand_path.join(linkOrigin) end type = File::ftype(linkOrigin) if type == "directory" CopyDirWithoutLink(linkOrigin, currentTarget) elsif type == 'file' FileUtils.cp linkOrigin, currentTarget end elsif originType == "directory" CopyDirWithoutLink currentPath, currentTarget elsif originType == 'file' FileUtils.cp currentPath, currentTarget end } end def copyScripts(spec) if not @originPath.nil? scriptPathName = "Scripts" scripts = Pathname(@originPath).parent.join(scriptPathName) target = Pathname(@targetDir) return unless File.exist?(scripts.to_path) des = Pathname(target).join(scriptPathName) CopyDirWithoutLink scripts, des builder =, @source, @embedded, @dynamic, @allLocalDependencies) @spec.available_platforms.each do |platform| frameworkPath = Pathname(builder.framework_path_by_platform(platform)) frameworkPath = target.join(frameworkPath) frameworkScripts = frameworkPath.join(scriptPathName) puts "复制Scripts到#{frameworkScripts}" CopyDirWithoutLink scripts, frameworkScripts end end end def build_package builder =, @source, @embedded, @dynamic, @allLocalDependencies) newspec = builder.spec_metadata @spec.available_platforms.each do |platform| build_in_sandbox(platform) newspec += builder.spec_platform(platform) end newspec += builder.spec_close + '.podspec', 'w') { |file| file.write(newspec) } end def create_working_directory target_dir = create_target_directory return if target_dir.nil? work_dir = Dir.tmpdir + '/cocoapods-' + { rand(36).to_s(36) }.join `cp #{@path} #{work_dir}` Dir.chdir(work_dir) [target_dir, work_dir] end def perform_build(platform, static_sandbox, dynamic_sandbox) static_sandbox_root = config.sandbox_root.to_s if @dynamic static_sandbox_root = "#{static_sandbox_root}/#{static_sandbox.root.to_s.split('/').last}" dynamic_sandbox_root = "#{config.sandbox_root}/#{dynamic_sandbox.root.to_s.split('/').last}" end builder = @source_dir, static_sandbox_root, dynamic_sandbox_root, static_sandbox.public_headers.root, @spec, @embedded, @mangle, @dynamic, @config, @bundle_identifier, @exclude_deps ), @library) return unless @embedded builder.link_embedded_resources end end end end