require 'xcodeproj' require_relative 'module' module Gym class CodeSigningMapping attr_accessor :project def initialize(project: nil) self.project = project end # @param primary_mapping [Hash] The preferred mapping (e.g. whatever the user provided) # @param secondary_mapping [Hash] (optional) The secondary mapping (e.g. whatever is detected from the Xcode project) # @param export_method [String] The method that should be preferred in case there is a conflict def merge_profile_mapping(primary_mapping: nil, secondary_mapping: nil, export_method: nil) final_mapping = (primary_mapping || {}).dup # for verbose output at the end of the method secondary_mapping ||= self.detect_project_profile_mapping # default to Xcode project final_mapping = Hash[ { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] secondary_mapping = Hash[ { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] # Now it's time to merge the (potentially) existing mapping # (e.g. coming from `provisioningProfiles` of the `export_options` or from previous match calls) # with the secondary hash we just created (or was provided as parameter). # Both might include information about what profile to use # This is important as it might not be clear for the user that they have to call match for each app target # before adding this code, we'd only either use whatever we get from match, or what's defined in the Xcode project # With the code below, we'll make sure to take the best of it: # # 1) A provisioning profile is defined in the `primary_mapping` # 2) A provisioning profile is defined in the `secondary_mapping` # 3) On a conflict (app identifier assigned both in xcode and match) # 3.1) we'll choose whatever matches what's defined as the `export_method` # 3.2) If both include the right `export_method`, we'll prefer the one from `primary_mapping` # 3.3) If none has the right export_method, we'll use whatever is defined in the Xcode project # # To get a better sense of this, check out code_signing_spec.rb for some test cases secondary_mapping.each do |bundle_identifier, provisioning_profile| if final_mapping[bundle_identifier].nil? final_mapping[bundle_identifier] = provisioning_profile else if self.app_identifier_contains?(final_mapping[bundle_identifier], export_method) # 3.1 + 3.2 nothing to do in this case elsif self.app_identifier_contains?(provisioning_profile, export_method) # Also 3.1 (3.1 is "implemented" twice, as it could be either the primary, or the secondary being the one that matches) final_mapping[bundle_identifier] = provisioning_profile else # 3.3 final_mapping[bundle_identifier] = provisioning_profile end end end UI.verbose("Merging provisioning profile mappings") UI.verbose("-------------------------------------") UI.verbose("Primary provisioning profile mapping:") UI.verbose(primary_mapping) UI.verbose("Secondary provisioning profile mapping:") UI.verbose(secondary_mapping) UI.verbose("Resulting in the following mapping:") UI.verbose(final_mapping) return final_mapping end # Helper method to remove "-" and " " and downcase app identifier # and compare if an app identifier includes a certain string # We do some `gsub`bing, because we can't really know the profile type, so we'll just look at the name and see if it includes # the export method (which it usually does, but with different notations) def app_identifier_contains?(str, contains) return str.to_s.gsub("-", "").gsub(" ", "").gsub("InHouse", "enterprise").downcase.include?(contains.to_s.gsub("-", "").gsub(" ", "").downcase) end def test_target?(build_settings) return (!build_settings["TEST_TARGET_NAME"].nil? || !build_settings["TEST_HOST"].nil?) end def same_platform?(sdkroot) destination = Gym.config[:destination].dup destination.slice!("generic/platform=") destination_sdkroot = [] case destination when "macosx" destination_sdkroot = ["macosx"] when "iOS" destination_sdkroot = ["iphoneos", "watchos"] when "tvOS" destination_sdkroot = ["appletvos"] end return destination_sdkroot.include?(sdkroot) end def detect_configuration_for_archive extract_from_scheme = lambda do if self.project.workspace? available_schemes = self.project.workspace.schemes.reject { |k, v| v.include?("Pods/Pods.xcodeproj") } project_path = available_schemes[Gym.config[:scheme]] else project_path = self.project.path end if project_path scheme_path = File.join(project_path, "xcshareddata", "xcschemes", "#{Gym.config[:scheme]}.xcscheme") if File.exist?(scheme_path) end end configuration = Gym.config[:configuration] configuration ||= if Gym.config[:scheme] configuration ||= self.project.default_build_settings(key: "CONFIGURATION") return configuration end def detect_project_profile_mapping provisioning_profile_mapping = {} specified_configuration = detect_configuration_for_archive self.project.project_paths.each do |project_path| UI.verbose("Parsing project file '#{project_path}' to find selected provisioning profiles") UI.verbose("Finding provision profiles for '#{specified_configuration}'") if specified_configuration begin # Storing bundle identifiers with duplicate profiles # for informing user later on bundle_identifiers_with_duplicates = [] project = project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configuration_list.build_configurations.each do |build_configuration| current = build_configuration.build_settings next if test_target?(current) sdkroot = build_configuration.resolve_build_setting("SDKROOT", target) next unless same_platform?(sdkroot) next unless specified_configuration == bundle_identifier = build_configuration.resolve_build_setting("PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", target) next unless bundle_identifier provisioning_profile_specifier = build_configuration.resolve_build_setting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER", target) provisioning_profile_uuid = build_configuration.resolve_build_setting("PROVISIONING_PROFILE", target) has_profile_specifier = provisioning_profile_specifier.to_s.length > 0 has_profile_uuid = provisioning_profile_uuid.to_s.length > 0 # Stores bundle identifiers that have already been mapped to inform user if provisioning_profile_mapping[bundle_identifier] && (has_profile_specifier || has_profile_uuid) bundle_identifiers_with_duplicates << bundle_identifier end # Creates the mapping for a bundle identifier and profile specifier/uuid if has_profile_specifier provisioning_profile_mapping[bundle_identifier] = provisioning_profile_specifier elsif has_profile_uuid provisioning_profile_mapping[bundle_identifier] = provisioning_profile_uuid end end # Alerting user to explicitly specify a mapping if cannot be determined next if bundle_identifiers_with_duplicates.empty? UI.error("Couldn't automatically detect the provisioning profile mapping") UI.error("There were multiple profiles for bundle identifier(s): #{bundle_identifiers_with_duplicates.uniq.join(', ')}") UI.error("You need to provide an explicit mapping of what provisioning") UI.error("profile to use for each bundle identifier of your app") end rescue => ex # We catch errors here, as we might run into an exception on one included project # But maybe the next project actually contains the information we need if Helper.xcode_at_least?("9.0") UI.error("Couldn't automatically detect the provisioning profile mapping") UI.error("Since Xcode 9 you need to provide an explicit mapping of what") UI.error("provisioning profile to use for each target of your app") UI.error(ex) UI.verbose(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) end end end return provisioning_profile_mapping end end end