<% =begin%> Call using, for example: <%=render "thecore_utils/drag_drop_uploader", target: "drop-zone", file_upload_desc: I18n.t(:file_upload), file_upload_sub: I18n.t(:file_upload_subtitle, extensions: exts), url: rails_admin.send("#{action_name}_path")%> All the parameters are mandatory: - target (The HTML element which will inherid the D&D functionality) - file_upload_desc (Description of the upload functionality) - file_upload_sub (Subtitle to the description -> A space where to put extra info) - url (the action to perform async when files are dropped on the element.) <% =end%>
<%=file_upload_desc%> <%=file_upload_sub%>
<%=I18n.t :please_drag_and_drop_here%>