import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; export default class NavigationController extends Controller { static targets = ["filter"]; connect() { // using JS registration to make controller easier to add to dom this.element.addEventListener("turbo:before-morph-attribute", this.onMorphAttribute); } disconnected() { this.element.removeEventListener("turbo:before-morph-attribute", this.onMorphAttribute); } focus() { this.filterTarget.focus(); } filter() { const filter = this.filterTarget.value; this.clearFilter(filter); if (filter.length > 0) { this.applyFilter(filter); } } go() { this.element.querySelector("li:not([hidden]) > a").click(); } clear() { if (this.filterTarget.value.length === 0) this.filterTarget.blur(); } applyFilter(filter) { // hide items that don't match the search filter this.links .filter( (li) => !this.prefixSearch(filter.toLowerCase(), li.innerText.toLowerCase()), ) .forEach((li) => { li.toggleAttribute("hidden", true); }); this.menus .filter((li) => !li.matches("li:has(li:not([hidden]) > a)")) .forEach((li) => { li.toggleAttribute("hidden", true); }); } clearFilter(filter) { this.element.querySelectorAll("li").forEach((li) => { li.toggleAttribute("hidden", false); }); } prefixSearch(needle, haystack) { const haystackLength = haystack.length; const needleLength = needle.length; if (needleLength > haystackLength) { return false; } if (needleLength === haystackLength) { return needle === haystack; } outer: for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < needleLength; i++) { const needleChar = needle.charCodeAt(i); if (needleChar === 32) { // skip ahead to next space in the haystack while (j < haystackLength && haystack.charCodeAt(j++) !== 32) {} continue; } while (j < haystackLength) { if (haystack.charCodeAt(j++) === needleChar) continue outer; // skip ahead to the next space in the haystack while (j < haystackLength && haystack.charCodeAt(j++) !== 32) {} } return false; } return true; } toggle() { this.element.toggleAttribute("aria-expanded"); } onMorphAttribute = (e) => { if ( !== this.element) return; switch (e.detail.attributeName) { case "aria-expanded": e.preventDefault(); } } get links() { return Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll("li:has(> a)")); } get menus() { return Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll("li:has(> ul)")); } }