# coding: US-ASCII require_relative 'helper' require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/command' require 'rubygems/installer' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' require 'rbconfig' class TestGem < Gem::TestCase PLUGINS_LOADED = [] # rubocop:disable Style/MutableConstant PROJECT_DIR = File.expand_path('../..', __dir__).tap(&Gem::UNTAINT) def setup super PLUGINS_LOADED.clear common_installer_setup @additional = %w[a b].map {|d| File.join @tempdir, d } util_remove_interrupt_command end def test_self_finish_resolve a1 = util_spec "a", "1", "b" => "> 0" b1 = util_spec "b", "1", "c" => ">= 1" b2 = util_spec "b", "2", "c" => ">= 2" c1 = util_spec "c", "1" c2 = util_spec "c", "2" install_specs c1, c2, b1, b2, a1 a1.activate assert_equal %w[a-1], loaded_spec_names assert_equal ["b (> 0)"], unresolved_names Gem.finish_resolve assert_equal %w[a-1 b-2 c-2], loaded_spec_names assert_equal [], unresolved_names end def test_self_finish_resolve_wtf a1 = util_spec "a", "1", "b" => "> 0", "d" => "> 0" # this b1 = util_spec "b", "1", { "c" => ">= 1" }, "lib/b.rb" # this b2 = util_spec "b", "2", { "c" => ">= 2" }, "lib/b.rb" c1 = util_spec "c", "1" # this c2 = util_spec "c", "2" d1 = util_spec "d", "1", { "c" => "< 2" }, "lib/d.rb" d2 = util_spec "d", "2", { "c" => "< 2" }, "lib/d.rb" # this install_specs c1, c2, b1, b2, d1, d2, a1 a1.activate assert_equal %w[a-1], loaded_spec_names assert_equal ["b (> 0)", "d (> 0)"], unresolved_names Gem.finish_resolve assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1 c-1 d-2], loaded_spec_names assert_equal [], unresolved_names end def test_self_finish_resolve_respects_loaded_specs a1 = util_spec "a", "1", "b" => "> 0" b1 = util_spec "b", "1", "c" => ">= 1" b2 = util_spec "b", "2", "c" => ">= 2" c1 = util_spec "c", "1" c2 = util_spec "c", "2" install_specs c1, c2, b1, b2, a1 a1.activate c1.activate assert_equal %w[a-1 c-1], loaded_spec_names assert_equal ["b (> 0)"], unresolved_names Gem.finish_resolve assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1 c-1], loaded_spec_names assert_equal [], unresolved_names end def test_self_install spec_fetcher do |f| f.gem 'a', 1 f.spec 'a', 2 end gemhome2 = "#{@gemhome}2" installed = Gem.install 'a', '= 1', :install_dir => gemhome2 assert_equal %w[a-1], installed.map {|spec| spec.full_name } assert_path_exist File.join(gemhome2, 'gems', 'a-1') end def test_self_install_in_rescue spec_fetcher do |f| f.gem 'a', 1 f.spec 'a', 2 end gemhome2 = "#{@gemhome}2" installed = begin raise 'Error' rescue StandardError Gem.install 'a', '= 1', :install_dir => gemhome2 end assert_equal %w[a-1], installed.map {|spec| spec.full_name } end def test_self_install_permissions assert_self_install_permissions end def test_self_install_permissions_umask_0 umask = File.umask(0) assert_self_install_permissions ensure File.umask(umask) end def test_self_install_permissions_umask_077 umask = File.umask(077) assert_self_install_permissions ensure File.umask(umask) end def test_self_install_permissions_with_format_executable assert_self_install_permissions(format_executable: true) end def test_self_install_permissions_with_format_executable_and_non_standard_ruby_install_name Gem::Installer.exec_format = nil ruby_install_name 'ruby27' do assert_self_install_permissions(format_executable: true) end ensure Gem::Installer.exec_format = nil end def assert_self_install_permissions(format_executable: false) mask = win_platform? ? 0700 : 0777 options = { :dir_mode => 0500, :prog_mode => win_platform? ? 0410 : 0510, :data_mode => 0640, :wrappers => true, :format_executable => format_executable, } Dir.chdir @tempdir do Dir.mkdir 'bin' Dir.mkdir 'data' File.write 'bin/foo', "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\n" File.chmod 0755, 'bin/foo' File.write 'data/foo.txt', "blah\n" spec_fetcher do |f| f.gem 'foo', 1 do |s| s.executables = ['foo'] s.files = %w[bin/foo data/foo.txt] end end Gem.install 'foo', Gem::Requirement.default, options end prog_mode = (options[:prog_mode] & mask).to_s(8) dir_mode = (options[:dir_mode] & mask).to_s(8) data_mode = (options[:data_mode] & mask).to_s(8) prog_name = 'foo' prog_name = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'].sub('ruby', 'foo') if options[:format_executable] expected = { "bin/#{prog_name}" => prog_mode, 'gems/foo-1' => dir_mode, 'gems/foo-1/bin' => dir_mode, 'gems/foo-1/data' => dir_mode, 'gems/foo-1/bin/foo' => prog_mode, 'gems/foo-1/data/foo.txt' => data_mode, } # add Windows script expected["bin/#{prog_name}.bat"] = mask.to_s(8) if win_platform? result = {} Dir.chdir @gemhome do expected.each_key do |n| result[n] = (File.stat(n).mode & mask).to_s(8) end end assert_equal(expected, result) ensure File.chmod(0755, *Dir.glob(@gemhome + '/gems/**/').map {|path| path.tap(&Gem::UNTAINT) }) end def test_require_missing assert_raise ::LoadError do require "test_require_missing" end end def test_require_does_not_glob a1 = util_spec "a", "1", nil, "lib/a1.rb" install_specs a1 assert_raise ::LoadError do require "a*" end assert_equal [], loaded_spec_names end def test_self_bin_path_active a1 = util_spec 'a', '1' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] end util_spec 'a', '2' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] end a1.activate assert_match 'a-1/bin/exec', Gem.bin_path('a', 'exec', '>= 0') end def test_self_bin_path_picking_newest a1 = util_spec 'a', '1' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] end a2 = util_spec 'a', '2' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] end install_specs a1, a2 assert_match 'a-2/bin/exec', Gem.bin_path('a', 'exec', '>= 0') end def test_self_activate_bin_path_no_exec_name e = assert_raise ArgumentError do Gem.activate_bin_path 'a' end assert_equal 'you must supply exec_name', e.message end def test_activate_bin_path_resolves_eagerly a1 = util_spec 'a', '1' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] s.add_dependency 'b' end b1 = util_spec 'b', '1' do |s| s.add_dependency 'c', '2' end b2 = util_spec 'b', '2' do |s| s.add_dependency 'c', '1' end c1 = util_spec 'c', '1' c2 = util_spec 'c', '2' install_specs c1, c2, b1, b2, a1 Gem.activate_bin_path("a", "exec", ">= 0") # If we didn't eagerly resolve, this would activate c-2 and then the # finish_resolve would cause a conflict gem 'c' Gem.finish_resolve assert_equal %w[a-1 b-2 c-1], loaded_spec_names end def test_activate_bin_path_does_not_error_if_a_gem_thats_not_finally_activated_has_orphaned_dependencies a1 = util_spec 'a', '1' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] s.add_dependency 'b' end b1 = util_spec 'b', '1' do |s| s.add_dependency 'c', '1' end b2 = util_spec 'b', '2' do |s| s.add_dependency 'c', '2' end c2 = util_spec 'c', '2' install_specs c2, b1, b2, a1 # c1 is missing, but not needed for activation, so we should not get any errors here Gem.activate_bin_path("a", "exec", ">= 0") assert_equal %w[a-1 b-2 c-2], loaded_spec_names end def test_activate_bin_path_raises_a_meaningful_error_if_a_gem_thats_finally_activated_has_orphaned_dependencies a1 = util_spec 'a', '1' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] s.add_dependency 'b' end b1 = util_spec 'b', '1' do |s| s.add_dependency 'c', '1' end b2 = util_spec 'b', '2' do |s| s.add_dependency 'c', '2' end c1 = util_spec 'c', '1' install_specs c1, b1, b2, a1 # c2 is missing, and b2 which has it as a dependency will be activated, so we should get an error about the orphaned dependency e = assert_raise Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError do load Gem.activate_bin_path("a", "exec", ">= 0") end assert_equal "Unable to resolve dependency: 'b (>= 0)' requires 'c (= 2)'", e.message end def test_activate_bin_path_in_debug_mode a1 = util_spec 'a', '1' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] end install_specs a1 require "open3" output, status = Open3.capture2e( { "GEM_HOME" => Gem.paths.home, "DEBUG_RESOLVER" => "1" }, *ruby_with_rubygems_in_load_path, "-e", "\"Gem.activate_bin_path('a', 'exec', '>= 0')\"" ) assert status.success?, output end def test_activate_bin_path_selects_exact_bundler_version_if_present bundler_latest = util_spec 'bundler', '2.0.1' do |s| s.executables = ['bundle'] end bundler_previous = util_spec 'bundler', '2.0.0' do |s| s.executables = ['bundle'] end install_specs bundler_latest, bundler_previous File.open("Gemfile.lock", "w") do |f| f.write <<-L.gsub(/ {8}/, "") GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES BUNDLED WITH 2.0.0 L end File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f.puts('source "https://rubygems.org"') } load Gem.activate_bin_path("bundler", "bundle", ">= 0.a") assert_equal %w[bundler-2.0.0], loaded_spec_names end def test_activate_bin_path_respects_underscore_selection_if_given bundler_latest = util_spec 'bundler', '2.0.1' do |s| s.executables = ['bundle'] end bundler_previous = util_spec 'bundler', '1.17.3' do |s| s.executables = ['bundle'] end install_specs bundler_latest, bundler_previous File.open("Gemfile.lock", "w") do |f| f.write <<-L.gsub(/ {8}/, "") GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES BUNDLED WITH 2.0.1 L end File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f.puts('source "https://rubygems.org"') } load Gem.activate_bin_path("bundler", "bundle", "= 1.17.3") assert_equal %w[bundler-1.17.3], loaded_spec_names end def test_activate_bin_path_gives_proper_error_for_bundler_when_underscore_selection_given File.open("Gemfile.lock", "w") do |f| f.write <<-L.gsub(/ {8}/, "") GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES BUNDLED WITH 2.1.4 L end File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f.puts('source "https://rubygems.org"') } e = assert_raise Gem::GemNotFoundException do load Gem.activate_bin_path("bundler", "bundle", "= 2.2.8") end assert_equal "can't find gem bundler (= 2.2.8) with executable bundle", e.message end def test_self_bin_path_no_exec_name e = assert_raise ArgumentError do Gem.bin_path 'a' end assert_equal 'you must supply exec_name', e.message end def test_self_bin_path_bin_name install_specs util_exec_gem assert_equal @abin_path, Gem.bin_path('a', 'abin') end def test_self_bin_path_bin_name_version install_specs util_exec_gem assert_equal @abin_path, Gem.bin_path('a', 'abin', '4') end def test_self_bin_path_nonexistent_binfile util_spec 'a', '2' do |s| s.executables = ['exec'] end assert_raise(Gem::GemNotFoundException) do Gem.bin_path('a', 'other', '2') end end def test_self_bin_path_no_bin_file util_spec 'a', '1' assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Gem.bin_path('a', nil, '1') end end def test_self_bin_path_not_found assert_raise(Gem::GemNotFoundException) do Gem.bin_path('non-existent', 'blah') end end def test_self_bin_path_bin_file_gone_in_latest install_specs util_exec_gem spec = util_spec 'a', '10' do |s| s.executables = [] end install_specs spec assert_equal @abin_path, Gem.bin_path('a', 'abin') end def test_self_bindir assert_equal File.join(@gemhome, 'bin'), Gem.bindir assert_equal File.join(@gemhome, 'bin'), Gem.bindir(Gem.dir) assert_equal File.join(@gemhome, 'bin'), Gem.bindir(Pathname.new(Gem.dir)) end def test_self_bindir_default_dir default = Gem.default_dir assert_equal Gem.default_bindir, Gem.bindir(default) end def test_self_clear_paths assert_match(/gemhome$/, Gem.dir) assert_match(/gemhome$/, Gem.path.first) Gem.clear_paths assert_nil Gem::Specification.send(:class_variable_get, :@@all) end def test_self_configuration expected = Gem::ConfigFile.new [] Gem.configuration = nil assert_equal expected, Gem.configuration end def test_self_datadir foo = nil Dir.chdir @tempdir do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'data' File.open File.join('data', 'foo.txt'), 'w' do |fp| fp.puts 'blah' end foo = util_spec 'foo' do |s| s.files = %w[data/foo.txt] end install_gem foo end gem 'foo' expected = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', foo.full_name, 'data', 'foo' assert_equal expected, Gem::Specification.find_by_name("foo").datadir end def test_self_datadir_nonexistent_package assert_raise(Gem::MissingSpecError) do Gem::Specification.find_by_name("xyzzy").datadir end end def test_self_default_exec_format ruby_install_name 'ruby' do assert_equal '%s', Gem.default_exec_format end end def test_self_default_exec_format_18 ruby_install_name 'ruby18' do assert_equal '%s18', Gem.default_exec_format end end def test_self_default_exec_format_jruby ruby_install_name 'jruby' do assert_equal 'j%s', Gem.default_exec_format end end def test_default_path vendordir(File.join(@tempdir, 'vendor')) do FileUtils.rm_rf Gem.user_home expected = [Gem.default_dir] assert_equal expected, Gem.default_path end end def test_default_path_missing_vendor vendordir(nil) do FileUtils.rm_rf Gem.user_home expected = [Gem.default_dir] assert_equal expected, Gem.default_path end end def test_default_path_user_home vendordir(File.join(@tempdir, 'vendor')) do expected = [Gem.user_dir, Gem.default_dir] assert_equal expected, Gem.default_path end end def test_default_path_vendor_dir vendordir(File.join(@tempdir, 'vendor')) do FileUtils.mkdir_p Gem.vendor_dir FileUtils.rm_rf Gem.user_home expected = [Gem.default_dir, Gem.vendor_dir] assert_equal expected, Gem.default_path end end def test_self_default_sources assert_equal %w[https://rubygems.org/], Gem.default_sources end def test_self_use_gemdeps with_rubygems_gemdeps('-') do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'detect/a/b' FileUtils.mkdir_p 'detect/a/Isolate' FileUtils.touch 'detect/Isolate' begin Dir.chdir 'detect/a/b' Gem.use_gemdeps assert_equal add_bundler_full_name([]), loaded_spec_names ensure Dir.chdir @tempdir end end end def test_self_dir assert_equal @gemhome, Gem.dir end def test_self_ensure_gem_directories FileUtils.rm_r @gemhome Gem.use_paths @gemhome Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome assert_path_exist File.join @gemhome, 'build_info' assert_path_exist File.join @gemhome, 'cache' assert_path_exist File.join @gemhome, 'doc' assert_path_exist File.join @gemhome, 'extensions' assert_path_exist File.join @gemhome, 'gems' assert_path_exist File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' end def test_self_ensure_gem_directories_permissions FileUtils.rm_r @gemhome Gem.use_paths @gemhome Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome, 0750 assert_directory_exists File.join(@gemhome, "cache") assert_equal 0750, File::Stat.new(@gemhome).mode & 0777 assert_equal 0750, File::Stat.new(File.join(@gemhome, "cache")).mode & 0777 end unless win_platform? def test_self_ensure_gem_directories_safe_permissions FileUtils.rm_r @gemhome Gem.use_paths @gemhome old_umask = File.umask File.umask 0 Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome assert_equal 0, File::Stat.new(@gemhome).mode & 002 assert_equal 0, File::Stat.new(File.join(@gemhome, "cache")).mode & 002 ensure File.umask old_umask end unless win_platform? def test_self_ensure_gem_directories_missing_parents gemdir = File.join @tempdir, 'a/b/c/gemdir' FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(@tempdir, 'a') rescue nil refute File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'a')), "manually remove #{File.join @tempdir, 'a'}, tests are broken" Gem.use_paths gemdir Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories gemdir assert_directory_exists util_cache_dir end unless win_platform? || Process.uid.zero? # only for FS that support write protection def test_self_ensure_gem_directories_write_protected gemdir = File.join @tempdir, "egd" FileUtils.rm_r gemdir rescue nil refute File.exist?(gemdir), "manually remove #{gemdir}, tests are broken" FileUtils.mkdir_p gemdir FileUtils.chmod 0400, gemdir Gem.use_paths gemdir Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories gemdir refute File.exist?(util_cache_dir) ensure FileUtils.chmod 0600, gemdir end def test_self_ensure_gem_directories_write_protected_parents parent = File.join(@tempdir, "egd") gemdir = "#{parent}/a/b/c" FileUtils.rm_r parent rescue nil refute File.exist?(parent), "manually remove #{parent}, tests are broken" FileUtils.mkdir_p parent FileUtils.chmod 0400, parent Gem.use_paths(gemdir) Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories gemdir refute File.exist? File.join(gemdir, "gems") ensure FileUtils.chmod 0600, parent end def test_self_ensure_gem_directories_non_existent_paths Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories '/proc/0123456789/bogus' # should not raise Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories 'classpath:/bogus/x' # JRuby embed scenario end end def test_self_extension_dir_shared enable_shared 'yes' do assert_equal Gem.ruby_api_version, Gem.extension_api_version end end def test_self_extension_dir_static enable_shared 'no' do assert_equal "#{Gem.ruby_api_version}-static", Gem.extension_api_version end end def test_self_find_files cwd = File.expand_path("test/rubygems", PROJECT_DIR) $LOAD_PATH.unshift cwd discover_path = File.join 'lib', 'sff', 'discover.rb' foo1, foo2 = %w[1 2].map do |version| spec = quick_gem 'sff', version do |s| s.files << discover_path end write_file(File.join 'gems', spec.full_name, discover_path) do |fp| fp.puts "# #{spec.full_name}" end spec end Gem.refresh expected = [ File.expand_path('test/rubygems/sff/discover.rb', PROJECT_DIR), File.join(foo2.full_gem_path, discover_path), File.join(foo1.full_gem_path, discover_path), ] assert_equal expected, Gem.find_files('sff/discover') assert_equal expected, Gem.find_files('sff/**.rb'), '[ruby-core:31730]' ensure assert_equal cwd, $LOAD_PATH.shift end def test_self_find_files_with_gemfile cwd = File.expand_path("test/rubygems", PROJECT_DIR) actual_load_path = $LOAD_PATH.unshift(cwd).dup discover_path = File.join 'lib', 'sff', 'discover.rb' foo1, _ = %w[1 2].map do |version| spec = quick_gem 'sff', version do |s| s.files << discover_path end write_file(File.join 'gems', spec.full_name, discover_path) do |fp| fp.puts "# #{spec.full_name}" end spec end Gem.refresh write_file(File.join Dir.pwd, 'Gemfile') do |fp| fp.puts "source 'https://rubygems.org'" fp.puts "gem '#{foo1.name}', '#{foo1.version}'" end Gem.use_gemdeps(File.join Dir.pwd, 'Gemfile') expected = [ File.expand_path('test/rubygems/sff/discover.rb', PROJECT_DIR), File.join(foo1.full_gem_path, discover_path), ].sort assert_equal expected, Gem.find_files('sff/discover').sort assert_equal expected, Gem.find_files('sff/**.rb').sort, '[ruby-core:31730]' ensure assert_equal cwd, actual_load_path.shift unless Gem.java_platform? end def test_self_find_latest_files cwd = File.expand_path("test/rubygems", PROJECT_DIR) $LOAD_PATH.unshift cwd discover_path = File.join 'lib', 'sff', 'discover.rb' _, foo2 = %w[1 2].map do |version| spec = quick_gem 'sff', version do |s| s.files << discover_path end write_file(File.join 'gems', spec.full_name, discover_path) do |fp| fp.puts "# #{spec.full_name}" end spec end Gem.refresh expected = [ File.expand_path('test/rubygems/sff/discover.rb', PROJECT_DIR), File.join(foo2.full_gem_path, discover_path), ] assert_equal expected, Gem.find_latest_files('sff/discover') assert_equal expected, Gem.find_latest_files('sff/**.rb'), '[ruby-core:31730]' ensure assert_equal cwd, $LOAD_PATH.shift end def test_self_latest_spec_for gems = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'a', 1 fetcher.spec 'a', '3.a' fetcher.spec 'a', 2 end spec = Gem.latest_spec_for 'a' assert_equal gems['a-2'], spec end def test_self_latest_spec_for_multiple_sources uri = 'https://example.sample.com/' source = Gem::Source.new(uri) source_list = Gem::SourceList.new source_list << Gem::Source.new(@uri) source_list << source Gem.sources.replace source_list spec_fetcher(uri) do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'a', 1.1 end gems = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'a', 1 fetcher.spec 'a', '3.a' fetcher.spec 'a', 2 end spec = Gem.latest_spec_for 'a' assert_equal gems['a-2'], spec end def test_self_latest_rubygems_version spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'rubygems-update', '1.8.23' fetcher.spec 'rubygems-update', '1.8.24' fetcher.spec 'rubygems-update', '2.0.0.preview3' end version = Gem.latest_rubygems_version assert_equal Gem::Version.new('1.8.24'), version end def test_self_latest_version_for spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'a', 1 fetcher.spec 'a', 2 fetcher.spec 'a', '3.a' end version = Gem.latest_version_for 'a' assert_equal Gem::Version.new(2), version end def test_self_latest_version_for_multiple_sources uri = 'https://example.sample.com/' source = Gem::Source.new(uri) source_list = Gem::SourceList.new source_list << Gem::Source.new(@uri) source_list << source Gem.sources.replace source_list spec_fetcher(uri) do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'a', 1.1 end spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'a', 1 fetcher.spec 'a', 2 fetcher.spec 'a', '3.a' end version = Gem.latest_version_for 'a' assert_equal Gem::Version.new(2), version end def test_self_loaded_specs foo = util_spec 'foo' install_gem foo foo.activate assert_equal true, Gem.loaded_specs.keys.include?('foo') end def test_self_path assert_equal [Gem.dir], Gem.path end def test_self_path_default ENV.delete "GEM_HOME" ENV.delete "GEM_PATH" Gem.instance_variable_set :@paths, nil assert_equal [Gem.default_path, Gem.dir].flatten.uniq, Gem.path end def test_self_path_ENV_PATH path_count = Gem.path.size Gem.clear_paths ENV['GEM_PATH'] = @additional.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) assert_equal @additional, Gem.path[0,2] assert_equal path_count + @additional.size, Gem.path.size, "extra path components: #{Gem.path[2..-1].inspect}" assert_equal Gem.dir, Gem.path.last end def test_self_path_duplicate Gem.clear_paths util_ensure_gem_dirs dirs = @additional + [@gemhome] + [File.join(@tempdir, 'a')] ENV['GEM_HOME'] = @gemhome ENV['GEM_PATH'] = dirs.join File::PATH_SEPARATOR assert_equal @gemhome, Gem.dir paths = [Gem.dir] assert_equal @additional + paths, Gem.path end def test_self_path_overlap Gem.clear_paths util_ensure_gem_dirs ENV['GEM_HOME'] = @gemhome ENV['GEM_PATH'] = @additional.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) assert_equal @gemhome, Gem.dir paths = [Gem.dir] assert_equal @additional + paths, Gem.path end def test_self_platforms assert_equal [Gem::Platform::RUBY, Gem::Platform.local], Gem.platforms end def test_self_prefix assert_equal PROJECT_DIR, Gem.prefix end def test_self_prefix_libdir orig_libdir = RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] = PROJECT_DIR assert_nil Gem.prefix ensure RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] = orig_libdir end def test_self_prefix_sitelibdir orig_sitelibdir = RbConfig::CONFIG['sitelibdir'] RbConfig::CONFIG['sitelibdir'] = PROJECT_DIR assert_nil Gem.prefix ensure RbConfig::CONFIG['sitelibdir'] = orig_sitelibdir end def test_self_read_binary File.open 'test', 'w' do |io| io.write "\xCF\x80" end assert_equal ["\xCF", "\x80"], Gem.read_binary('test').chars.to_a pend 'chmod not supported' if Gem.win_platform? begin File.chmod 0444, 'test' assert_equal ["\xCF", "\x80"], Gem.read_binary('test').chars.to_a ensure File.chmod 0644, 'test' end end def test_self_refresh util_make_gems a1_spec = @a1.spec_file moved_path = File.join @tempdir, File.basename(a1_spec) FileUtils.mv a1_spec, moved_path Gem.refresh refute_includes Gem::Specification.all_names, @a1.full_name FileUtils.mv moved_path, a1_spec Gem.refresh assert_includes Gem::Specification.all_names, @a1.full_name end def test_self_refresh_keeps_loaded_specs_activated util_make_gems a1_spec = @a1.spec_file moved_path = File.join @tempdir, File.basename(a1_spec) FileUtils.mv a1_spec, moved_path Gem.refresh s = Gem::Specification.first s.activate Gem.refresh Gem::Specification.each{|spec| assert spec.activated? if spec == s } Gem.loaded_specs.delete(s) Gem.refresh end def test_self_ruby_escaping_spaces_in_path with_clean_path_to_ruby do with_rb_config_ruby("C:/Ruby 1.8/bin/ruby.exe") do assert_equal "\"C:/Ruby 1.8/bin/ruby.exe\"", Gem.ruby end end end def test_self_ruby_path_without_spaces with_clean_path_to_ruby do with_rb_config_ruby("C:/Ruby18/bin/ruby.exe") do assert_equal "C:/Ruby18/bin/ruby.exe", Gem.ruby end end end def test_self_ruby_api_version orig_ruby_version, RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'], '1.2.3' Gem.instance_variable_set :@ruby_api_version, nil assert_equal '1.2.3', Gem.ruby_api_version ensure Gem.instance_variable_set :@ruby_api_version, nil RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] = orig_ruby_version end def test_self_env_requirement ENV["GEM_REQUIREMENT_FOO"] = '>= 1.2.3' ENV["GEM_REQUIREMENT_BAR"] = '1.2.3' ENV["GEM_REQUIREMENT_BAZ"] = 'abcd' assert_equal Gem::Requirement.create('>= 1.2.3'), Gem.env_requirement('foo') assert_equal Gem::Requirement.create('1.2.3'), Gem.env_requirement('bAr') assert_raise(Gem::Requirement::BadRequirementError) { Gem.env_requirement('baz') } assert_equal Gem::Requirement.default, Gem.env_requirement('qux') end def test_self_ruby_version_with_non_mri_implementations util_set_RUBY_VERSION '2.5.0', 0, 60928, 'jruby (2.5.0) 2018-05-24 81156a8 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.171-b11 on 1.8.0_171-8u171-b11-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-b11 [linux-x86_64]' assert_equal Gem::Version.new('2.5.0'), Gem.ruby_version ensure util_restore_RUBY_VERSION end def test_self_ruby_version_with_svn_prerelease util_set_RUBY_VERSION '2.6.0', -1, 63539, 'ruby 2.6.0preview2 (2018-05-31 trunk 63539) [x86_64-linux]' assert_equal Gem::Version.new('2.6.0.preview2'), Gem.ruby_version ensure util_restore_RUBY_VERSION end def test_self_ruby_version_with_git_prerelease util_set_RUBY_VERSION '2.7.0', -1, 'b563439274a402e33541f5695b1bfd4ac1085638', 'ruby 2.7.0preview3 (2019-11-23 master b563439274) [x86_64-linux]' assert_equal Gem::Version.new('2.7.0.preview3'), Gem.ruby_version ensure util_restore_RUBY_VERSION end def test_self_ruby_version_with_non_mri_implementations_with_mri_prerelase_compatibility util_set_RUBY_VERSION '2.6.0', -1, 63539, 'weirdjruby (2.6.0preview2) 2018-05-24 81156a8 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.171-b11 on 1.8.0_171-8u171-b11-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-b11 [linux-x86_64]', 'weirdjruby', '' assert_equal Gem::Version.new('2.6.0.preview2'), Gem.ruby_version ensure util_restore_RUBY_VERSION end def test_self_ruby_version_with_svn_trunk util_set_RUBY_VERSION '1.9.2', -1, 23493, 'ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-05-20 trunk 23493) [x86_64-linux]' assert_equal Gem::Version.new('1.9.2.dev'), Gem.ruby_version ensure util_restore_RUBY_VERSION end def test_self_ruby_version_with_git_master util_set_RUBY_VERSION '2.7.0', -1, '5de284ec78220e75643f89b454ce999da0c1c195', 'ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-12-23T01:37:30Z master 5de284ec78) [x86_64-linux]' assert_equal Gem::Version.new('2.7.0.dev'), Gem.ruby_version ensure util_restore_RUBY_VERSION end def test_self_rubygems_version assert_equal Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION), Gem.rubygems_version end def test_self_paths_eq other = File.join @tempdir, 'other' path = [@userhome, other].join File::PATH_SEPARATOR # # FIXME remove after fixing test_case # ENV["GEM_HOME"] = @gemhome Gem.paths = { "GEM_PATH" => path } assert_equal [@userhome, other, @gemhome], Gem.path end def test_self_paths_eq_nonexistent_home ENV['GEM_HOME'] = @gemhome Gem.clear_paths other = File.join @tempdir, 'other' ENV['HOME'] = other Gem.paths = { "GEM_PATH" => other } assert_equal [other, @gemhome], Gem.path end def test_self_post_build assert_equal 1, Gem.post_build_hooks.length Gem.post_build {|installer| } assert_equal 2, Gem.post_build_hooks.length end def test_self_post_install assert_equal 1, Gem.post_install_hooks.length Gem.post_install {|installer| } assert_equal 2, Gem.post_install_hooks.length end def test_self_done_installing assert_empty Gem.done_installing_hooks Gem.done_installing {|gems| } assert_equal 1, Gem.done_installing_hooks.length end def test_self_post_reset assert_empty Gem.post_reset_hooks Gem.post_reset {} assert_equal 1, Gem.post_reset_hooks.length end def test_self_post_uninstall assert_equal 1, Gem.post_uninstall_hooks.length Gem.post_uninstall {|installer| } assert_equal 2, Gem.post_uninstall_hooks.length end def test_self_pre_install assert_equal 1, Gem.pre_install_hooks.length Gem.pre_install {|installer| } assert_equal 2, Gem.pre_install_hooks.length end def test_self_pre_reset assert_empty Gem.pre_reset_hooks Gem.pre_reset {} assert_equal 1, Gem.pre_reset_hooks.length end def test_self_pre_uninstall assert_equal 1, Gem.pre_uninstall_hooks.length Gem.pre_uninstall {|installer| } assert_equal 2, Gem.pre_uninstall_hooks.length end def test_self_sources assert_equal %w[http://gems.example.com/], Gem.sources Gem.sources = nil Gem.configuration.sources = %w[http://test.example.com/] assert_equal %w[http://test.example.com/], Gem.sources end def test_try_activate_returns_true_for_activated_specs b = util_spec 'b', '1.0' do |spec| spec.files << 'lib/b.rb' end install_specs b assert Gem.try_activate('b'), 'try_activate should return true' assert Gem.try_activate('b'), 'try_activate should still return true' end def test_spec_order_is_consistent b1 = util_spec 'b', '1.0' b2 = util_spec 'b', '2.0' b3 = util_spec 'b', '3.0' install_specs b1, b2, b3 specs1 = Gem::Specification.stubs.find_all {|s| s.name == 'b' } Gem::Specification.reset specs2 = Gem::Specification.stubs_for('b') assert_equal specs1.map(&:version), specs2.map(&:version) end def test_self_try_activate_missing_dep b = util_spec 'b', '1.0' a = util_spec 'a', '1.0', 'b' => '>= 1.0' install_specs b, a uninstall_gem b a_file = File.join a.gem_dir, 'lib', 'a_file.rb' write_file a_file do |io| io.puts '# a_file.rb' end e = assert_raise Gem::MissingSpecError do Gem.try_activate 'a_file' end assert_match %r{Could not find 'b' }, e.message assert_match %r{at: #{a.spec_file}}, e.message end def test_self_try_activate_missing_prerelease b = util_spec 'b', '1.0rc1' a = util_spec 'a', '1.0rc1', 'b' => '1.0rc1' install_specs b, a uninstall_gem b a_file = File.join a.gem_dir, 'lib', 'a_file.rb' write_file a_file do |io| io.puts '# a_file.rb' end e = assert_raise Gem::MissingSpecError do Gem.try_activate 'a_file' end assert_match %r{Could not find 'b' \(= 1.0rc1\)}, e.message end def test_self_try_activate_missing_extensions spec = util_spec 'ext', '1' do |s| s.extensions = %w[ext/extconf.rb] s.mark_version s.installed_by_version = v('2.2') end # write the spec without install to simulate a failed install write_file spec.spec_file do |io| io.write spec.to_ruby_for_cache end _, err = capture_output do refute Gem.try_activate 'nonexistent' end unless Gem.java_platform? expected = "Ignoring ext-1 because its extensions are not built. " + "Try: gem pristine ext --version 1\n" assert_equal expected, err end end def test_self_use_paths_with_nils orig_home = ENV.delete 'GEM_HOME' orig_path = ENV.delete 'GEM_PATH' Gem.use_paths nil, nil assert_equal Gem.default_dir, Gem.paths.home path = (Gem.default_path + [Gem.paths.home]).uniq assert_equal path, Gem.paths.path ensure ENV['GEM_HOME'] = orig_home ENV['GEM_PATH'] = orig_path end def test_setting_paths_does_not_warn_about_unknown_keys stdout, stderr = capture_output do Gem.paths = { 'foo' => [], 'bar' => Object.new, 'GEM_HOME' => Gem.paths.home, 'GEM_PATH' => 'foo' } end assert_equal ['foo', Gem.paths.home], Gem.paths.path assert_equal '', stderr assert_equal '', stdout end def test_setting_paths_does_not_mutate_parameter_object Gem.paths = { 'GEM_HOME' => Gem.paths.home, 'GEM_PATH' => 'foo' }.freeze assert_equal ['foo', Gem.paths.home], Gem.paths.path end def test_deprecated_paths= stdout, stderr = capture_output do Gem.paths = { 'GEM_HOME' => Gem.paths.home, 'GEM_PATH' => [Gem.paths.home, 'foo'] } end assert_equal [Gem.paths.home, 'foo'], Gem.paths.path assert_match(/Array values in the parameter to `Gem.paths=` are deprecated.\nPlease use a String or nil/m, stderr) assert_equal '', stdout end def test_self_use_paths util_ensure_gem_dirs Gem.use_paths @gemhome, @additional assert_equal @gemhome, Gem.dir assert_equal @additional + [Gem.dir], Gem.path end def test_self_user_dir parts = [@userhome, '.gem', Gem.ruby_engine] parts << RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] unless RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'].empty? FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(parts) assert_equal File.join(parts), Gem.user_dir end def test_self_user_home if ENV['HOME'] assert_equal ENV['HOME'], Gem.user_home else assert true, 'count this test' end end def test_self_needs a = util_spec "a", "1" b = util_spec "b", "1", "c" => nil c = util_spec "c", "2" install_specs a, c, b Gem.needs do |r| r.gem "a" r.gem "b", "= 1" end activated = Gem::Specification.map {|x| x.full_name } assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1 c-2], activated.sort end def test_self_needs_picks_up_unresolved_deps a = util_spec "a", "1" b = util_spec "b", "1", "c" => nil c = util_spec "c", "2" d = util_spec "d", "1", {'e' => '= 1'}, "lib/d#{$$}.rb" e = util_spec "e", "1" install_specs a, c, b, e, d Gem.needs do |r| r.gem "a" r.gem "b", "= 1" require "d#{$$}" end assert_equal %w[a-1 b-1 c-2 d-1 e-1], loaded_spec_names end def test_self_gunzip input = "\x1F\x8B\b\0\xED\xA3\x1AQ\0\x03\xCBH" + "\xCD\xC9\xC9\a\0\x86\xA6\x106\x05\0\0\0" output = Gem::Util.gunzip input assert_equal 'hello', output assert_equal Encoding::BINARY, output.encoding end def test_self_gzip input = 'hello' output = Gem::Util.gzip input zipped = StringIO.new output assert_equal 'hello', Zlib::GzipReader.new(zipped).read assert_equal Encoding::BINARY, output.encoding end def test_self_vendor_dir vendordir(File.join(@tempdir, 'vendor')) do expected = File.join RbConfig::CONFIG['vendordir'], 'gems', RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] assert_equal expected, Gem.vendor_dir end end def test_self_vendor_dir_ENV_GEM_VENDOR ENV['GEM_VENDOR'] = File.join @tempdir, 'vendor', 'gems' assert_equal ENV['GEM_VENDOR'], Gem.vendor_dir refute Gem.vendor_dir.frozen? end def test_self_vendor_dir_missing vendordir(nil) do assert_nil Gem.vendor_dir end end def test_load_plugins plugin_path = File.join "lib", "rubygems_plugin.rb" Dir.chdir @tempdir do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'lib' File.open plugin_path, "w" do |fp| fp.puts "class TestGem; PLUGINS_LOADED << 'plugin'; end" end foo1 = util_spec 'foo', '1' do |s| s.files << plugin_path end install_gem foo1 foo2 = util_spec 'foo', '2' do |s| s.files << plugin_path end install_gem foo2 end Gem::Specification.reset gem 'foo' Gem.load_plugins assert_equal %w[plugin], PLUGINS_LOADED end def test_load_user_installed_plugins plugin_path = File.join "lib", "rubygems_plugin.rb" Dir.chdir @tempdir do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'lib' File.open plugin_path, "w" do |fp| fp.puts "class TestGem; PLUGINS_LOADED << 'plugin'; end" end foo = util_spec 'foo', '1' do |s| s.files << plugin_path end install_gem_user foo end Gem.paths = { "GEM_PATH" => [Gem.dir, Gem.user_dir].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) } gem 'foo' Gem.load_plugins assert_equal %w[plugin], PLUGINS_LOADED end def test_load_env_plugins with_plugin('load') { Gem.load_env_plugins } assert_equal :loaded, TEST_PLUGIN_LOAD rescue nil util_remove_interrupt_command # Should attempt to cause a StandardError with_plugin('standarderror') { Gem.load_env_plugins } assert_equal :loaded, TEST_PLUGIN_STANDARDERROR rescue nil util_remove_interrupt_command # Should attempt to cause an Exception with_plugin('exception') { Gem.load_env_plugins } assert_equal :loaded, TEST_PLUGIN_EXCEPTION rescue nil end def test_gem_path_ordering refute_equal Gem.dir, Gem.user_dir write_file File.join(@tempdir, 'lib', "g.rb") {|fp| fp.puts "" } write_file File.join(@tempdir, 'lib', 'm.rb') {|fp| fp.puts "" } g = util_spec 'g', '1', nil, "lib/g.rb" m = util_spec 'm', '1', nil, "lib/m.rb" install_gem g, :install_dir => Gem.dir m0 = install_gem m, :install_dir => Gem.dir m1 = install_gem m, :install_dir => Gem.user_dir assert_equal m0.gem_dir, File.join(Gem.dir, "gems", "m-1") assert_equal m1.gem_dir, File.join(Gem.user_dir, "gems", "m-1") tests = [ [:dir0, [ Gem.dir, Gem.user_dir], m0], [:dir1, [ Gem.user_dir, Gem.dir], m1], ] tests.each do |_name, _paths, expected| Gem.use_paths _paths.first, _paths Gem::Specification.reset Gem.searcher = nil assert_equal Gem::Dependency.new('m','1').to_specs, Gem::Dependency.new('m','1').to_specs.sort assert_equal \ [expected.gem_dir], Gem::Dependency.new('m','1').to_specs.map(&:gem_dir).sort, "Wrong specs for #{_name}" spec = Gem::Dependency.new('m','1').to_spec assert_equal \ File.join(_paths.first, "gems", "m-1"), spec.gem_dir, "Wrong spec before require for #{_name}" refute spec.activated?, "dependency already activated for #{_name}" gem "m" spec = Gem::Dependency.new('m','1').to_spec assert spec.activated?, "dependency not activated for #{_name}" assert_equal \ File.join(_paths.first, "gems", "m-1"), spec.gem_dir, "Wrong spec after require for #{_name}" spec.instance_variable_set :@activated, false Gem.loaded_specs.delete(spec.name) $:.delete(File.join(spec.gem_dir, "lib")) end end def test_gem_path_ordering_short write_file File.join(@tempdir, 'lib', "g.rb") {|fp| fp.puts "" } write_file File.join(@tempdir, 'lib', 'm.rb') {|fp| fp.puts "" } g = util_spec 'g', '1', nil, "lib/g.rb" m = util_spec 'm', '1', nil, "lib/m.rb" install_gem g, :install_dir => Gem.dir install_gem m, :install_dir => Gem.dir install_gem m, :install_dir => Gem.user_dir Gem.use_paths Gem.dir, [ Gem.dir, Gem.user_dir] assert_equal \ File.join(Gem.dir, "gems", "m-1"), Gem::Dependency.new('m','1').to_spec.gem_dir, "Wrong spec selected" end def test_auto_activation_of_specific_gemdeps_file a = util_spec "a", "1", nil, "lib/a.rb" b = util_spec "b", "1", nil, "lib/b.rb" c = util_spec "c", "1", nil, "lib/c.rb" install_specs a, b, c path = File.join @tempdir, "gem.deps.rb" File.open path, "w" do |f| f.puts "gem 'a'" f.puts "gem 'b'" f.puts "gem 'c'" end with_rubygems_gemdeps(path) do Gem.use_gemdeps assert_equal add_bundler_full_name(%W[a-1 b-1 c-1]), loaded_spec_names end end def test_auto_activation_of_used_gemdeps_file a = util_spec "a", "1", nil, "lib/a.rb" b = util_spec "b", "1", nil, "lib/b.rb" c = util_spec "c", "1", nil, "lib/c.rb" install_specs a, b, c path = File.join @tempdir, "gem.deps.rb" File.open path, "w" do |f| f.puts "gem 'a'" f.puts "gem 'b'" f.puts "gem 'c'" end with_rubygems_gemdeps("-") do expected_specs = [a, b, util_spec("bundler", Bundler::VERSION), c].compact.map(&:full_name) Gem.use_gemdeps assert_equal expected_specs, loaded_spec_names end end BUNDLER_LIB_PATH = File.expand_path $LOAD_PATH.find {|lp| File.file?(File.join(lp, "bundler.rb")) } BUNDLER_FULL_NAME = "bundler-#{Bundler::VERSION}".freeze def add_bundler_full_name(names) names << BUNDLER_FULL_NAME names.sort! names end def test_looks_for_gemdeps_files_automatically_from_binstubs pend "Requiring bundler messes things up" if Gem.java_platform? a = util_spec "a", "1" do |s| s.executables = %w[foo] s.bindir = "exe" end write_file File.join(@tempdir, 'exe', 'foo') do |fp| fp.puts "puts Gem.loaded_specs.values.map(&:full_name).sort" end b = util_spec "b", "1", nil, "lib/b.rb" c = util_spec "c", "1", nil, "lib/c.rb" install_specs a, b, c path = File.join(@tempdir, "gd-tmp") install_gem a, :install_dir => path install_gem b, :install_dir => path install_gem c, :install_dir => path ENV['GEM_PATH'] = path with_rubygems_gemdeps("-") do new_PATH = [File.join(path, "bin"), ENV["PATH"]].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) new_RUBYOPT = "-I#{rubygems_path} -I#{BUNDLER_LIB_PATH}" path = File.join @tempdir, "gem.deps.rb" File.open path, "w" do |f| f.puts "gem 'a'" end out0 = with_path_and_rubyopt(new_PATH, new_RUBYOPT) do IO.popen("foo", &:read).split(/\n/) end File.open path, "a" do |f| f.puts "gem 'b'" f.puts "gem 'c'" end out = with_path_and_rubyopt(new_PATH, new_RUBYOPT) do IO.popen("foo", &:read).split(/\n/) end assert_equal ["b-1", "c-1"], out - out0 end end def test_looks_for_gemdeps_files_automatically_from_binstubs_in_parent_dir pend "Requiring bundler messes things up" if Gem.java_platform? a = util_spec "a", "1" do |s| s.executables = %w[foo] s.bindir = "exe" end write_file File.join(@tempdir, 'exe', 'foo') do |fp| fp.puts "puts Gem.loaded_specs.values.map(&:full_name).sort" end b = util_spec "b", "1", nil, "lib/b.rb" c = util_spec "c", "1", nil, "lib/c.rb" install_specs a, b, c path = File.join(@tempdir, "gd-tmp") install_gem a, :install_dir => path install_gem b, :install_dir => path install_gem c, :install_dir => path ENV['GEM_PATH'] = path with_rubygems_gemdeps("-") do Dir.mkdir "sub1" new_PATH = [File.join(path, "bin"), ENV["PATH"]].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) new_RUBYOPT = "-I#{rubygems_path} -I#{BUNDLER_LIB_PATH}" path = File.join @tempdir, "gem.deps.rb" File.open path, "w" do |f| f.puts "gem 'a'" end out0 = with_path_and_rubyopt(new_PATH, new_RUBYOPT) do IO.popen("foo", :chdir => "sub1", &:read).split(/\n/) end File.open path, "a" do |f| f.puts "gem 'b'" f.puts "gem 'c'" end out = with_path_and_rubyopt(new_PATH, new_RUBYOPT) do IO.popen("foo", :chdir => "sub1", &:read).split(/\n/) end Dir.rmdir "sub1" assert_equal ["b-1", "c-1"], out - out0 end end def test_register_default_spec Gem.clear_default_specs old_style = Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.files = ["foo.rb", "bar.rb"] end Gem.register_default_spec old_style assert_equal old_style, Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("foo.rb") assert_equal old_style, Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("bar.rb") assert_nil Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("baz.rb") Gem.clear_default_specs new_style = Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.files = ["lib/foo.rb", "ext/bar.rb", "bin/exec", "README"] spec.require_paths = ["lib", "ext"] end Gem.register_default_spec new_style assert_equal new_style, Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("foo.rb") assert_equal new_style, Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("bar.rb") assert_nil Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("exec") assert_nil Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("README") end def test_register_default_spec_old_style_with_folder_starting_with_lib Gem.clear_default_specs old_style = Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.files = ["libexec/bundle", "foo.rb", "bar.rb"] end Gem.register_default_spec old_style assert_equal old_style, Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec("foo.rb") end def test_use_gemdeps gem_deps_file = 'gem.deps.rb'.tap(&Gem::UNTAINT) spec = util_spec 'a', 1 install_specs spec spec = Gem::Specification.find {|s| s == spec } refute spec.activated? File.open gem_deps_file, 'w' do |io| io.write 'gem "a"' end assert_nil Gem.gemdeps Gem.use_gemdeps gem_deps_file assert_equal add_bundler_full_name(%W[a-1]), loaded_spec_names refute_nil Gem.gemdeps end def test_use_gemdeps_ENV with_rubygems_gemdeps(nil) do spec = util_spec 'a', 1 refute spec.activated? File.open 'gem.deps.rb', 'w' do |io| io.write 'gem "a"' end Gem.use_gemdeps refute spec.activated? end end def test_use_gemdeps_argument_missing e = assert_raise ArgumentError do Gem.use_gemdeps 'gem.deps.rb' end assert_equal 'Unable to find gem dependencies file at gem.deps.rb', e.message end def test_use_gemdeps_argument_missing_match_ENV with_rubygems_gemdeps('gem.deps.rb') do e = assert_raise ArgumentError do Gem.use_gemdeps 'gem.deps.rb' end assert_equal 'Unable to find gem dependencies file at gem.deps.rb', e.message end end def test_use_gemdeps_automatic with_rubygems_gemdeps('-') do spec = util_spec 'a', 1 install_specs spec spec = Gem::Specification.find {|s| s == spec } refute spec.activated? File.open 'Gemfile', 'w' do |io| io.write 'gem "a"' end Gem.use_gemdeps assert_equal add_bundler_full_name(%W[a-1]), loaded_spec_names end end def test_use_gemdeps_automatic_missing with_rubygems_gemdeps('-') do Gem.use_gemdeps assert true # count end end def test_use_gemdeps_disabled with_rubygems_gemdeps('') do spec = util_spec 'a', 1 refute spec.activated? File.open 'gem.deps.rb', 'w' do |io| io.write 'gem "a"' end Gem.use_gemdeps refute spec.activated? end end def test_use_gemdeps_missing_gem with_rubygems_gemdeps('x') do File.open 'x', 'w' do |io| io.write 'gem "a"' end expected = <<-EXPECTED Could not find gem 'a' in locally installed gems. You may need to `bundle install` to install missing gems EXPECTED Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do actual_stdout, actual_stderr = capture_output do Gem.use_gemdeps end assert_empty actual_stdout assert_equal(expected, actual_stderr) end end end def test_use_gemdeps_specific with_rubygems_gemdeps('x') do spec = util_spec 'a', 1 install_specs spec spec = Gem::Specification.find {|s| s == spec } refute spec.activated? File.open 'x', 'w' do |io| io.write 'gem "a"' end Gem.use_gemdeps assert_equal add_bundler_full_name(%W[a-1]), loaded_spec_names end end def test_operating_system_defaults operating_system_defaults = Gem.operating_system_defaults assert operating_system_defaults != nil assert operating_system_defaults.is_a? Hash end def test_platform_defaults platform_defaults = Gem.platform_defaults assert platform_defaults != nil assert platform_defaults.is_a? Hash end # Ensure that `Gem.source_date_epoch` is consistent even if # $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH has not been set. def test_default_source_date_epoch_doesnt_change old_epoch = ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] = nil # Unfortunately, there is no real way to test this aside from waiting # enough for `Time.now.to_i` to change -- which is a whole second. # # Fortunately, we only need to do this once. a = Gem.source_date_epoch sleep 1 b = Gem.source_date_epoch assert_equal a, b ensure ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] = old_epoch end private def ruby_install_name(name) with_clean_path_to_ruby do orig_RUBY_INSTALL_NAME = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'] RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'] = name begin yield ensure if orig_RUBY_INSTALL_NAME RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'] = orig_RUBY_INSTALL_NAME else RbConfig::CONFIG.delete 'ruby_install_name' end end end end def with_rb_config_ruby(path) rb_config_singleton_class = class << RbConfig; self; end orig_path = RbConfig.ruby redefine_method(rb_config_singleton_class, :ruby, path) yield ensure redefine_method(rb_config_singleton_class, :ruby, orig_path) end def redefine_method(base, method, new_result) if RUBY_VERSION >= "2.5" base.alias_method(method, method) base.define_method(method) { new_result } else base.send(:alias_method, method, method) base.send(:define_method, method) { new_result } end end def with_plugin(path) test_plugin_path = File.expand_path("test/rubygems/plugin/#{path}", PROJECT_DIR) # A single test plugin should get loaded once only, in order to preserve # sane test semantics. refute_includes $LOAD_PATH, test_plugin_path $LOAD_PATH.unshift test_plugin_path capture_output do yield end ensure $LOAD_PATH.delete test_plugin_path end def util_ensure_gem_dirs Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome # # FIXME what does this solve precisely? -ebh # @additional.each do |dir| Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome end end def util_exec_gem spec, _ = util_spec 'a', '4' do |s| s.executables = ['exec', 'abin'] end @exec_path = File.join spec.full_gem_path, spec.bindir, 'exec' @abin_path = File.join spec.full_gem_path, spec.bindir, 'abin' spec end def util_remove_interrupt_command Gem::Commands.send :remove_const, :InterruptCommand if Gem::Commands.const_defined? :InterruptCommand end def util_cache_dir File.join Gem.dir, "cache" end def with_path_and_rubyopt(path_value, rubyopt_value) path, ENV['PATH'] = ENV['PATH'], path_value rubyopt, ENV['RUBYOPT'] = ENV['RUBYOPT'], rubyopt_value yield ensure ENV['PATH'] = path ENV['RUBYOPT'] = rubyopt end def with_rubygems_gemdeps(value) rubygems_gemdeps, ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'] = ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'], value yield ensure ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'] = rubygems_gemdeps end end